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Why won’t my girlfriend do a cuckold role-play with me?


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Hello, I have been with my girlfriend for a few months now this is the second time that we have dated and I feel like this time is really serious. I want us to stay strong and I know people have wants and desires and quite frankly I get off from the thought of my girlfriend getting pounded and filled up by someone else in front of me. I brought this to our attention and she is not for it. I don’t understand why, I need help on getting her to change her mind.
Maybe listen to her wants and accept her boundaries?
Changing her mind might be hard my ex won’t do as she said it was morally wrong to her feeling. She was in love with me and felt having any sexual act with someone else was wrong. She know dam well I was ok with it and kinda wanted it. But she like nope that not how I love that not why I started dating you and so on. I let the idea go. We broke up for many many reason not just sexual wants .
You can’t put your kink into someone else if they aren’t interested. This community is all about respect and you need to respect her boundaries.
Sounds to me like you don’t know how to respect her boundaries?
Why should she change her mind? She's said no, now accept it and stop trying to bully her into something she doesn't want.
If you find someone who is into it, that's great. However, since it’s only been a couple of months, you shouldn't pressure her. Not trying to say break up and find some one who is into that but it’s not like y’all have been dating for years and breaking up would be world shattering just remember She said no, so respect her decision
That doesn't sound much like respecting her boundaries now does it?

Constantly trying to push someone into something they're not into is cruel and unfair.

Consider the possibility that she genuinely has feelings for you, and doesn't want you or her to sleep with anyone else. You pushing her to sleep with someone else will likely make her feel like you don't give a damn.

I suggest you either move on and find someone who is into that, or be thankful you've actually found someone loyal who doesn't want to fuck around.
She told you no. End of.
Any attempts of "getting her to change her mind" are equal to *** and control.
If you want a "strong relationship," you don't use such strategies.
You find a new girlfriend that enjoys it too!
Move on ,stop making people do something they don’t want too!!!!!
Not everyone has to be interested in the same things as you. This doesn’t make it wrong, it just makes it their personal preferences. If you think it is getting serious this time I highly suggest that you learn to respect her. That is part of the foundation for any relationship.
Find a new gf who enjoys it rather than forcing her to do it. Appalling
1 minute ago, Tupi said:
Respect her decision or leave her.

My thoughts exactly

4 minutes ago, penno70 said:
Wannabe Dom


Seriously there are plenty of people who would be interested why get someone who isn't and complain about it. The lady isn't interested either accept that or leave, pretty simple really
Anything other than an enthusiastic yes is a no. You can either respect that and move on or find someone who aligns with you better sexually.
You don’t. Her not wanting to is a boundary that must be respected. If ya can’t respect it, then part ways and make it known it’s a must upfront to your next partner.
If she’s not consenting, maybe respect that boundary instead of trying to “convince” aka COERCE her??? What a weird and selfish rant. Did you really think you could post this and get legitimate advice from kinksters on how to manipulate someone into doing someone they have loudly expressed they DON’T want to do? Fool
lol.. ca t you tell that it’s not a serious question
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