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polyamorous relationships


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36 minutes ago, MrPostman966 said:
Poly just seems kind of obvious.
I mean, you don't love your child less because you had another one.

Exactly right.

And to the OP, open straightforward communication with all parties, potential or current, is the key to any type of relationship. Our relationship is even stronger than before because we're open and now have another perspective to be added into our relationship and decisions we make beyond our own...it's like empathy multiplied.

was in a long term poly relationship. due to having to relocate we had to end it.
i can tell you vetting the others that claim to be poly have no clue to what that lifestyle is about. we were a very close couple. we both enjoyed the company of others both together and separate encounters. it’s when they begin to believe that they are better for you than your real partner that can mess up the relationship. you need to recognize this.
these people are only interested in f**king. there is so much more to this then some couples who attempt to be in a poly understand.

Mr postman no but one is usually favored over the other and can lead to things unwanted in this life style such as one feeling unwanted ext
I've had great poly dynamics and enjoyed poly for many years. Not everyone has the confidence and self awareness to handle the complex emotions involved in a lot of poly dynamics and situations
Never been in a poly relationship. Not against it. Just never been in one. I’m not sure if I could share with someone else especially if it’s another man she with.
I wonder what is Poly in 2024? Successfully myself been in a Poly relationship for 14 years with little issues.
My husband and I want to be in a poly relationship. He and i both agree that ANYONE we are with, be it poly or solo, that clear communication and boundaries discussed before anything is confirmed is a must!!
We're entertaining the idea.
I’ve seen poly work and I’m open to it. Communication is so key to this to ensure everyone is on the same page and everyone is getting what they need in the relationships
My fiancee and I are poly, we're just looking together
Depends on the boundaries / rules / time frame you provide to each partner individually. It works perfect if you know what you’re doing
I could definitely see a poly relationship working with open, honest communication. My poly experience unfortunately began with my partner being dishonest about the stability of her existing relationship. So,, the majority of our relationship was spent analyzing her other relationship. Then she asked to be monogamous with me but then violated that commitment by beginning another relationship in secret. Overall, it was a bad experience but I think that was because neither her or her partner were emotionally or mentally stable enough to engage in a poly lifestyle.
I have been Poly for 9 years. It has been the most rewarding relationship I have ever been in. Many don't know what a Poly relationship is. It is Not a person with multiple partners.
Poly is Multiple Committed Relationships, where everyone involved has a voice and consent. It does Not involve "hooking up", that is an open relationship.
PhycologicalToday and the NIH did studies, Poly relationships where 1 partner had multiple relationships typically last 7 to 8 years, while traditional relationships last from 2 to 3.5 years. And open marriages only have a 20% success rate.
Poly relationships based upon a D/s dynamic were found to have a 86% success rate.
I have to say Mine are great. Multiple incomes, alot of support for our children (being a single Father once makes this even greater), alot of vacations...
Balance is tricky, and all put upon Me. It takes a strong Man to maintain Poly/monogamous D/s relationships.
Butt it is worth it
Hell nah. Not for me. Im possessive. My sub is mine, and I am theirs.
But if poly works for some people, then good for them. To each their own.
Me and my wife were actually looking for that
A poly relationship could be an incredible experience. It's an experience that I doubt that I will get to have but it's definitely something that I would give my all if it did happen.
My spouse and I are poly we love it I have some issues with the whole thing sometimes like if I can't get comfortable with the female I have really bad anxiety attacks and stuff but as long as I'm comfortable I love it alot
I am poly , hsve been for bout 8 years now. I am currently engaged and roulf likr to find more partners for myself and my fiance. Ahe has trouble getting out of her comfort zone. Neither of our do hookups ever. I had a stroke last year. Shr became my care giver. You'll havr to forgive my typos. It'd from thr stroke. During our time we have talked.also I am s single father of s 9 year ol boy zng I hdve a very fat fluffy cat, well she is my fiancé's but dince my dtroke seems to hdvr adopted me temporarily until I grt better; which I am mind you. Stronger every dsy
Currently in one for the first time of life, it's been interesting that's for sure.
6 hours ago, daddywolf86 said:
I am poly , hsve been for bout 8 years now. I am currently engaged and roulf likr to find more partners for myself and my fiance. Ahe has trouble getting out of her comfort zone. Neither of our do hookups ever. I had a stroke last year. Shr became my care giver. You'll havr to forgive my typos. It'd from thr stroke. During our time we have talked.also I am s single father of s 9 year ol boy zng I hdve a very fat fluffy cat, well she is my fiancé's but dince my dtroke seems to hdvr adopted me temporarily until I grt better; which I am mind you. Stronger every dsy

Bless your soul dude. Hope you are back to feeling 100% soon :D

My experience has been that there is always a main couple of the relationship, and everyone else is interchangeable and atleast in the few I was in it was more of a way to pass the time for most people in the relationship which just drained me
I will be honest. I could not do that at all. I cannot stand the thought of another man or woman giving the love and attention to her and would feel less of a partner and lover that way cause of it. Would feel like all I give her would not be enough to point she has to be satisfied with others
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