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Halloween Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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  4 minutes ago, Falkor69 said:

Since I joined this late.. how does this all work? Are these icons only through the app? Or the website as well? Are there monthly contests? I know you are posting clues, but where are you getting them? I has questions


The game is available to play on all three platforms Desktop, Mobile Desktop and FET App, so whichever is your platform of preference you can play the game on and it's free for all members to play regardless your level of membership.  


The treasure hunts runs several times a year.  You can hunt for the icons on your own by just having a look around the FET Universe as each icons drops or you can wait for members to share clues hinting you where to look, decipher the clues and then go hunting for the icons.  As members find the icons they create their own clues and post here in the forum to help others on their quest to find the icons.   Hope that helps, if not feel free to drop me a line 😊

  11 minutes ago, Falkor69 said:

Since I joined this late.. how does this all work? Are these icons only through the app? Or the website as well? Are there monthly contests? I know you are posting clues, but where are you getting them? I has questions


I think that the contest is quarterly.

It can be played on the app or the site (but some puzzle pieces might be easier to find depending on what you use).

People post hints after finding the piece.

HELP! I usually do really good with these, but I'm struggling with grids 12, 22 and 24. 😣
I think I’m just missing grid #22, but I can’t find the clue anywhere, I thought I had them all

As the clues for the final icon are starting to get buried, I will requote what has been posted so far below for everyone.  😊


  1 hour ago, PixieDust said:

Day # 24 - Clue # 24 - Grid # 22 - Stick to the spell book conversing scrolls 🪄📜 or risk stirring up trouble for yourself with the FET spirits 👻 above



  1 hour ago, Oceansize said:

Day # 24 - Clue # 24 - Grid # 22 The French cat reigns



  1 hour ago, funfaallya said:

Day 24, Clue 24, and my final clue of this hunt. You best respect these, to stay out of the wrong type of hot water



  1 hour ago, MommyNelly said:

Day 24, Grid 22 Follow these or your time here may be cut short.



  1 hour ago, KcMone4fun said:

I just got #24 I will say Rules are made to be Broken or at least Bent!! Lol



  1 hour ago, joedoe said:

Day24 clue 24 let’s chst and I can tell you more



  1 hour ago, Furass said:

Clue #24 grid #22 stick within these when your talking to others.



And now we face the final curtain....
Day # 24 - Clue # 24 - Grid # 22 - Fran's a crude mouth for mixing it up and adding Roman fifty to find her way to where the law is laid down round these parts.
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