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Is dating dead?


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Not just that but marriage has been turned into a cash cow instead of trying to work things out everyone just gets a divorce and has unrealistic standards so much that they won't put any effort in.
I think it is for the most part people are jus passing time with people at this point I do believe there is still sum people that actually wanna meet and settle down but for the most part everyone is jus fuckin fighting making up and repeat

Yep it's dead, places like insta have polarized people to such a degree that it's simply not worth the effort and p ain that is highly likely to be caused

I try and ask but they're like I don't know I'm always busy
I don't think dating is dead, but I do think great dates/daters are harder to come by. We can blame social media and all the dating apps for taking away our ability to hold proper conversations, but at the end of the day, we all still use the apps lol. A little patience and a good filter help a lot. Be honest about what you're into so that you can go on dates that sound fun and exciting. Don't be afraid to try something new with someone new. Some people are boring and you can't help that, but that doesn't mean all dates will be a dud.
Yes it is. Thanks to the apps mostly and their skewed algorithms and sexist set ups. 90% women going after 5% men is not sustainable. And everyone is always looking for something better due to the apps.
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