From wolves and tigers to dogs and dragons, we take a quick peek at the often misunderstood and marginalized world of furries.

What are furries?

Furry is a term that describes a diverse adult community of fans, gamers, and role players, to name just a few, that adores the idea of anthropomorphic animals (animal characters with human characteristics) slightly more than most of us.


The furry fandom spans the globe and is a fluid fetish embracing many subcultures and sexual preferences. Most furries create a 'fursona' with whom they identify and interact in the furry community. You could even create your own fur suit  to further emphasize your fursona. 

In the main, furries fall into three categories:

  1. There are the 'Toonies,' who love cartoon characters like 'My Little Pony'
  2. The 'Naturals' are more inspired by real animals - especially big cats, wolves, and horses
  3. The 'Supernaturals' who prefer werewolves, unicorns, and dragons

A recent survey found that only 15% of furries actually dress up to indulge in their fetish. Others revel in the powerful connection they feel to a specific creature and want to play around with their animalistic side.

What appeals to the furry fandom?

The furry fandom are generally sensitive souls, and aside from the fetish aspect, the erotic, edgy artwork gets them hooked. There's a considerable anime influence on this anthro-art, but some images owe more to gaming visuals, and others are simple pencil drawings.


Furries fan art blends human and animal elements in a surprisingly compelling combination. For example, tied-up cats giggle with pleasure, foxes pose porn-style on beds, and wolves wear bikinis at the beach. If the characters were human, this would be explicit 18+ rated fetish material, but for a non-furry, the animal features tame it down.

Image of two furries at a conference
Furry fun: Woof woof!

Prejudice against furries

Like any group poised on the margins of society, the furry community is equally feared and ridiculed. There's regular pearl-clutching in the media about what goes on at conventions for furries, but in reality, it's not all about doing it doggy-style. Getting jiggy in fur suits is even less likely, as those fluffy suits can get pretty hot, and can cost more than a car - so having it ripped off during a kinky session is a no-no.


“The furry fandom spans the globe and is a fluid fetish embracing many subcultures and sexual preferences. Most furries create a 'fursona' with whom they identify and interact in the furry community.”

On the other hand, this is an adult-interest fetish community, so naturally, there's an element of sexual attraction between followers. The furry fandom often uses the term Yiff as an acronym for 'Young Incredibly Fuckable Furry.' Still, it's also a catchall term used to express joy, refer to furry porn, feel horny (yiffy), or even have sex. Skritching has less sensual overtones, like the furry equivalent of kissing a friend; it involves a rub on the back or between the ears using the fingertips to avoid damaging a fur suit.

Acceptance in the world of furries 

One of the greatest things about any fetish community considered 'deviant' is the way members are happy to embrace difference. We see it all the time in the BDSM world, and the otherkin universe is equally tolerant. No one cares or even notices if you're trans, straight or gay, black, white, or Asian. The focus is on a person's species and the type of animal they've chosen to come out as - their fursona.


Finding a partner who accepts a furry for who they are isn't easy for anyone who identifies as a kinkster. In contrast, BDSM has become a mainstream preoccupation; furryism is, ironically, less cute and cuddly.

An attraction to humans dressed as animals or getting pleasure in acting like an animal is different from bestiality and zoophilia. Still, to the uninitiated, the three can seem unnervingly close. So how do you meet your ideal kitty cat or fine-looking stallion if you're part of a misunderstood subculture? Of course, you get into online dating – just like the rest of us. 

Purr-fectly furry!

Furry dating 

Online furry dating pages have much in common with other fetish or vanilla meet-up sites. Furries Extreme might sound hardcore, but along with the hookup opportunities, there's a healthy social network to become part of and many other members to get stuck into. Unlike other furry dating sites, it allows adult content like cosplay or artwork but nothing illegal.


One furry dating site called Furry Mate is probably a good starting point for furries that'd prefer a gentler introduction. This online furry dating community was formed as a group project and in reaction to furry feedback, and they're pretty proud of it, too, proclaiming: "You spoke, meowed, purred, tweeted, and followed; we listened."

Unfortunately, furry haters exist, even though most of this community isn't even visible, and the lifestyle is entirely harmless. However, just like latex and bondage fans busting out their kits, furries escape into their animal character to forget about the pressures of daily life to feel sexy, strong, and liberated. Social acceptance is not required.


sign up to

Looking for some furry fun? Sign up for free and give a try. Chat with other furries in our forum and meet your rampant rabbit!

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All images: Eurofurence 2014 by Alex "Khaki" Vance via Flickr with CC BY 2.0 license


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Being a furry is so much fun

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The dots I'm referring to are only present on (forum) topics, not on (News) articles.

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The only 3 dots I'm seeing are to share the article.

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I realy enjoyed you write up. I learned stuff myself .thanks for putting it out there. I hadn't realised I was part of one of the categories. Xx much love xx

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In the News feed, people only get to see the text "From wolves and tigers to dogs and dragons, we take a quick peek at the often misunderstood and marginalized world of furries.". That's just a description, hardly any offensive material. People aren't forced to read the article further, that should be enough "opt-out" in itself. And otherwise, sensitive people can just opt out all types of (News) content that doesn't match their filters on the Home feed.

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Open your topic notification to go to this thread, then click the topic dots in the topright, and select "unfollow".
And next time, just don't interact with topics you don't like.
Also, there's a difference between kinkshaming and being toxic.

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Like I said... and will now reiterate for those who can't be bothered to read my entire comment before responding... there should be a way to 'opt-out' of seeing something over and over every single time you log on.

I'm sorry if you think I'm a fragile baby or whatever for sticking up for a fellow member of the community who brought up a valid point about not being able to opt out of kink topics he finds offensive. It's absolutely absurd that people get attacked for pointing out consent violations on a kink site.

Pure and simple it's a consent violation to have no way to make something kink-wise stop that you don't consent to see... whether it's your thing or not is irrelevant. The point I'm making is the inability to cease it from showing up in the user's feed.

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If you require consent or you are sensitive to different topics, you can stay away from the main feed. Most days I never even see it. I do the chats, events, information etc. This way you will only see what you search for. This site is all inclusive and doesn't kink shame so you will see topics that "are not your thing"

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@LarsMN It's a fetish site. If you're going to squick at still images showing mascot costumes maybe your sensibilities are a little too delicate? I see stuff in the feed I'm not into and I don't act like a baby about it.

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GentlemanDom may be on to a consent violation discussion topic when kink related things he's not interested in are showing up in his feed with no way to prevent it from showing up in the future.

He's not given consent, nor is he given any chance to revoke consent.

I've felt this way about several topics now. But how people have responded to GentlemanDom by essentially telling him to kick rocks when all he wants is a way for something here doesn't consent to, to stop showing up on his feed is absolutely unacceptable.

As far as TheBlueWerewolf referring to GentlemanDom's opinion as 'clearly uneducated'... IT'S AN OPINION... it doesn't need to be up to a par you find socially or educationally acceptable in order to be valid. It's HIS opinion, NOT yours. His opinion wasn't asked for any more than he asked for furry stuff to appear in his feed.

We should have an 'opt-out' or 'not interested' option for topics we have zero interest in or worse, find offensive, ESPECIALLY in an app where consent is so important.

I fully expect to be attacked for this. Whatever. I'm about done with the kink community as it is.

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I am a furry

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I want Dr role play
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Finally a thing about furries like me. So far there’s no furries on this site

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Indulge in my fetish and kinks
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To find an intimate partner that shares my Kinks
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Actually that sound like exactly what you’re doing.

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Take the time to understand us first then maybe
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how do I stop this shit showing up on my timeline? Can't stand furries

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I miss being a part of the furry LS. Great community within a community. Real people with great passion & creativity. It really baffles me how someone can be a part of a subculture of a community and hate on another subculture of that same community. Get real and get a life. You sound stupid

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@gwenNasty message me really nasty filthy and perverted and would love to play with you

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People are annoying period @GentlemanDom, furries are incredibly eccentric and a lot of the time high energy. If you can’t handle it then that’s your business and yours let alone.

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You are right, but no one asked u for your uneducated opinion, being a furry isn't a kink

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You right, we are, but no one asked for your clearly uneducated opinion, being a furry isn't a kink

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Ain't one to kink shame but furries are annoying af.

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I get very turned on by female furries! Go firries

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I appreciate furry artwork for sure, but this has been very enlightening

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I'm a furry and I appreciate this article

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That sounds interesting to read

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