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Enchanted by Her Command: A Night in Her Embrace

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Right now, I’m curled up in a ball, shivering slightly as the cold wraps itself around me 🥶. But I can’t bring myself to disturb her sleep, not when she looks so peaceful and divine, so captivating. She’s wrapped in the warmth I’m longing for, but how could I dare ask to slip into her warmth? I don’t want to disturb that perfect stillness, nor do I want her to hate me after all this. I’m just trying to savor this, this magical, fleeting experience.

This is my first night with someone who embodies everything I’ve ever dreamt of, someone truly dominant in every sense of the word. I don’t really know all the rules, but every moment feels like it’s casting a spell over me, one I never want to break.

We met again tonight for dinner, which, strangely enough, didn’t quite live up to expectations. PHO! How dare you betray me like that! 🥲 Still, it didn’t matter. I ate what I liked, casually ignoring the rest as I always do, but she, she ate everything. The way she effortlessly consumed all the food felt wonderful. It was like she consumed more than just the meal; she took in the entire moment with grace, without hesitation. I thought maybe we’d have leftovers, but no, she made sure every bite was appreciated.

After dinner, we made our way to my sanctuary, Heavenly Desserts. This was my place, my little slice of sugary paradise. Last time, she’d wanted dessert, but every shop had closed by then, so tonight I made sure we indulged. I ordered cookie dough because it’s a personal favorite, though she had never tried it before. It arrived piping hot, the steam rising like an invitation to devour it. I burnt my tongue, of course, claiming my fake dessert lord emperor status 🥵. She didn’t seem too impressed with the cookie dough though; it wasn’t cooked to perfection, but that hardly mattered. What truly stood out was the conversation, the way she spoke, so gentle yet commanding, like a queen with the sun setting behind her, bathing her words in golden light. It was enchanting just to listen, to let her voice wash over me, and to not have to be the one filling the silence.

We headed back to the room after our dessert escapade. We had some work to do, plans that quickly fell apart thanks to my own forgetfulness and a bit of bad luck 🍀. But it didn’t matter. Nothing felt ***d, nothing felt rushed. When we finally got to the room, I hadn’t even realised that she’d slipped out of her trousers almost immediately. There she was, comfortable in her skin, as though this was all perfectly natural. It was mesmerizing.

I followed, not even questioning how quickly things were unfolding, and climbed into bed beside her after our failed attempts at being productive.

Then, in the quiet intimacy of the room, she asked me to spoon her. No one had ever asked me something like that before. She knew exactly what she wanted, and just like that, the pressure I had been feeling melted away. I didn’t have to take control of the night, I didn’t have to pretend to be something I wasn’t. I could simply follow. At long last, I could just be.

I wrapped myself around her, the little spoon to her commanding presence, and I felt relief. All the things I had been suppressing inside, my desire to yield, to let go, finally made sense. I reveled in the warmth of her body against mine, in the knowledge that, for once, I didn’t have to lead. But my mind, oh how it wandered. There were desires I had to lock away, urges that weren’t mine to act upon, no matter how much I wanted them to be. I stayed put, soaking in the stillness.

As the night wore on, the room grew hotter, and we drifted apart. By 5 am, the chill returned, creeping into my bones. I glanced over at her, wrapped in the sheets like a princess in a cocoon, perfectly serene. Her beauty in that moment, her peaceful sleep, was something I couldn’t bear to disturb. So I lay there, on the edge of the bed, cold and shivering, but refusing to move. How could I dare wake her from that perfect dreamscape? How could I, the submissive one, impose anything upon this delicate balance? She was the one in control tonight, the one whose presence radiated dominance even in her sleep.

And yet, I couldn’t help but dream. I wanted her to pull me close, to wrap her arms around me and claim me again. I imagined her hand stroking me, playing with my hair, treating me like the eager little boy I longed to be for her. But no. No. I had to lock those desires away. This wasn’t about me. It wasn’t my place to want.

I lay there, wrestling with my thoughts, knowing that I couldn’t fall in love, that I couldn’t allow myself to get lost in this. This was temporary. I had to remind myself of that. But it’s hard not to catch feelings when you’ve spent your whole life wishing for a moment like this. Especially when you’ve given up hope of ever finding it.

She stirred slightly, her peaceful face glowing in the dim light of the early morning, and my heart swelled with gratitude. I knew I’d never forget this night, this brief enchantment.

“Thank you, Princess,” I whispered softly, my heart full, knowing this might just be the closest I ever come to living my deepest dream. Her presence, her aura, everything about her gleamed like a treasure in my life, a memory I’d hold onto forever ❤️
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