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Training and Playing with Music. A BDSM Question.


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So, a question for all my BDSM practitioners out there. Well, a statement then a question to be more precise.

When I am practicing/training my techniques and or running something new I am usually listening to music. I'm sure this isn't something I alone do. My question is:

How many of you who also do the same, prefer to have the same song in rotation while playing/during a scene? And if not the exact same track, something similar? Do your scenes or playtime involve music or not? And for those that do, do you usually have a running "theme" for all or does it change depending on the partner/place/time. Example: One might be upbeat in tempo, something heavier, and another may have a more subdued feeling, sadder in tone.

It is either that above, some type of variation of that, something you don't really think about or I am alone in this and crazy to have even put thought in it (which I would find the most farfetched)

I am looking forward to your responses, if there are any. Thank you for your time.
Isn't it the details that make the difference? Details like environment, music, light, scent and attributes always make the difference. I believe that you can't pay too much attention to this, it stimulates the senses.

music is a tool, and like all tools can be used to enhance a scene, or if used incorrectly - ruin it

Something high tempo, hard industrial, rock/metal, some dance, etc. can be good for impact play - but might not work for something more sensual.

Sometimes something dramatic and atmospheric can fit many moods

ultimately though, always make sure music isn't a distraction - be it too loud so you can't communicate - or something where you're more focused on the music than the scene or your partner.

I fnd music sets the mood, Pace and intensity of any scene I'm involved in, and music helps me stay put of my head during a scene, so it's always playing. Your not alone in this
I have some sik play lists just for those occasions 😈
Once the mood and mode of a fav and apropos groove takes hold I want it to last the duration.. until the next phase is to take place.. otherwise it rips me out of space… and I do so abhor that.
Oh completely! I’m not so particular about what music, I only have to know it and like it. I find it helps me last longer in a scene and relax into it. It ties in with sensory play and is a well reported memory technique so, if you’re listening to one track while learning something, hearing the song will trigger your memory

Usually my sub has noise cancelling headphones on which I put white noise through. 

If there are no headphones I have an album that is in-line with the mood. An aggressive-ish and fast album if it’s more of an aggressive scene, a more soft and romantic one if it’s a caring scene 

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