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To Find A Third

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My partner and I have been talking about inviting another woman to join us in the fun. What are the best ways people have found to find interested people?

Couples have to find comfort between each other. There can't be jealousy. Once you find someone she should make you both feel comfortable. Be patient with your partner she shouldn't feel ***d. More than likely if you find a single woman on FET she has experience but you might want to try another couple it is much easier to get started with a first experience.

Ah... unicorn hunters :)

So a first thing is your profile here implies you are single - and that's the sort of thing which sets off red flags with prospective partners -- there are interested ladies who will feel this is some form of bait and switch or that it's more about what you want; then what your partner (also) wants.

generally... it's easier to find people out in the wild than online; partake in local fetish community, attend swingers nights, etc.  this is somewhere where you can meet people who are potentially into the idea - and those who are can then meet you both and see what you're both about.


Not asking to join for just the fun, that’s what a unicorn is. A unicorn use to be an insult because when you ask somebody to just be there for the sex and then go away so you can have your relationship with your partner. It’s an unrealistic way to treat people. Now unicorn has been changed into something that people want to be, which is confusing because the idea of a unicorn they don’t exist. Just like a woman, you can have sex with and then kick out the door when they show they have emotions is not a real thing 🤷‍♂️ so I would suggest not saying you’re looking for somebody just to have fun with
I agree with the previous comment. Your profile says you’re single. Single but asking for a third screams red flag. I have never been of the opinion that this app was the best place to find unicorns. I think irl or traditional apps would probably be more productive. If you’re going to use it you need to be honest with your intentions, I.e have your profile say you are in a relationship looking for someone to join you. Also, read others profiles before messaging them. If a profile says a woman is monogamous or not interested in being a unicorn don’t message her.
I’ve been poly my entire life. If I start dating one person, they would already know that I would be non-monogamous. That’s not red flag.
Ok, I see I hurt your feelings but that was not my intentions 🤷‍♂️ you asked a question people are answering. You can think I’m red flag 🚩 or you could just say thanks for the advice. Good luck out there don’t worry about being upset or whatever, I get it.
Create a couples profile and search with that one. If you look at our profile, you will see we are looking for the same thing. Just be upfront with whomever you are talking to and your partner. Have them participate in the search. Make sure you have realistic expectations from everyone. Meet in a public place and have a real conversation and go from there... good luck
FEELD couples profile. Do not approach a who who does not clearly state they are looking for a couple, threesome or are bisexual. As a straight woman, if one more man asks if I'm into FFM my head will explode. Also let the female possibly lead that conversation, bc it's less threatening imo than being approached by a man.
It’s worth checking out Unicorns R Us website online.

As someone who is currently in a throuple, with two sub women, the best possible advice I can give you is date and play separately. If you meet someone that one of you enjoys having fun with, and there’s a connection, then one day they might just show an interest in some group fun. But do not *** this, or go into it with that intention. Unicorns are incredibly hard to find, hence the name, and the ones who are open to it are often quickly put off by couples who treat them as a “third”, an object to be used for an evening. an add on to your existing relationship, not a real person with their own wants and desires.

Understand that the maths is against you.

Couples looking for a unicorn massively outnumber the number of unicorns, so unless you are at the top of your physical and emotional game, the odds are not in your favour.

Another thing you can do is go to events and meet people. Make lots of new friends. I’ve had some amazing experiences playing with sexually open kinksters, but because they are people that I got to know first as friends, with no ulterior motive, and over time we built up trust.

I’ve had lots of threesomes over the last 2 years, but not one happened because I posted online looking for a unicorn.
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