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A CNC Role Play Story


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*DISCLAIMER.* Only for those who are ok with the idea of CNC.

You’re walking in the woods on your own and I start to follow you. I keep getting closer, so you start to walk faster. But I start to walk faster too.

You start to get a bit worried so you make a call to a friend, just to feel a bit safer.

I back off a bit. And soon take a different route. You carry on walking and talking. But eventually, you start to think you were just imagining it.

You hang up the phone and slow your pace. Enjoying the wooded beauty around you. You just start to relax and then BANG. Out of no where you feel a hand around your mouth and waist and strong arms picking you up off your feet and walking you off the main path.

You’re trying to scream, but it’s muffled and you know there’s probably no one around. You feel ***.

You’re carried for what feels like an eternity and you can feel the woodland vegetation thickening around you. Occasional twigs and bushes brushing and scraping against your skin. Suddenly I stop.

You’re back in your feet for a split second before you’re pinned up against a tree, the hand still covering your mouth. The other now around your throat.

You’re told to remain quiet and compliant and nothing will happen to you. I tell you to nod your head if you agree. You nod purely out of ***.

I remove my backpack swapping hands over your mouth as I remove each arm. You start to sob a little, not knowing what’s coming next.

Out of the backpack you see me pull bundles of rope. And you sob a bit harder. The sobs still muffled by the hand over your mouth.

Then I pull out an O-gag. I take my hand off of your mouth for a split second and you try to yell out but before you know it the gag is pushed into your mouth so it’s fixed open and it’s tied behind your head.

You can’t close your mouth. You try to yell again, but the words aren’t formed properly. It makes no sense.

You are ***d down to your knees and the first length of rope it tied around your wrist. Quickly, but securely. For a moment you try to stand up and run away, but a strong hand pushes you back down to you knees before the other end of the rope is wrapped around a nearby tree.

You realise you are tethered to the tree and in moments the next length of rope is tied around your opposite wrist and quickly fastened to an adjacent tree. You have never felt so alone and exposed.

Now there is no chance of escape.

I stand before you and look down at you. You look up at me in ***. Tears in your eyes. Our eyes fixed in a gaze for a few moments.

You are completely at my mercy….
Lovely part 1. Looking forward for a part 2
I’m talking to someone that is willing to experience it, I’m new to it myself. Pointers would be appreciated
5 hours ago, dee8u said:
I’m talking to someone that is willing to experience it, I’m new to it myself. Pointers would be appreciated

You need to discuss it in great depth. Understand what it is she wants from it and what you want from it too. Both are important and as with everything in BDSM, communication is key.

Once you have a better understanding of what both of you want, figure out where it is you want to/can do it. It could be the comfort of a home, a hotel room, or somewhere quiet and secluded in public (as in my story).

A story (or scene) is normally the best way to do it. A home invasion scene, a walk in the woods scene or robbery scene would probably be quite easy to get you started depending on where you find to do it.

Hope this helps.

It help’s immensely, I’ve always had this fantasy before I even knew what cnc was. Thanks a bunch
Honestly, as a guy I would like to experience CNC. Either by dominant woman or dominant man or a group.
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