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polyamorous relationships


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I couldn’t handle it - I’m too jealous. 😬
I would 100% be in a relationship with a poly, in my opinion it can bring so many benefits. The biggest part is explaining it correctly to a partner so that they understand why someone would want it. For me personally, I can be exclusive to a partner, but don't need or want her to be exclusive to me ❤️
Very interested in poly, but have never experienced any before
Each to there own and if the poly relationship is stable and everyone is on the same page all good, when they go wrong is when communication stops or one party starts to feel jealous of the others or that thier needs are not being met.

Poly isnt for me, but thats my choice, and have nothing against them.
I'm currently Ethically Non-Monogamous (play around casually but safely and with full disclosure) but have been polyamorous (in love with three lovely ladies). I would recommend that people consider it at least, but honesty is paramount, and with a delcared degree of openness too. Jealousy can cause havoc so best avoid it with details discussions beforehand.
Potentially I have quite a few friends who are in them, I might be the person who somebody would date outside of the poly relationship
I would love to go poly I just think my wife won’t go
I do believe in poly but with the right person and communication for sure. I have been in a poly relationship before where I was mono and the partner was marry. It was great and awesome and lasted for a while. We are still friends an all since we broke up but I think it's something that works for some people. Would I ever date again someone who is poly? Of course I think their different type of love but it def have to be that right person again for sure
I believe in poly relationships, but I will say that you need to be mature, mentally prepared, and open to it otherwise, you might burn bridges that didn't need to be.

Now I've been in a total of 3 Poly relationships, and 2 ended terribly (due to a lack of communication) the last ended on great terms and I'm for the newlyweds. The first one I was kinda ***d into, and the person I was dating kinda just ignored me while "collecting" new partners as if they were Pokémon. The second one was primarily me joining an already toxic setting and having to be the mediator, making sure that everyone was comfortable and chilled out but it was not an environment that I wanted to be in.
I would date you if our vibe was right. I have been in a poly relationship for years and have a lot of love to give and enjoy sharing it with others. So yes, it is healthy when everyone is on-board.
Posted (edited)

Yes enjoy it a lot

Edited by CaraVirt
Text parts removed due to search request
I personally love my poly relationship it has been so good and is definitely worth it. Before realizing I was poly though, being monogamous was good but I always felt like I wanted more or another, I always felt like I wasn't the best me for my partner. And now having that it feels so fulfilling and amazing and the love and honesty we share is so refreshing and just unreal sometimes
That depends on the other partner as well getting satisfaction. If your always on dates getting the back blown out and he/she staying at home watching the kids or just sitting then, then it's not equivalent
I have a view, that biologically, humans are not designed to be monogamous. I think its the way we are nurtured and from a wider perspective socialised. Nonetheless, I am a strong delivery in monogamy.
I’m in a poly relationship. It’s a beautiful thing when everyone communicates openly and honestly. I am open and honest to people who I meet, I love my wife and don’t hide her existence.
Currently Poly. It was an adjustment at first, but we both are Poly and actually found another couple as well.
I had such a relationship once, but it didn't last long, because one of them insisted in turning into a monogamous relationship with her only. The result was, quite obviously, a monogamous relationship with the other one. So, not enough experience to have a clear opinion. It felt quite fresh while it lasted, but I'm not sure if they can really last long.
Poly is not a relationship. It's not wrong by any means if everyone agrees on the conditions of the situation. I don't have stats to say it's never successful, but in my experience, that type of situation always ends in someone getting hurt or overall hell fire.
Poly just seems kind of obvious.
I mean, you don't love your child less because you had another one.
39 minutes ago, MasterPops said:
Poly is not a relationship. It's not wrong by any means if everyone agrees on the conditions of the situation. I don't have stats to say it's never successful, but in my experience, that type of situation always ends in someone getting hurt or overall hell fire.

Polyamory IS a relationship, recheck the definition. If anything, polyamorous relationships require more work, understanding, and most importantly open communication.
I was raised up by my parents, society, and religion for over 40+ years to believe monogamy was the only way. I began to realize after 15 years married to my still current wife, that love is not a finite resource. It's really no different from someone single dating multiple people at once and having a connection with them beyond just platonic feelings. Just like a monogamous relationship, you're going to run into issues; how you handle those issues together determines if something will work out. Polyamory just requires stronger people whom are brave enough to openly communicate and face head on issues like jealousy, feelings, and life's obstacles. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but they do work. I'm going on 6 months now with an additional partner that has been living with us since my 2nd date with her upon her meeting my wife then. So to say Polyamory is not a relationship is incorrect. You might be thinking open relationships where it's just about sex and there's nothing more 5han just physical attraction...entirely different from Polyamory.

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