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Seduction or Manipulation

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We can use seduction to manipulate people and most of the times it works imo😌
I think that just like sweeping her off her feet vs harassment... The only difference is if she likes and wants you before hand.
If she does then it's seduction and sweeping her off her feet, if not then it's manipulation and harassment.
Same double standard, different words.
I think the intent and the result both matter. Are you trying to take advantage of this person or do you crave a genuine connection. Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. Is the fruit of the experience bitterness and regret by either party?
" Is the fruit of the experience bitterness and regret by either party?"
Yea after she makes false allegations that cost you momer, your job, or your liberty
Seduction shouldn’t be manipulation, falsehood, deceit, Harmful!!! Intent and purpose are the keys and if one simply desires a particular selfish outcome - especially without explicit consent of others involved - then it passes to the nefarious realm and isn’t fun, kinky nor romantic or sensual, alluring, enticement.
Ask my ex who said the entire time we were together was manipulated. Though the contract she wrote with me would say otherwise...
2 hours ago, GentlemanDom said:
Ask my ex who said the entire time we were together was manipulated. Though the contract she wrote with me would say otherwise...

Writing a contract is irrelevant if someone was manipulated into signing it . So not a good argument.

It depends on the intent of the person . And if they are lying and gaslighting or using other methods of mental manipulation . Seduction should come naturally without the need for Machiavellian plans.
I think intent definitely. I’ve noticed that i’ve been a target in the past of this because of ptsd and the spectrum. It’s hard for me to differentiate the two. And have fallen before in that pattern of ***. Has that made me less trusting and more critical of people? Yes. But thats not so much of a bad thing. Setting boundaries and staying firm on your mental and physical health deters these type of people.
20 hours ago, Nostradomination said:
I think the intent and the result both matter. Are you trying to take advantage of this person or do you crave a genuine connection. Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. Is the fruit of the experience bitterness and regret by either party?

I am the one trying to be taken advantage of.

Why whould you want to be taken advantage of. If you want to be taken adventage of load yourself with expensive belongings and walk teough the most criminal neighbourhoud being taken advantage of is not the propper wording here.

You can also just send me all your *** if thats really what you want.
6 hours ago, bighonesty said:
Why whould you want to be taken advantage of. If you want to be taken adventage of load yourself with expensive belongings and walk teough the most criminal neighbourhoud being taken advantage of is not the propper wording here.

You can also just send me all your *** if thats really what you want.

It's not about belongings or "shit".... It's about someone trying to manipulate me into being there sub again for their sexual gratification and control.


I think there is a massive line between 2 different things....  and those 2 can and may cross over.

Everything you do is manipulative to some degree...   seduction may lead to you choosing to manipulate someone else  (as you want) or is it your 'feelings' and 'urges' manipulating your behaviour!??

If the person knows you like that its seduction, if the person doesn’t care it’s taking advantage.

it's not really manipulation if you want it; or consensually don't want it


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