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Are threesomes Kinky?

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I think naturally there is always one person in charge. Not in a bossy way. In a way I may grab your ass pulling you gently closer to my hand or my face… thinking back, there isn’t always something in charge completely, sometimes everyone is a hit in charge even for a moment…
Personally I don't think it's kinky. It's just 3 adults having vanilla sex. Ofcourse you can make a threesome kinky by adding some spice. But I've done a lot of threesomes and I don't experience them as kinky at all. (and usually pretty boring when kink isn't involved 😝)

Kinky? Yes! But if couple is looking for an extra, it's better to go more. Foursomes, in my experience are best, especially if the couple are straight. Best time I've had is 2 hetro couples sharing same bed and we swapped partners, then the girls got busy, then we DP'd 1 whilst other would get oral or similar from the guy whos not their partner. Threesomes with 2 strangers have been less enjoyable than they have been for me. MFM either way there's an unhappy chap. FMF, might just be me but I feel the girls never satisfied, or at least 1 isnt. Anymore than 4 or 5, I would prefer to be friends and comfortable or complete opposite and be strangers, only there for the sex, never see again. 


  3 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

So, yes. You're right.

It's subjective and there's no right or wrong answers.

in general the concept of threesomes is pretty mainstream and so almost vanilla.  Which would make it not kinky.   But, kink in general is any non-conventional sexual practices.  So, you could tell your mates about a wonderful person you had sex with. And I feel most people have mates they could say they had a threesome to.  But then on the flip, you could go down for breakfast in a family home with one person you brought home last night, you might not get away with it being two.



I really enjoy that perspective. Definitely there are different expectations from different groups of people. What we would we talk about to our family, professional, friends are all different.

  2 hours ago, AmberAndNick said:
What about choking/ asphyxiation? Would that be kinky? A lot of people like that.

Kinky is through the lens of the individual I suppose, not the acts

Hmmm in my experience actual choking to asphyxiation and deep breath play is not common. Even in BDSM it’s considered RACK (risk, aware, consensual, kink) and many don’t think it’s safe. I know lots of kinksters who are out spoken about not doing it, especially when you haven’t researched on the anatomy and dangers. I would say putting a hand on a throat and slightly squeezing is pretty common though. So for me, and ass spank or a hand on my throat is not really kinky but breathe play is. Like you said it’s in the lens of the person.

  7 minutes ago, AmberAndNick said:
Sounds pretty anecdotal to me.

I feel like you are taking this post and conversation very personally. This was never meant as judgmental to people who are into threesomes and considers them kinky. It was meant to be a discussion of how the definition of kink is subjective and possibly evolving. As I have said more than once, there is no wrong or right answers. I’ve also said, it’s subjective. So yes to me, if you are literally causing someone to stop breathing it is RACK because it’s inherently dangerous. However putting a hand on a throat is not, so in my personal opinion that kinky. Subjective, in other words anecdotal. I meant for it to be a thought question on the subject, not and sort of gate keeping or argument. I’m sorry you have taken it that way, but I think I will stop any further interaction as it appears (in my subjective opinion) as badly received.

I feel you presumed a lot about my position and shouldn’t be projecting your presumption of how I’m feeling about this. People are allowed to disagree with you. It’s okay. You don’t have to write a diatribe.
  28 minutes ago, AmberAndNick said:
I feel you presumed a lot about my position and shouldn’t be projecting your presumption of how I’m feeling about this. People are allowed to disagree with you. It’s okay. You don’t have to write a diatribe.

wow. welcome to bdsm lets go over something.

as you are a self proclaimed new person to the scene that “wants to learn” let me tell you a few things.

affixation via choking. dangerous. very very dangerous. choking lesson #1 starts with how to not restrict the windpipe.. this goes against lesson #1. its is not an anecdotal matter to say its RACK and extreme vs a hand to the throat, a spank on the but… which is common and sane. vanilla even.

youve argued directly against her this entire time she is explaing her viewpoint.
doing such will take allot more typing then you just coming up with arguments because in this discussion you seem to have decided that you need to be right and she needs to be wrong.
ill direct you to read the original post once again.
“there are no right or wrong answers, as much of bdsm, kink, and fetish is subjective”

you would do well to listen and learn theres a wealth of knowledge on here, and no reason to get snippy or argumentative when someones opinion doesn’t align with yours.

ie: “thanks, seems a bit half assed with mfm everyones already there may as well do everything at this point if its fun”

no need to be judgmental and insulting when other opinions or even sexualities don’t align with yours.

  Yesterday at 08:21 PM, TDonnybrook said:

Some would say Sodom & Gamorrah was moreso about interspecies entanglement. Fallen angels and humans


This one has always confused me. When I read the Bible I only remember it saying that blasphemous things were happening and they didn’t stipulate what that was. Take that memory with a grain of salt because that was a long time ago and that if a huge book.

I have joined lots of couples for mmf and mfm 3ways. I love it! I love how turned on they get seeing their partner turned on by something I’m doing, like I’m there to give someone they love pleasure. I often feel like I’m a special treat or gift, as though one of them has purchased a sex pet for the other. That said I have been all combinations of roles in 3 way settings, but it’s the pleasure giver I adore the most.

My two very favourite things are to suck a guy as his wife watches and something I did very recently….

He was only curious but he was happy for me to softly cup his balls as he fucked his wife. He pulled out and shot his load all over her stomach and tits. I knelt down very carefully and respectfully next to her and carefully collected each pearl of cum from her body with my tongue, one at a time, and gently kissed each one into her mouth. It was so erotic, beautiful, and filthy all at the same time. Once I’d finished, I lay next to them as they kissed and I ran the tips of my fingers all over his glistening muscular body as they enjoyed a loving post orgasm moment. It was really lovely to watch them being so in love
  Wednesday at 10:43 PM, UnicornFury said:

wow. welcome to bdsm lets go over something.

as you are a self proclaimed new person to the scene that “wants to learn” let me tell you a few things.

affixation via choking. dangerous. very very dangerous. choking lesson #1 starts with how to not restrict the windpipe.. this goes against lesson #1. its is not an anecdotal matter to say its RACK and extreme vs a hand to the throat, a spank on the but… which is common and sane. vanilla even.

youve argued directly against her this entire time she is explaing her viewpoint.
doing such will take allot more typing then you just coming up with arguments because in this discussion you seem to have decided that you need to be right and she needs to be wrong.
ill direct you to read the original post once again.
“there are no right or wrong answers, as much of bdsm, kink, and fetish is subjective”

you would do well to listen and learn theres a wealth of knowledge on here, and no reason to get snippy or argumentative when someones opinion doesn’t align with yours.

ie: “thanks, seems a bit half assed with mfm everyones already there may as well do everything at this point if its fun”

no need to be judgmental and insulting when other opinions or even sexualities don’t align with yours.


Any other verbal ***s or criticisms you care to make? Argued? Having a difference in opinion and contributing to a discussion of “no right or wrong answers”?
Hope you didn’t spend a lot of time writing that convoluted drivel because I barely read 2 paragraphs before rolling my eyes and responding.

  27 minutes ago, AmberAndNick said:

Any other verbal ***s or criticisms you care to make? Argued? Having a difference in opinion and contributing to a discussion of “no right or wrong answers”?
Hope you didn’t spend a lot of time writing that convoluted drivel because I barely read 2 paragraphs before rolling my eyes and responding.


you can be flat wrong and I dont mind standing on that.
I personally made no claim of “no right or wrong answers” Denver did in the original post.

You didn’t read it due to your poor literacy.

ill summarize.

dont *** to affixation when you’re new. thats the extreme opposite end of skill from where you are at. Youve been warned of the risk.

if you think me saying you are new when your account says you are new is an insult…..

  2 minutes ago, AmberAndNick said:
Again, personal attacks. Keep going.

them: “hi im new”
us: “hi new person”
them: “why are you personally attacking me?”

I see that the drama is present even on apps where people come to fuck... 🤷
Want to say I was surprised by it but I was not. Things were fine until the crybullying after I disagreed and then the white knighting 🤷
For what its worth sorry you had to read through all that
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