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Ghosted Or Just Nerves

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Sorry this is a bit of a long one... I’m ***ing I may be getting ghosted meaning back to square one. At the conclusion of our meet a few weeks ago, My Mistress gave me a hug and said she’d reach out to schedule our first session in before the end of the month, I messaged her to let her know when I was home and thank her for dinner and let her know it was nice meeting her, she txted back staying the same and said it was nice to meet me as well from her emojis and way she texted seemed like I made a decent first impression. During the meet we did talk about how crazy my work schedule is so when I got my schedule of days of about a week later I reached out offering to send her my schedule and when I had days off if it might help her when she sits down to plan (I try and keep a somewhat organized schedule for myself). She opened that message a few nights later and still has yet to respond that was about a week ago from today. So I haven’t heard for about 2 weeks. I know the months not over yet but it’s getting towards the end and the lack of communication has me nervous I’m getting ghosted, and thinking I probably shouldn’t have messaged her asking if she wanted my schedule and just waited for her to reach out. Am I over reacting and just letting my anxiety get the better of me or are my concerns justified. I don’t want to blow her phone up messaging her (I don’t feel it would be appropriate or helpful to the situation) so How much longer should I give her to respond before I chalk this one up as another L and go back to the search again.


just as a slight question

do you know what her general life/schedule is like?   Is she a Pro? Does she have other subs? Family? Other work commitments?

If she does work professionally then the tax year deadline is the end of this week so she might be busy with that.

I appreciate some of this doesn't help your situation or feelings - I know myself that there's been people in the past who've seemed keen and then gone cold and it's turned out to just be a symptom of hectic lives 

But you're right not to blow up her phone also.  My suggestion, give her either another week, or possibly two (to the other side of tax deadline) and if you've heard nothing then give a final nudge that appreciates you know she's busy but would love to schedule something and see if that generates anything.

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