Photo Swapping

All you need to know about photo swapping

All the fun of photo swapping

There are a lot of great things about sharing erotic photos of yourself online. It can help your own self-confidence, it can turn yourself and your chat partners on, it can add a sense of realism to kinky exchanges or cybersex scenes and it can be a lot of fun to do.

It's important to be careful, though. Make sure you understand the risks: these photos can't be entirely taken back once they're out there, and unscrupulous partners could use them in ways you weren't expecting and didn't consent to. Only share shots of yourself knowing these risks, and if you're not happy to take them it's best to keep your pictures to yourself!

Is photo swapping safe?

Photo swapping has its risks. Once you’ve sent it out over the net or via text it can spread anywhere and everywhere. If you have a job that is sensitive or you don’t want your family seeing such photos and knowing it’s you, send photos that don’t include your face in it. Also if you have distinctive piercings or tattoos, make sure they’re not in the shot or blur them out/cover with an emoji before sending.

How do I know who to trust with my nude photos?

This is a difficult one. Sexy photo swapping with strangers on the net can be really exciting but you need to decide if you can trust them. Ask some questions first, have a conversation. If the other person is constantly asking you to send nudes or bombarding you with un asked for nudes then they’re not likely to have your best intentions at heart. If in doubt, don’t send them. It’ll be much more fun to sext with someone who you trust and respect than to worry about who you sent your photos too afterwards.

I want to send a photo to my partner, what poses can I use?

Sexting is great fun but how do you take a sexy photo of yourself for photo swapping? Practise makes perfect. Spend some time experimenting before you get into a hot and heavy sexting and photo swapping so you have some photos on hand and have some poses you know work well. Holding a camera high is a good trick, making the photos have a model feel to them. You can prop your phone/camera up on a chair or radiator, with pillows behind it or on a book case and use the self-timer function to take shots without having to be in arms reach all the time.

How do I know it’s okay to send someone a naked photo of me?

Before you send a nude make sure the person you’re sending it to wants to see it. It is always important to get consent for any sexual action and this includes sending explicit photos. Also make sure it’s okay to send a photo at the moment in time, if the other person is in work/with family etc they might not be happy to get your naked picture right then and there.

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  • Searching for helpful advice. I’ve been in an open relationship for a year, and we are both happy. This is my first open relationship, so I’m still learning. In a years time, we have a beautiful conne ...
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  • ive seen some amazing fotos of people on here and amazed at how you achieve this. is it filters? is it someone else takes? is it lighting? or just position? ive watched tik tok and u tube how to ...
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    Keywords: sexy photos, nude photos,

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    No sooner does humanity make a new technological innovation than it starts trying to figure out how to use it for sex--and digital photography was no different. In this brave new world where the camera in your jeans pocket is better than any your great-grandparents could have imagined, amateur and erotic photography are practically ubiquitous. It can be an excellent way to explore fetishes, to share intimate moments with people you can't be physically near, and to store away naughty memories to stir you up when you revisit them later. It's worth giving some thought to who has access to your nude photographies and to where they end up. At the click of a button they can be broadcasted all over the world - so make sure you trust the people who are in charge of those buttons!
    Pornography isn't always visual. For many people, the hottest porn of all is to be read rather than watched - and erotica is huge business. There are plenty of specialised publishers putting erotica out, so whatever your tastes you'll be able to find erotica that works brilliantly for you. Just don't be afraid to shop around a little before finding an author you love - everyone has their own style, and there's something out there to get you going if only you can find it! Have a look through some free samples to find an author you like, and then see if there are any other authors they recommend as similar to them.
    For as long as there have been artists there has been erotic art. Photography is now the most common medium for such images, but it's been done in everything from cave painting to collages. It's sometimes said that the difference between 'naked' and 'nude' is how artistic it is - and while that might not be true, it's certainly the case that erotic imagery can have creative potential. Here at, we love exploring the boundaries between the erotic and the artistic, which is something the BDSM community has enjoyed for decades.