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Oh my goodness. So many ways! Interacting with people, confronting my own insecurities learning about my the deeper parts of myself, and motivations, learning to articulate wants, needs, desires. Improved relationship navigation, discussion, & problem solving (an on going process). Learning that my desires change, and that im chamging just as much as those i interqct with--so i'm constantly learning.

It has been amazing.
Well my fetish for armpits has gotten stronger and the urge to want more of an intense smell has not got in the way of friends but it makes my performance in bed a lot better and I wake up the next day a happy man
Bad for my mental health because of being consistently ignore for ten years. Almost suicidal at times
2 minutes ago, ineedtogotohospital said:
Bad for my mental health because of being consistently ignore for ten years. Almost suicidal at times

Don't you never give up man! Keep that chin up! Never make a permanent decision for a temporary situation. Because everything in life is temporary, including bad times.

16 minutes ago, Mickey764 said:

Don't you never give up man! Keep that chin up! Never make a permanent decision for a temporary situation. Because everything in life is temporary, including bad times.

There will be a revolution

Me understanding that my heart resides for older women truly made me feel comfortable in my own body and understand I want a mature women mentally and physically, their strengths are so attractive 😇
Bdsm can be helpful in context, but I’ve seen it be a distraction from treatment and MANY ‘Mistresses’ and ‘Masters’ victimize people that need help by draining their ***, energy, attention and loyalty.
Personally, I’ve seen men that are literally incapable of moving on from one of these old, gross ‘mistresses’ that manipulated them into trashing their youth for a view of the world that didn’t really exist at all.

Takes years to get the brainwashing off of these previouslt rather grounded boys.

Imho, I think some people are just going to take other people for all they have, and try to create a world where serving tea to them and doing their yardwork is really important, while years go by.
I’ve seen too many predators to count, idk, feels like nobody else wants to admit it.
It seems like the codes and rules are sometimes just a cover for taking your *** and obvious sexual manipulation.

There are a ton of predators in BDSM, and the worst ones aren’t men.
Yesterday at 12:52 PM, bellabopen12 said:
Bdsm can be helpful in context, but I’ve seen it be a distraction from treatment and MANY ‘Mistresses’ and ‘Masters’ victimize people that need help by draining their ***, energy, attention and loyalty.
Personally, I’ve seen men that are literally incapable of moving on from one of these old, gross ‘mistresses’ that manipulated them into trashing their youth for a view of the world that didn’t really exist at all.

Takes years to get the brainwashing off of these previouslt rather grounded boys.

Imho, I think some people are just going to take other people for all they have, and try to create a world where serving tea to them and doing their yardwork is really important, while years go by.
I’ve seen too many predators to count, idk, feels like nobody else wants to admit it.
It seems like the codes and rules are sometimes just a cover for taking your *** and obvious sexual manipulation.

There are a ton of predators in BDSM, and the worst ones aren’t men.

This is a very important statement here and I hope more young men - and women - see it, so I’m bumping the thread up. Sadly, young minds who get locked into that lifestyle from an allegedly guiding, leading figure, sometimes see years go by, and irreversible damage can be done to the mind in the wrong hands. It is then when they look back, often after being cast aside when no longer needed to be of service, do they ponder if it was worth it. I worry about young men these days more and more, although it’s not my place to really, but I’m a man and the well-being of the future of men is obviously of importance as we need strong minded men in the world - that’s just a fact… and this post highlighted it again for me. Of course, I worry about young women too. Or any age for that matter in this scenario. We must be careful not to submit everything of our energy and being, simply for a perceived connection, or to feel we belong somewhere. The choices we make now and who we give ourselves to, can have lasting effects and be devastating to our already fragile minds. This is a darker side of BDSM, but light being shed on it is a great thing so kudos to the previous poster.

Bellabop A micro effect of a realm which on a macro scale is ruled by a global patriarchy. Its not wammen at the head of Blackrock, vanguard etc. Women's lib was propaganda. It was a financially backed by the Rockerfellars inorganic "movement" because half the population were at home nurturing their offspring and were thus untaxable.
We have the power to be more cohesive and should. There is no bigger threat to the powers that be than a strong family unit. You let them divide, they conquer.
We hold the line and we survive and build back the trust.
The positive about Fet for me is that most of us who come here know it's a watering hole of prey and predators and each declare their preference. It's transparent.
Personally, I would say that it does have its pros and cons when it comes to the mental health aspect
With the BDSM lifestyle
it depends on your partner depends on the dynamic you have in my opinion. It is something that shouldn’t be played with and shouldn’t be used to take advantage of someone Same with the fact that I think there are people out in the lifestyle that will pray on people who are ***
In *** times most definitely I do believe there are some individuals out there who have bad intent with their dynamics then good intention
I believe the mental health aspect of this has so many different aspects that need to be looked at. It’s a hard one definitely but it is something that not many actually pay attention to to be honest. It can help with stress relief some people find stress, relief, in dynamics some people find that they have found a place they can go to when there is just to much going on or they need a place to wind down from mentally
Not everyone will understand this aspect of bdsm few do in general
I do believe it’s a very important aspect to keep in mind though most definitely
  • 2 weeks later...
I definitely think kink can go different ways. Depends on the person. But me? Being dom leaning feels really nice and has boosted my self confidence. I love it.
This is a great subject! For me, it has been a super positive experience! As a submissive, I have also become a lot stronger mentally. It has not been that long for me in this world, only 3 years. However, it has definitely made me grow in my "vanilla world"! I have said yes to jobs I would not have in the past because I always thought I was never good enough. I have learned to stand up for myself. To say no or yes because of MY feelings and be ok with that. Giving my control away to Master is helping me regain my control! To know that I am safe in that is helping me outside the bdsm world.
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