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I don't think anybody is right in the middle. There will be a tendency towards D or S for most, but I think it's more about understanding both sides and what makes them hot. It takes a lot of open mindedness and the ability to self insert into positions most wouldn't dare to. That's my understanding of it.
For me I have so much power and control in life and as a dom and sir. I get so much from being sir and daddy. But when I can trust a woman to have the power it’s freeing. Only had one woman have that power. It’s a huge trust thing for me.
how i’ve had it explained to me is imagine you’re ambidextrous you can write with both hands and you like writing with both hands that being said you lean towards writing with one hand more than the other but there are situations in which you like and prefer writing with your other hand more if that makes sense
I am very much a submissive, so I understand this statement, I don't understand how somebody wants to switch, but I've had men ask me to dominate them. It's not my role I prefer to submit in every way possible
Because I can see and feel both perspectives. Depends on mood and partner and their mood. Sometimes I need to be controlled and other times I enjoy being in control. I see it as 2 sides of the same coin. But that also means that I am chooser about who I take as a partner and their understanding of control.
For me, It’s the empowerment of being a Domme, having someone submit to me. But then I get to let go and submit the same I would expect mine to. I wasn’t a switch until I found the right person.
It's like sometimes you feel like eating a burger and others you want a salad. It's about variety. I get turned on by whatever turns my partner on. If she enjoys being dominated I have no problem taking charge. If she likes being dominant I'll take the sub role. maybe she has different moods or wants to role play and switch things up for excitement.
I identify as a "bottom leaning switch" but I find both sides satisfying for the different headspace and mindsets. I enjoy both aspects - with some partners I am the Dominant one in the dynamic, and with some partners I instinctively let go and let them lead.

I do find I gravitate toward dominants who have experienced submission, even if it's not their natural mindset. I think it's important to experience both to understand one's partner in a dynamic.
my earthly feminine rage seeks sadistic lust, and my divine feminine submission craves order, strength, and protection. thats all i know to it--its a duality of self. "he who wishes to be king must first learn to serve". switches are shapeshifters between their emotional needs and carnal desires, it isnt a sliding scale but a broad spectrum: switches just have an interest in being more than one or the other. anyone can learn to be either way with a humble and open mind.
That's a very good point. I've taken the submissive role, but it isn't as exciting to me. Not as empowering?
17 minutes ago, portland696211 said:
That's a very good point. I've taken the submissive role, but it isn't as exciting to me. Not as empowering?

your nature may just be that sort of masculine, but allowing yourself the experience is a spiritual thing beyond nature, a way of connecting with and getting the perspective of others to better manifest yourself with them

Right, it allows you to see things from the subs perception

Some people are just switchy. I find there are some people that I can domm but they maybe have more limits than what I'm use to. I find myself viewing them more equal in a sense which allows them a window to be dominantly suggestive and it be well received. I've done all I want to as a domm so if the right one comes along I'd like to switch it up. But as a whole there's certain things I've always like ie: being spanked, ***d, called a wh*re c*m sl*t etc. More vanilla things that are subby. So I've just learned to ask for them when I'm with a sub. And they give it. With a Dom or switch I wouldn't have to ask, but I know I'm gifting it.... So in my mind I'm still in control. I think that's how I do it so fluid.

Switch is it. It just feels good to go both sides. I can dom and still get off but switch and getting sucked makes me shake lol
It just happens for me when I am with a person that trusts me thats when my domme side is powerful, otherwise I am usually a brat, and being a brat and a domme makes for some powerful freeing time when the switch happens and he takes control and I get to be tamed.

I most certainly do, I play both roles extremely well. And can switch at a given moment. Nothing like being in total control one instance then the next down on your knees like a f**k wh**e should be. But watch out she is a brat.

Like bluebird said earlier with the he who wants to be king must first learn to serve quote is one very important aspect to truly honing your skills as a dom. Now granted there are doms who have never experienced the other perspective and be great at what they do but the ones that have gone into subspace tend to give it deeper experience I feel because of their understanding and ability to pick up on things such as body language and other subtleties and so on. As for myself, I've always been labeled a primal Dom top. But after a series of events, I went through a stage of healing and through self work I discovered that my role as a dom was partially fueled by projection of the sub side of me. I was the dom I wanted to surrender to. In turn, I explored my sub side and became the sub that my dom side fantasized of. It's a very circular and symbiotic relationship that I have with myself in that regard. But experience all these things from both perspectives and then adding even another deeper layer to it with the CD experiences... I can't even begin to explain how much perspective and wisdom I feel I've gained. So much more to say, but... Just be confident in yourself, keep an open mind, remember this doesn't change who you are (in a negative way) and go for it!
Im a sub leaning switch. I love it when I get dommed,feeling like I have very little control of whats going to be done to me is a huge turn on, I like it when im just a "pretty set of holes" that being said there's times where I want to be incontrol and watch someone beg to be touched, have a release it all depends on how I feel. I can sometimes go from sub to dom or vise versa in the bedroom if something just right is said or done. It all depends on mood,situation.
I dont think it's that deep. I just think, "Oh sh*t that's hot." and lean more into whatever the vibe is at that point. Just like some people don't like pickles on their cheeseburger, some people will enjoy it either way and don't even think about it.
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