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The Brat Trap


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I wrote this a few years ago for a friend of mine. She wanted me to create a story for one of her fantasies. It can be intense for some so fair warning.

Here goes….


Today sucked. Weather sucked, work sucked. Boss is riding my ass about a problem that I warned him about months ago. Straight up, just fuck today. That’s my mood as I’m leaving work. It’s been a rough day, hell, rough week. It’s one of those days that just puts everything in a bad light, when you don’t feel like doing anything. Fuck I’m tired. 

I call you up, explain the situation and see if I can come over for a bit. You’re always good for a shoulder, or if anything a couch. I’ve crashed on your couch a thousand times, so often I’m pretty sure my body is imprinted on it. Being around you takes the edge off. Sometimes you listen, sometimes you tune me out. Doesn’t matter. I get shit off my chest and things are a little better. You answer the phone, and in your customary sing song voice tell me to come on over. Just walk on in. Doors open, don’t bother knocking. 

About 10 minutes later I pull up in front of your house. Sure enough, the door is open. Just the storm door in the way. I open it up and scan the room for you. You’re nowhere around, you’re probably in the bathroom. The couch starts to look really inviting, and I start heading towards it. A nap would do me good I think. You’ll probably chuckle at me and shake your head but you’ll leave me alone to my sleep. I’m about halfway there when a hear something. A muffled moan and a giggle. WTF? I hear your voice, smooth and soft. Curiously, I start stalking towards the back. Another moan, silky and sensual. What is she doing? A gasp and a sigh. It’s coming from your bedroom. The door is closed but left unlatched, I could push it open with my finger. 

I better not. I’m a friend. I’m not gonna invade her privacy. This time I hear another moan. Louder, orgasmic. I slowly crack the door open, curiosity overcoming sense. The sight I see stops me dead in my tracks. You’re stretched out on your bed, naked. Soft yellow light from the lamp by your bed plays shadows across your body. Accentuating every soft curve and valley, the light lays on your skin like silk. One leg is propped up, the sole of your foot planted on the bed. The other stretched out at an angle towards me. Head tilted back with your eyes closed, raven hair lazily cast away on your shoulder. I can see the gentle curve of your smooth neck as you arch your back for a moment. Dark red lips part slightly as a moan escapes from between them. The sound can only be described as pure eroticism: pleasure mixed with a promise of ecstasy and bliss. I can see your chest rising and falling in short, shallow breaths. Your breasts, soft milky white mounds, gently shift in a rhythm with your arm.  Smooth and supple, your arm delves down between your legs. I can see your fingers playing and teasing in the wetness below. Diving in and rubbing the rosebud of your clit. The picture of it all can only be described as.... exquisite.  In your other hand is a phone, muffled grunts coming from it. 

You’re putting on a show. The realization hits me like a gut punch. We’re not exclusive, we’re friends. I know all about it and I don’t mind. Hell, you’ve done it with me. Any other time I would have turned back and snuck away, filing the image away for use later. But today, I can’t. Betrayal fills me, a foreign idea when it comes to you. I needed you. I didn’t need your body, I needed YOU! I needed my shoulder, the one constant thing in this entire fucked up universe that I can count on. And you....had better things to do. 

My eyes take on a thousand yard stare, where nothing is in focus yet everything is. I do that when I’m trying to process something.  I glance back to you and we lock eyes. For a split moment that dragged on for centuries we stared at each other. And with a sly smirk, you gave me a wink..... 

You’re in Brat Mode.

Everything came crashing down at that moment. Rage starts to boil up from inside me, my face turning red. My head fills with a million screams and cries. Emotions started piling on top of each other, vying to be the one to tear me down and break me. Every regret I ever had, every heartache and heartbreak, every missed opportunity slammed into my shoulders, shattering bone and tearing tendons. The lies I’ve endured, the backstabs, the beatings I’ve taken claw at my stomach. Every instance of rage and frustration returned to me all at once, burning me from the inside out. Every moment that I’ve mourned, every disappointment, all the promises that I’ve broken, all of it attacks at my legs trying to buckle me. The screaming raises to a fever pitch, impaling my mind. My heart grips and strangles me with every second I’ve begged for love and affection. It turns to lead, caving in my chest.  My lungs fill from tears that I’ve cried, drowning me. A thousand tons of *** and loneliness weigh my arms down trying to drag me to Hell. And longing, the worst of it all. Longing shatters my spirit, grinding it into dust.  Anyone, ANYONE, would have broken, should have broken under the intensity of that assault. My knees buckle and bend. The attack of emotions is too much. I’m losing the fight. I’m failing...

And then I take a step forward. 

I didn’t kick the door, or even push it. It flies open with such *** the impact with the wall loosens its hinges. You emit a startled yelp at the sheer presence of power radiating from me. I start a purposeful cadence into your room and around your bed. It would not be a stretch to imagine smoldering footprints left behind as the heels of my boots strike the floor with thunderclaps. My face is masked in fury and ***. To your credit you don’t move, steeling yourself. I can hear “What’s going on?” and concern coming from the phone. I don’t care. 

You spin on your backside, pointing your legs toward me when I get to the edge of your bed. A moment of shock shows in your face when I lock an iron grip on your ankle and, one handed, pull you to the edge of the mattress. I see a hesitant worry of miscalculation flash. I smell ocean and sex. A hint of ozone too, like the aftermath of a lightning strike. With a viper’s speed I snatch the phone from your hand and turn it to see who could be deemed worthy of your attention. 

There in some nondescript office chair sits a stereotypical frat boy. Dumbfounded, he’s staring at me with his dick in his hand. His senses return to him as if he got hit in the face with a pie. 

“Dude! What the fuck?” he demands. I arch my eyebrow at him and give him an unimpressed look. Lazily I toss the phone on your pillow, where it slides down, screen facing us. Phone Boy is about to get a front row seat to the show. I couldn’t fucking care less. Let him watch. 

I turn my attention back to you. Your sitting up, arms behind you for support. I take a moment to appreciate the beauty of your naked body before me. Your eyes are.....expectant? There’s no ***  or anger in them. Your breathing rapidly, waiting for something to happen. “I” am what’s about to happen. I am going to fuck every ounce of my anger out on you. 

My pent up emotions overflow like a dam break. You squeak as I grab your ankle and flip you on to your stomach. Your legs dangle off the bed, ass pointed towards me. The soft, pink mound of your pussy exposed for me and Phone Boy to see. With a practiced hand I undo my belt and pull. The belt make a “thwap, thwap, thwap” sound as it clears all the belt loops in one smooth motion. I double up the belt and place my hand on your back, holding you down. I raise my arm and look over to the phone. Cries of “Stop!” And “Dude!” are buzzing out. Dismissing him I bring my arm down, hard. 


A gasp erupts from your lips. An angry red stripe appears. Evidence of my frustrations. 


A whimper, you squirm under my hand. Another stripe. Sorrow owns that one. 


You raise your head, biting your lip. A moan trickles forth. Another stripe, bright and red. My agony and *** claim credit. 

Phone Boy must be surprised stupid because his pleas are no longer audible. I no longer acknowledge his existence. I bring my arm down 3 more times. Each time eliciting a squirm and a yelp. I gaze upon the damage I had wrought. A latticework of *** and pleasure is laid across your ass. My member quickly hardens. You reach back with both hands to caress your tenderness. Quickly I seize them. Wrapping the belt around your wrists, I bind them behind your back. With your legs dangling off the bed, you are at the perfect height for me. I grab the button of my jeans and rip it to the side. The zipper is ***d down and my pants begin to fall. My boxers are briefly held up by my erection before I *** them down too. Right now, I am steel. My shaft swollen and pulsing, the head a deep red. Every inch of me is ready for conquest. I rip my shirt off over my head and toss it. I toe off my boots. Grabbing you by the waist I moved toward you. 

Your legs open some as the head of my cock presses against your slit. You were already wet from your earlier distraction but now you are overflowing.  Normally I would slide into you, making you feel every inch. Not this time, this time I drive into you hard. A startled “EEP!” springs forth as my pelvis slams into you. In an instant your body moves to accept and invite me. I am met with a feeling that could only be described as a wildfire wrapped in velvet. Inside you is Heaven and Hell, all wrapped up. Again I slam myself into you. Again, again, and again. My tempo naturally increases, every bit of strength I have pouring into each drive. The walls of your pussy clench and massage me with each thrust. I can feel your body quiver every time I hit home. Soft moans drift from you. The warmth of you caresses my shaft, building to red hot levels. Oh you feel so good, so addictive. Honey sweet and burning hot at the same time.   

Between one thrust and another  I see you turn your head to look at your phone. No, you need to be worrying about me. I reach for your wrists and pull your arms back by the binding. Your back arches backwards, lifting your upper body off the bed. Your chest juts forward, breasts swinging violently back and forth. I lower your down just enough so that each swing causes your nipples to brush against the bedsheet, hardening them. The fingers on my other hand run up from the base of your skull to your scalp, burrowing into your hair. I flex my fingers, gripping your hair. I yank your head back towards me. You are now completely subdued. The idea of you at my mercy makes me harder. I slam into you again with more intensity, over and over. Trying each time to go deeper in you. Each time, my emotions surge forth. The room fades to black, only you remain, the only thing worth existing right now. I take a step forward. The sheer power from my thrusts is causing the bed to slide away, inch by inch. I can feel you quiver inside as your pussy grips and holds me. I continue to drive into you, like a piston in a muscle car. Letting go of your hair I bring my hand down on your ass hard. I hear the gasp as your body clenches and wraps around my cock. Liquid fire drips from you, down me. The intensity of it encourages me on, driving me into an *** state. I’m growling now, hammering into you as if I was trying to split you in two. Moans start filling the air mixing with your gasps to create a symphony of lust. I let go of your bindings and drop you back on to the bed. Grasping your waist I pull you back on to me. I can feel the tingle, the electric current racing at the base of my shaft.  It’s the tell tale sign of an impending orgasm. Not yet, I’m not ready yet. 

I place my hands on either side of you, bending over you. I can smell you. The ginger sweet tang of your womanhood. The rich earth of your body. The smell of pine from your sweat. The salty air of your spirit. All combine to ***t a picture of you in my mind. Delectable you, addictive you. I am roaring now, a primal battle cry as your body bucks. Your flushed face is turned to the side. Your eyes closed tightly as cries of pleasure sing out. Your body slams tightly around me again, it’s enough to make me need to cum. I *** myself back, buying a few moments of respite, driving down the urge to climax. I pull out of you and step back. Gasping you look back at me over your shoulder. 

I’m not done with you, not yet. 

I flip you onto your back, again gazing at you. Your chest heaving, trying to drag in air. Nipples: hard pink buds upon your supple breasts. Your pussy, pink, shining wet and plump, wanting more. I crawl into the bed as you use your legs to push yourself back. Sliding between you legs, electricity sparks back and forth. A low growl escapes me as I slide up your stomach, stopping mere inches from your face. Grasping myself, I guide my cock back into you steadily. I watch your chest heave and hear the sigh of relief. I renew my assault. Thrusting and driving deeper. Harder. I want to feel every bit of you. I want you to feel every bit of me, every emotion. I want every single atom and the experiences of my existence to dominate you. I want you to understand me, to experience all of me. 

Your eyes roll back as I feel another tremor rock you. You chin raises, exposing your throat. I can’t resist the temptation. With one hand I grip your neck and squeeze, your face turning red. Turning your head to the side I sink my teeth into your shoulder. You gasp silently and your legs whip around to wrap and embrace me. I can feel your legs pulling me into you you, urging me into thrusting harder. I gladly oblige. 

At some point the binding comes loose. Your free arms embrace me, nails leaving furrows of *** down my back. I don’t feel the ***. All I can feel is you. Again I am roaring. Roaring with everything I have. A cry of defiance against fate and time. I’ve lost track of what I am doing, guided on by pure instinct. Releasing your neck I look into your eyes. You’re enjoying the experience, the domination. My eyesight goes blurry. Tears are flowing now. I am lost, battling every emotion I have. Suddenly you arch your back, chin up, eyes rolling. I can feel you clamping down on me, milking me, teasing. You want what is yours by rights. I feel your legs stiffen as your feet are ***d to point by the sheer power of your climax. You use your legs to pull me into you, deepest still and hard. It’s too much. A momentary tingle and then the pressure builds to a point of no return. I put every bit of power into another thrust and climax, deep inside you. A white hot bullet of my essence explodes into you, filling you. I can hear the sudden gasp and moan from what your feeling. Again I thrust, again I cum. Your arms wrap tight around me, pulling me into you. Skin to skin, breath to breath, we ride the orgasmic wave together, over and over until the end. 

The deed done, exhaustion takes me. I collapse on top of you. Both of us are gasping. You keep your legs wrapped around me, keeping me close. Your arms embrace me, holding me. You stroke the back of my head, consoling me. I’m still inside you, enjoying the gentle heat and comfort. It feels like your body has molded to me perfectly. The soft pillows of your breasts touching my chest. The gentleness of your legs wrapped around me. But I can’t stay like this forever, as much as I would tear Heaven and Hell apart to do so. I have to pull out. I lift myself off you and roll over. Absentmindedly I spot your phone. I had forgotten completely about it. I pick it up to see what Phone Boy is up too. He’s sitting there, limp cock in his hand, cum covers his stomach. A wild look of *** permeates his eyes. Poor bastard, he doesn’t even know what he just witnessed. 

“Go clean yourself off” I say disgustedly. I toss the phone back on the pillow. Staring up at the ceiling, emotions start to invade the peace I had found. *** and guilt start to rise, encouraged at the savagery I had just committed. I just destroyed “us”. Oh God no. Fuck! 

I turn my head to look at you. You had flipped over on to your stomach, laying your head down facing me. With your hand nestled under your cheek I can see a soft glow of satisfaction  surrounding you like an aura. Your eyes held a mischievous look, like you knew a secret only you could tell. 

Clarity hit me like a bucket of ice water. You planned this. This was exactly what you were expecting, even wanting it. You knew that everything going on was breaking me down, threatening me. All the times I thought you had tuned me out, you were listening. I sighed at the realization of it all. You made yourself a willing sacrifice to my emotions. You literally threw yourself on to the spear. 

You giggle as you watch me put the pieces together. I have to say something. 

“I’m sor....”. That’s as far as I got before you put a finger to my lips, shutting me up. 

A second later, you boop my nose....
"i want the experiences of my existence to dominate you." incredible writing!
Reeally well written! 🔥
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