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Not being allowed to know something?

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I was wondering if anyone practiced one other form of non-sexual denial... Not letting the sub know something he's dying to know? Like, maybe, the outcome of the sports match that involves his favourite team? Or the ending of a TV series he's been really looking forward to? Etc. In the age of Internet, this is more complicated but still possible I believe?

Or, maybe, speaking in a language he doesn't understand?

Well, on the opposite side, I have to say depending on context/content, when I am denied, honestly I kinda like it. Not always being allowed to know something goes into not always getting my way. For whatever reason it gives me a rush. Maybe being used to some who won't deny such things as even info?
Used at the right time, with the right thing, it can frustrate me but also excite me because I'm being shown in a subtle way, I'm not in control. I'm not the one in charge. I like psychological control in that way because my mind activates, and I can't stop wondering.
Why I say when, how it's used is important. 🙈
I find it really hot when my girlfriend messages other guys to cuck me with. When she's flirting with them, I'm in the room, and she won't tell me or show me what they're saying to each other 🔥🔥🔥
To example of sports or other interests:
It could be an interesting task for Sub to avoid the information she/he is eager to know.
By that it's up to Dom to decide the right time to share the info as a reward.
And if Sub fails, it's up for Dom to decide on the concequences 😉

It's ike a non-sexual edging, isn't it? 🤔

Your non-sexual take on it with sports results or TV shows is interesting, definitely a novel way of exerting control. Not knowing what's going to be done to you when restrained and blindfolded or facing a way is exhilarating. Knowing that somebody else has entered the room, but not knowing who, is not something I've experienced but it's a thrilling thought (a helluva lot of trust involved there, naturally).


I guess it would depend on if the sub likes it, it could be a fun time to deny them non sexually to show dominance. But, if they don't like it, I'm sure it could be used as a punishment to train a submissive. I'll have to try that lmao

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