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The Scotsman and The Porcelain Fox Pt. 1

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The air was already stifling as The Scotsman tended his closely cropped beard. Beads of sweat trailed slowly down his chest, slaloming between the black ink art that decorated his firm torso. Noises were travelling up to the balcony from the pool area below; the women would be milling around competing fiercely for their spots to bask in the relentless sun. Such a proudly contested charade, he mused. The beard had begun to itch the past two days, and that would not do in this heat: it irked him. It irked, but not half as much as the growing unrest he was plagued with concerning a newly arrived holidaymaker.
She was beautiful of course. Something pure and innocent about her unblemished skin, and the hint of auburn in her hair… by no means engulfed by the fire but kissed by it all the same. She was like a porcelain-skinned fox, to be snared in a trap for sure. They were acquainted vaguely already. The first sight of her was upon arrival, giddy as newcomers are when they take in the surroundings of a new resort. Her gasp had caught his attention in the lobby area and prompted him to look up from his phone as he readied to leave for the day's stroll. Their eyes met for the briefest of seconds and she betrayed herself by allowing a smile tinged with desire. You will regret that, he asserted, but nodded politely. Her male companion gave no indication he shared her delight at their new abode for the duration of their stay, but his mere presence confirmed she was taken, sadly.
The second sight was later that day at the pool. After the day's activities, The Scotsman had returned and taken his spot by the pool bar and was enjoying a scotch on the rocks as was his custom. Not the low-strength whisky that resorts commonly pedalled; the barman knew The Scotsman had a taste for the real thing. As usual, his eyes wandered. Something about being on holiday amidst the heat made humans lose their inhibitions, and it made undressing fellow holidaymakers with your eyes seem natural… permitted. And there she was, the porcelain-skinned fox. She was making her way through the sun loungers with her man following behind; the sound of her flip-flops scraping across the floor was only just audible and attracted the attention of The Scotsman to her feet. To douse any potential arousal, The Scotsman had emptied the last of his whisky down the hatch in one gulp and hissed quietly at the burn.
The barman, unused to such a display, hovered close and watched as The Scotsman swirled the ice around in his glass. As their eyes met, he had asked, "Another, Senor?". The Scotsman's eyes said it all. Not now. He continued swirling the ice around as the barman went back to drying a glass with his towel. The Fox was sitting cross-legged on a lounger now with her man applying lotion to her exposed back and shoulders. Her flip-flops were discarded casually on the floor beside a drink: some colourful cocktail concoction. Pleasantries were exchanged as the man moved to his own lounger and The Fox laid back on hers, slowly stretching her pale legs out in front of her to display the soles of her feet. The Scotsman looked down at the ice in his glass, and to the barman who was already expectant; a nod from The Scotsman was all it took. "Senor", the barman answered as he took the glass and ambled off to fix the drink as The Scotsman looked back at his fox.
As the nearby parasol d***d her in shade, his eyes were soon drawn up to her face as she removed her sunglasses and gave her head a shake which set her short auburn-tinged hair in motion, covering her eyes briefly. When it settled finally, she looked his way. She knows, he thought. She knows I am staring. The barman had laid the drink down then. "Cheers", The Scotsman declared. Their exchanges were short. Respectful, always. A simple arrangement between men. You pour the drinks, and I enjoy them. Why could all life's exchanges not be simple he had pondered as he picked up the glass and gravitated in The Fox's direction.
As The Scotsman stalked toward her lounger, she shifted, acutely aware there was a growing moment between them. She reached down to get her drink then, the two-piece bikini leaving little to the imagination as The Scotsman drew nearer. It was evident The Fox had *** by her body: such a natural sexiness. It turned him on. As she lay back and placed the straw in her mouth, their eyes locked completely and lingered for a few seconds. "I have you now" The Scotsman had thought then, and he knew it. It was written all over her face; it was clear that if given the chance she would drop it all and risk it all to follow and obey every command he gave that very moment. Her man was in the lounger next to her, eyes closed, blissfully unaware that the world he thought he knew so well was in complete turmoil.
As The Scotsman slowed and walked round the lounger, The Fox froze, unsure what would come next. She sipped her drink slowly, feeling his eyes on her from behind; her nipples hardened, and a moistness began to gather below that she knew moments before was mercilessly inevitable. Before he disappeared from the area, The Scotsman's gaze drifted to her feet. Perfectly kept toes, ***ted in peach varnish, all following the other diagonally in flawless form. Each big toenail was adorned with a small red heart. A nice touch, he thought. Cute. All thoughts of cuteness were then banished at the sight of the tattoo ink that decorated her left foot. The attraction moved to the next level instantly. A tattoo on the foot is both sexy, and a declaration of a threshold for ***. This fox has confessed her sins under the *** of the needle and birthed *** too. She has inner strength. The Scotsman mused on how he loved his woman to submit, but he disliked pushovers. At that he was gone. The Fox turned after a few beats, unsure if the madness had passed yet and she was free of the scenario. She relaxed then and looked across at her man, still blissfully ignorant.
Back in the hotel room, beard neatly trimmed, The Scotsman came back to the present as he examined his nose. A few rogue hairs jut out. That will not do. He reaches for his toiletries kit bag. Opens. Inside, a sleek, mint condition pair of trimming scissors; as he takes them and admires the craftmanship, the light shimmers off the steel. Sharp. The blade must be sharp. The Scotsman sets about grooming his nose to perfection. His thoughts drifted to their last meeting and how it had both set him to anger and set alight his desires all at once. This woman has me as I have her, he thought then. With a male companion, she had no right to excite him so. It was clear in his mind that there was trouble in their paradise. Perhaps this holiday away from the kids was make or break for them: last chance saloon. After finishing his nose grooming, he carefully closed the scissors and placed them in the pocket of his crisp chino shorts. Before leaving, he picked up a leather pouch from the bed and slipped it into his back pocket. A clutch of black tie-wraps ***r out from the gap in the zipper.
The incident had happened in the elevator the night before…
I am absolutely in enamored with your writing and if possible; I’d love to read more if that’s okay. Regardless thank you so so much for showcasing your talents on here, especially where there isn’t much nuance in the complexities of such interests of what this site represents. I hope to read more. 🤍
  6 minutes ago, junosaints said:
I am absolutely in enamored with your writing and if possible; I’d love to read more if that’s okay. Regardless thank you so so much for showcasing your talents on here, especially where there isn’t much nuance in the complexities of such interests of what this site represents. I hope to read more. 🤍

Thank you so much for the beautiful comment. That means a lot and I appreciate it greatly. I have posted a part 2, but as I’ll explain in the comments, I have no part 3… but feel free to continue the story or give thoughts on how you envision it going.

Mmmm.....Erotic buildup.......the amount of times we ve all had these lingering eye moments, and nothing's happened .......
  Yesterday at 09:44 AM, CosmicAngel said:
Mmmm.....Erotic buildup.......the amount of times we ve all had these lingering eye moments, and nothing's happened .......

On holiday, or somewhere specific for you…?

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  15 minutes ago, internsub said:
The willpower wall start tumbling down 🥵

Sounds like you’re enjoying. I’m very glad to hear it.

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