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Body dysmorphia


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Yes I do. But I am drunk so am going to try to remember to answer when I am not. But essentially the more you think something the more the brainwaves follow the same pattern. But the more you (consciously at first) think what you think what you want to think the more your natural thought process will align with that. That said as I say I am drunk so I cannot guarantee I will remember this. So if you want to ask anything just ask. Or completely ignore too.
Something my former therapist shared with me is that instead of pushing yourself to pretend you love your body immediately, perhaps just accepting that this is what it looks like right now and it is what it is, for lack of better words. It's sort of radical acceptance with a touch of ambivalence about it. If it can't be changed in two minutes then will it help to beat yourself up over it? By removing the negativity and the self hate It really helped me have the bandwidth to make room for other things. eventually I felt motivated to do something about it (in my situation that was losing weight). Maybe you aren't your own cheerleader right now, but you can still treat yourself with compassion. Try talking to yourself the way you would talk to your friend if they came to you with that same feeling. I hope that helps. It's not rainbows and sunshine, but it has helped me a lot.
The only way to feel better about your body is to start focusing on what you do like about your body even if it's just being physically able to do certain things like walking and breathing. The more you list off things that you hate, the more that hate grows. The more you nourish love and acceptance the more it will grow.
I tend to work on hypothetical theories based on current science that hopefully will allow me to customize my body down to the letter of how I want it to look. Though that's the best I can do other than flip off my mirror.
Look up plastic surgery failures. It might sound harsh, but learning about them made me feel much more comfortable in my own body. Unfortunately, the failure rate is quite high, and knowing that your body might look even worse after surgery can alleviate some of your worries. Over time, I've learned to accept even the smallest details about myself. For example, I have love handles, hip dips, and a smaller breast size. I used to feel very insecure about my love handles, but as I've grown, I've learned to embrace them. They are part of what makes me unique. Why be like everyone else when you can be your own type of beauty? (; and try sending silly pics to friends! With time you will feel a lot more comfortable seeing your true self and being prou🥰
When I look at myself in the mirror, I'll say 1 thing I like about my body before leaving.

You may need to think on what it is about your body you hate so much. Because if it's based on the opinions of others? Do your best just to say f**k em, they don't know what they're talking about. Everyone has their different tastes and you shouldn't feel ashamed for being different <3

Have you considered St John's Wort?
Doing yoga and even something like shibari would help connect you to your body. I just started doing shibari, self-tying and it is a form of body meditation. You would be surprised at how much it connects you to your body and soul
Eat mushrooms , they helped me accept the things I can't change and focus on the present
You can literally rewrite brains code like a computer. You have to repetitively look in the mirror at only speak positive affirmations. And especially about the specific parts that you're dismorphia doesn't like. You do that as often as you in a day, every day. And anytime you catch yourself thinking or saying negative things about yourself, you must correct that behavior right then and there with your positive reen***ment, repeatedly. It helps to also mediate if you do that. Meditation right before you're affirmation just makes it hot you differently. Because the meditation is helping shutdown and rollout your cloudiness and fog so it clears out and makes all kinds of room for nothing but the positive affirmations to enter the mind, set up shop, and now become a stubborn squatter that refuses to leave lol....
Start following people who look like you!
Wow, that is the hardest most thought-provoking question I've seen in these forms. I read through quite a few of the comments people made. All in good intention but most of them probably not very helpful. I can't even imagine feeling the way you have professed to feel. I guess my suggestion to you is a little bit of a few things that people had to say and the thought to avoid a few things that some have said. It's easy for people to say just love yourself. But it's hard to change what we feel. The first thing that I think that I would do is to try to find other people who have a similar body type or characteristic that you have but in which those people are happy about. Surround yourself with people who love life and you're more likely to love life. Surround yourself with people who feel cheated in life, are unhappy with themselves, blame other people for the way things happen, and you are more likely to feel that way. After all, we are all just victims of society. I'm easy thing to say but becomes convoluted when We recognize that we choose which part of society we hang out with. One person suggested body modifications. You know, if you don't like who you are change your body to look like something else. I don't think this is the answer. I think that tattoos and body modifications are really the exact opposite. Please I think should be for people who love who they are and want to accentuate their beauty. I'm not into body modifications and not a big person on tattoos. But who cares that's me. I can imagine someone who looks at themselves and thinks how amazing they are and can't wait to put that fifth earring in, their first nose ring in, there first stud in their tongue or nipple or belly button. For them it's an addition to their greatness, not a way to change or hide what they hate about themselves. I am a daddy, and I pride myself on being a good daddy. A Daddy who provides praise easily, but if someone is not open to praise, cannot believe what their daddy is telling them, then that praise is wasted. But that is very different than the relationship that you might have with a counselor, who is trained, educated to be able to help you find The beauty that exists both internally and externally within you. So there are my three suggestions. First, surround yourself by people who have the same traits that you hate in yourself but for them who they love their traits and will provide positive rein***ment. Don't do tattoos or body modifications to try to change who you are, only do them to accentuate the amazing person that you are. And perhaps seek out some professional help. Life is too short to go through it hating who you are. My opinions were expressed here today with the hope that they might provide some insight or help. Nothing I have said was said with the intent to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. If my comments offended or hurt your feelings, please accept my apologies upfront. Thank you
Definitely working out! Connecting with those muscles amd parta of your body on physical and mental level, did wonders to me
Watch this recently release movie…. The Substance
4 hours ago, freeport211567 said:
Eat mushrooms , they helped me accept the things I can't change and focus on the present

Shrooms is not for everyone… Be careful!!!

Praise to critique in 5:1 ratio can create new behaviors. I learned this in therapy.
Exercise helps. Set a goal and achieve it. The body can do amazing things that you never knew were possible. Progress on a fitness path feels very rewarding.

Your question is a complicated cognitive question and some behavioral.  

Hitting the gym and utilizing the power of your mind to find out what foods will work with your body type ... Its never too late to get into the best shape of your life ... I managed too get ripped at my age losing 12 inches off my waist and sporting a 6 pack at my age!
Find someone to worship your body and they'll make you feel good about yourself
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