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Grey hair in 20s

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I started to grey in my goatee at 21

My hair is naturally darker on top and grey lower down and people thought I dyed it and it was the dye growing out - so I started using this: Just For Men Control GX 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner, Gradually & Permanently Reduces Grey Hair With Each Wash. 

Coupled with an infrequent just for men hair dye (takes 10-15 mins )

Oddly no one has asked if I dye my hair since I actually have been dyeing it ! 

I think grey or especially greying hair looks rather sexy
It makes people appear a little more mature or distinguished to me,
Don’t really know how to describe it
But I like it so I say just go with it
Irrelevant really, I mean in comparison to swallow or spit. Lol
Started going grey at 25 my bald spot got noticeable at 30 I'd rather be grey than bald

Grey hair can be really attractive, on both men and women. It's one of those things that society lies about, and it leads to a lot of people responding to going grey by either dying their hair or giving up and no longer taking care of it. If it's something that really makes you feel self conscious then dying it is an option, but I'd say roll with it, keep conditioning and getting good haircuts, make it something that makes you stand out in a crowd!

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