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Bisexual dating opinions!


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Bi's of the world. I'm curious to know what the the biggest differences between dating men and women are (not just in the bedroom (but also in the bedroom))!
Expectations. My experience with a woman is that she and I know how to pleasure each other better from step one than any man I have been with. We instinctively knew what each other needed to reach that high. We expected to be able to get the groove after a couple of touches.

Men seem to have to start from scratch, and each one seems to have his own way of figuring it out. It seems, TO ME, it takes a man longer to make it happen the first time, and often, it's the second time or more that they get the groove. Quite often the first time is frustrating more than anything.
Yeah that checks out. In my experience every first time i've been with someone, it's been more about figuring her out. What she likes and doesn't.
What I noticed in the area of flirting and getting to know someone. It's so much easier to be gentle and sensual with women without there being immediate expectations. There isn't the worry of being too touchy. Sadly I also have to say, that I've never had a woman not accepting a no, whereas some men are straight up annoying.
But it is easier to feel wanted by a man than a woman.
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