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Overstimulation and play


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Hai! I was wondering if any other Autism or ADHD friends had to also get over overstimulation (brain wise) during play. I know that certain textiles feel bad on my skin (ropes, leather, laces, latex, etc) and can be overwhelming. Or even having something over my face (rip ghost-face mask), is there any alternatives?
Posted (edited)

I mean overstimulation and sensory deprivation often go hand in hand. You know the principle that when one sense is blocked the others are heightened to compensate? So one reason that lots of neurodivergents avoid sensory deprivation, and a reason lots of others really go for it, is because that heightening of other senses can be overwhelming.
I'd suggest having access to fidget tools and other comfort items even during play, and never be afraid to use a safeword if it really gets too much to handle.

Edit: oh and of course avoiding sensory deprivation can help. Should make that clear. 

Edited by helpinghand_256
On the spectrum here. I noticed that overstimulated ion sometimes leads me to not be able to finish
8 hours ago, helpinghand_256 said:

I mean overstimulation and sensory deprivation often go hand in hand. You know the principle that when one sense is blocked the others are heightened to compensate? So one reason that lots of neurodivergents avoid sensory deprivation, and a reason lots of others really go for it, is because that heightening of other senses can be overwhelming.
I'd suggest having access to fidget tools and other comfort items even during play, and never be afraid to use a safeword if it really gets too much to handle.

Edit: oh and of course avoiding sensory deprivation can help. Should make that clear. 

Thank you! I think my problem right now is that I do alot of solo play. And like with the mask found out the hard way that I couldn’t have something on my face. I had gone into a full melt down and felt like my throat was closing. I’ve been looking at soft gear like paw pads that are less heavy then ones I have now too. I do one ribbon harness that I really like to so I know that ribbon is fine.

I get locked up sometimes from getting a little overstimulated so I have to tell my partner that I need to stop. I can stop for a few minutes and regroup and then I'm good to go again
this is a great question! i haven’t been diagnosed as either of the above, but i have many very specific sensory issues & am preeeeetty sure i would be diagnosed w sensory processing disorder if i were interested in an official diagnosis

basically i crave tactile & certain types of audio input, but am easily visually overwhelmed (by lights - omg i hate artificial light! natural light/darkness are so soothingggg - or visual chaos like a space with no order to it, or “loud” visual aesthetics - these things make me cranky/withdrawn/easily frazzled/very distracted)

so i have learned about myself that keeping my eyes closed (or being properly blindfolded) during play is nearly essential for me bc the visual input on top of the very intense sexual & touching sensations is too much to manage at once

and taking the visual stimulus out of the equation allows me to sort of put my consciousness inside the sensations as opposed to splitting my attention bw the sensations & what my eyes are taking in

some partners are the opposite and thrive on eye contact during sex/play or they want to tell me where to direct my attention - i’m not as compatible with folks like that bc it’s not as enjoyable for me

so i think i’m probably like the *inverse* of you, but to your question, there are absolutely alternatives & you can definitely make kink work for you! i also don’t like rope, but i love mesh! and velvet! and those super-soft plush blankets! and silicone! and glass!

my point is try different things and see what you like - maybe in a nonsexual context first when sensations might not be so heightened. like do you enjoy a bit of cool air blowing on you? or ice? (or maybe you really don’t!) do you like warmth more - maybe from warming massage oil? or wax? do you like silky or satin textures?

you can figure out what you like & don’t and enjoy whatever experience works for you. you don’t have to be into the more stereotypical fetish wear or accoutrements to have a good time
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