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Post depression hyper sexuality


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So as the title says but not quite , I often have a dip in my mental around end of October (I am aware of the trigger ) which was worse than normal as dynamic I had spent a lot of time building fell apart very quickly and out of the blue , I then felt very isolated and depressed and struggled for a couple of weeks but I feel I have turned a corner that couple of days but that up lift has came with an incredible amount of hornyness and I have having to wank 6 plus times a day for the last couple of days and I still don't feel satisfied. Has this happened to anyone else before If so how did you deal with it ?
Honest to goodness, I thought I was alone 😅 I have cycles like this with my depression as well... My only secret to success is my porn DVD collection and spare batteries 😅🥴
I am worried I am gonna run out of internet porn at this rate it's 4am my time and I have had to wank 3 times since midnight
Yeah, it’s happened before. It’s not uncommon but yes it’s probably from being anxious and having a manic episode. Seasonal depression can trigger anxiety and mood shifts. I have seasonal depression and it does suck. When the light changes and the earth changes it axis, I notice it right away and I start to spend more time outside and get as much sunlight I can get. Try looking into a lamp that helps with SAD and just try to get as much sun as possible. Do some research and maybe see your healthcare professional about what vitamins you can take and what not. Broken hearts suck but they also heal. I understand that it ended very quickly and you were caught off guard. Extreme lows and highs can trigger hyper sexuality behavior. Just read a bit about it but don’t freak out. You’re gonna be fine and just try and do some positive activities and try to not think about sex. I’m sorry your relationship ended but life must continue and you’ll get over it. Trust me, happens every day. Try the lamp and spending some more time outside in direct sunlight. Don’t wear sunglasses either. And remember that you have control. Think of other things besides sex that you enjoy doing. Probably not much help with what I said but you’ll feel better soon and there is more fish out there. You’ll find one. Take care. If it get too crazy, go see your doc and just be honest. You got this. 👍🏽
My depression is more a trauma issue this time of year related to a reletionship break down but having a relationship break down again definitely added to it
Just be tough. I had some tough break ups too. Especially ones within the bdsm lifestyle because you build such a deep connection. But man, it’s not the end. Learn from it and be better. Live yourself a little man. That’s actually what I’m doing. Spending more time with me. I took a year off from everything. I’m almost a year without alcohol, I jog, I spend time outside away from social media. That’s a huge issue. Turn off and get out. Socialize. No one does that shit anymore. Read a book, listen to some music. Pick a hobby. Don’t let the negativity get to you. Unplug and get out there and do something constructive. You need to chill your mind and tell yourself all is well. Go visit mom and dad. Or bros and ***s. Believe you me, you’re stronger than you think. As much as I like to party, I finally had enough and I gave it up. I haven’t been this happy since I wore short pants. I’m a total beast now that could give two shits about what others think of me. And I’m so much happier. When they see you shining bright, it’ll get to them and they’ll want you back. Fuck um though, you don’t need them. Have your own back and never sell yourself short. Be tough. I have faith in you and I don’t even know you. But I know I was in your shoes before and I did something about it. Stay safe and keep moving.
Hey Nick. I just can’t add to this. Great job.

Loving the love. Well done buddy. :)
YES! I have a couple of diagnosis (bipolar, adhd, depression,...) and hypersexuality is something I deal with quite often. I think this is mostly because of the bipo, I go from totally A-sexual to episodes of hypersexuality (usually lasts for about 2 weeks). Sex is the only thing on my mind. I'm constantly on the apps and usually my kinky preferences get a lot more 'extreme'. There's almost no information about this online and even most doctors don't know much about it. But it's definitely very real.
My plan of action is just trying to recognize what's going on. Write down a plan before the 'episode' just making sure you don't cross any lines you wouldn't want to cross when 'sober'. And then just try to enjoy yourself, try to keep it safe, sane and consensual.
In oregon private membership clubs are clothing optional. There you can meet like minded women. They have been pre screened . They know guys can approach and is nice when women ask to negoiate. Have many kinks and fetishes. Always nice to start the conversation hello slut response hello sir
  6 hours ago, dildomechanic2024 said:

In oregon private membership clubs are clothing optional. There you can meet like minded women. They have been pre screened . They know guys can approach and is nice when women ask to negoiate. Have many kinks and fetishes. Always nice to start the conversation hello slut response hello sir


Hiya hun, don't wanna put you on the spot but do you have a couple of those you could name? I would be interested in being one of those said like minded women.

  7 minutes ago, Kitty2021 said:

Hiya hun, don't wanna put you on the spot but do you have a couple of those you could name? I would be interested in being one of those said like minded women.


Yeah, I concur with that. Even though I’m pulling for this gentleman. Thanks for pointing that out.

  7 minutes ago, Kitty2021 said:

Hiya hun, don't wanna put you on the spot but do you have a couple of those you could name? I would be interested in being one of those said like minded women.


Yeah, I concur with that. Even though I’m pulling for this gentleman. Thanks for pointing that out.

This was super common for me back in the day. From ages 17-24 I would go through near monthly phases of cycling through low libido depressive phases to hypersexual manic phases. At some point the manic-depressive tendencies shifted to entirely depressive ones, and I spent a long time not feeling much of that hunger any more.

More recently, that slump brought an end to what had become a rather long and sexless relationship, which spurred me to seek out medication for the first time ever.

It was like a switch was flipped for me. I had all but given up on exploring and indulging my cravings before but now I think about it constantly. I swear I feel like a horny ***ager again 😅
Wanking for men or woman does not meet emotiinal needs... street *** do meet nneds not prescriptions do not.

Hyper sexuality is present in many women on psych meds.
Other normal women have certain days of the month.

Some learn subspace and crave it. That is why skuts crave subspace and an expert dominate confusion about submission, bondage etc
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