November men's health month (aka Movember) is here once again, but it's about more than just checking your nuts once a year and living a healthy lifestyle. Movember raises awareness of the most significant health issues currently faced by men: prostate and testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. As part of our social responsibility agenda, we're doing our bit to help raise some cash for this crucial cause. Find out what we're doing, how you can get involved - and the ways practicing BDSM can help positively impact men's health. 

What is Movember and how does it relate to kink?

Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health, in particular, suicide prevention. Since 2003, the Movember Foundation has helped over 1,250 men's health projects around the world.

During the Movember charity event, participants known as Mo Bros and Mo Sistas are encouraged to grow a moustache, walk or run 60km throughout the month, or host a Mo-ment (a gathering of friends) to raise money for the cause. However, to many of those involved, Movember is more important than just growing a new tash or fundraising - it is the difference between life and death. 

So, what has Movember got to do with kink? More than you'd think, actually. Sex and BDSM pleasures are not just about physical and mental pleasure, but can be fundamental signifiers of overall health and well-being.


Using the power of BDSM to boost well-being

We believe that exploring BDSM can have a huge impact on men's mental health and we recommend experimentation to discover both inner strength and vulnerability. For example, engaging in power exchange with an informed and trusted partner or community has proven to be an empowering experience for many men. A Dominant, for instance, can become a positive influence on a submissive's mental health by encouraging positive action and by being emotionally supportive. 

When BDSM is done in a controlled environment among trusted people, it can allow men to process many complex issues that otherwise might come to the surface in unexpected and harmful ways. However, exploring such issues in a BDSM framework is always something that needs to be previously agreed upon via careful negotiations so that those involved are aware and willing to engage in this kind of BDSM play.  


Properly-defined BDSM play has done wonders for many who have had an otherwise difficult time processing negative feelings, including depression and suicidal thoughts. It can bring about newfound confidence, help men come to terms with and overcome trauma, boost sexual self-esteem, deal with anxiety, and create a mental safe-space when life becomes overwhelming and stressful. BDSM can equip men with all-important tools to use in day-to-day life when emotional triggers come up suddenly.

On top of this, a healthy sex life has been proven by many experts to be a crucial component in maintaining men's physical well-being. Orgasms, in particular, are key to supporting not just a healthy prostate, but can also reduce the risk of testicular illness, including cancer.



What we're doing for Movember and how you can get involved

During November men's health month we're pushing men's increased physical and mental well-being, and prostate cancer awareness: is donating 10% of every new upgrade from Movember's special promo. And, because our basic membership is free, we're also giving away an extra free month for those who haven't upgraded already! Now is the opportunity to take full advantage of an upgrade, while building a socially responsible community and supporting this joined worthy cause together.

Direct giving - Not only that, if you already have an upgraded membership, you can donate directly to Movember via our dedicated page here and keep track of all donations. 

No shave November photo challenge - In celebration of Movember's "grow a mustache" campaign, we're doing our own awareness push with a photo challenge called No Shave November. To join in - and we really hope you will - all you need to do is share your photos of how beautiful an unshaven face and body can be. The challenge is not just for men, though! We want women, trans, and non-binary people to get involved too as a collective campaign for greater men's health and mental welfare. 

Movember promotional image
Grow a tash or be creative this Movember.

The premise for our No Shave November photo challenge is that if you have a place that can grow it, we want to see all that gorgeous hair. This not only helps support Movember, but it will also hopefully be a way of showing that natural, unshaven bodies can be gorgeous - and sexy!  So let's see those Movember hairy lips, legs, armpits, crotches, cracks, backs, and more. 

Also, keep an eye on our special Movember newsletters where we'll be asking for No Shave November photo challenge entries, talking about kinks involving body hair, and loads more guaranteed fun. 

So join us for Movember! Show your support for these critical issues that are tragically ending the lives of so many men worldwide, and causing so many others to suffer in silence. As the organisers of Movember perfectly put it, this is all about "Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends facing a health crisis, yet it's rarely talked about". But through our actions and by raising awareness, we can make a difference in the health and mental well-being of men - and most of all, save men's lives.

Signup banner

Are you into body hair? Take our personality quiz to find out what kind of hair kinkster you are!

Movember hair personality quiz

Cover image: model released via Shutterstock. Article image via Movember.


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 "3 of 4 suicide are men" that's soo interesting but boring...

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Anyone Woman in the Boise area
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