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Have the TOU'S changed re photo's?

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There appears to have been an uptrend of photo's being uploaded by profiles who are clearly the person in the photo. For example, male presenting/non couple profiles posting naked women.
The TOU's continue to state, "images that show people other than the profile owner(s)" as not being acceptable.
And yet reported photo's remain with no apparent consequence.

No, the TOU's have not been changed.
It is still the case that photos generally may only show the profile owner(s).
But for some time now there is one exception:
You are allowed to upload photos of yourself that also show other people, but only if the photo is very clearly SFW (Safe for work). Any photos that don't fall in this category and that show anyone other than the profile owner(s) will be deleted.

(Details can be found in this FAQ article)

Therefore, photos of naked women are not permitted in men's profiles, because such photos are not SFW but ASFW or even NSFW.
So they should be removed if you report them.

If you have reported such photos and received the information that your report has been edited, but the photo is still there, please report it again. It can always happen that something goes wrong during editing or someone makes a mistake.

best regards
Carmen, Community Team

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