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Frotteur’s paradise

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Part 1

       It had been a particularly bad day for Richard Swift. Everything that could have developed into an office disaster, did. Two very important customers announced they were taking their accounts to a rival firm. Those major catastrophes, along with a few other headaches consumed the better part of his day. His stress threshold was far-beyond driven. Detangling the mess was going to make for a long night.

     In efforts to repair those strained relationships, he reached out to them. One of the estranged clients admitted they had been offered unrealistic promises by the competitor they signed with. Richard knew the 'pipe dreams' could never be delivered but once their relationship was severed, the damage was done. The best way to win back a customer's confidence was to prevent them from leaving in the first place.

     The devious attempts to 'get a foot in' the client’s proverbial door usually worked. It was an underhanded trick rival firms would employ to snatch customers away. Once the customer realized they had been deceived by hollow promises, it was too late. They felt the relationship 'bridge' with his company had been burned. Typically they felt too embarrassed to come back for *** of hearing; “I told you so”. 

     Since they had already signed a binding contract, the best thing he could do was to apply damage control. He did his best to reassure them they would be welcomed back as soon as 'Edison and Son’s' true colors began to show. 

     Richard’s professional manner of handling the loss did wonders for re-establishing the client’s respect. His firm handshake with the CEO eased the transitional tension and carried the message; “We appreciate your past business and our doors are open.” Richard knew they were skeptical. All he could do was wait it out. 

      The other lost client was a different story. All the damage control methods in the world couldn’t win them back. Their Chairman had a granddaughter in school with the competitor’s child. He wasn’t able to compete with a random variable like that. When he considered the disproportionately large amount of time and resources devoted to keep them happy over the years, it was a wash. Instead, he elected to devote more 'romance' time to new businesses with smaller accounts. This optimistic outlook was necessary to rebound from losses of revenue but it was still hard to completely accept. In the end of the day, it was what it was.

       At 7:30 Richard made a quick phone call and smiled for the first time that stressful evening. He informed his secretary he was leaving his Mercedes at the office and taking the subway home. She nodded to let him know she would notify the security guards but was unable to hide her bewilderment. It was a preposterous notion to take overcrowded public transit when he had a beautiful luxury car at his disposal. He smiled again and loosened his silk tie as the elevator door closed. 

     There was a mischevious part of him that wished he could explain. He laughed out loud when imagining what her shocked reaction would be. When the walls seemed to be crumbling around him, Richard looked for little ways to reward himself. He did what was necessary to salvage his fledgling business. One unusual reward he enjoyed very much, was a somewhat taboo sexual fetish called 'frottage'. It consisted of feeling sexual gratification by rubbing against unknown persons in cramped quarters. One place that was sure to fulfill his kinky preoccupation with dry humping, was the afternoon subway home.

Part 2

       The long lines at the turnstiles verified that he had made the right choice. While fellow commuters complained about the congested state of the commute, he just smiled. Their discomfort was his secret heaven. 'Sardines in a can' on the subway at rush hour was a 'frotteur’s paradise'. When the doors opened, most assessed the ridiculous state of overcrowding and opted for a later train. Many inside were annoyed to see him step forward in spite of the capacity crowd and squeeze his way in. Quite a few shot angry glances at him but most were too miserable to do anything but inhale a little deeper to allow his unwelcome intrusion. 

     He surveyed the passengers for someone attractive to stand behind and lewdly rub against. He spotted his intended mark near the back wall and slithered his way toward her. With so many people in such close proximity, there was little or no room for the invisible barrier of 'personal space'. The comfort zones that people require to feel secure quickly dissolved in the packed environment. Numerous passengers visibly resented his unwelcome invasion but he continued undeterred across the claustrophobic car. 

     Most people would tolerate the crowd for the sake of civility; as long as everyone was stationary. As he nudged and squeezed past them, his actions were a great source of scorn and consternation. He ignored their dirty looks and continued toward the beautiful subject of his desire. 

       After many minutes he made it to his target and stood behind her; as inconspicuously as possible. This was no small feat considering he had attracted so much attention slithering his way across the sea of people. Then he abruptly stopped behind her in the most crowded part of the car. If they hadn't all been so miserable, some might have questioned his perplexing motives for this pointless shift in placement. To a casual observer, he seemed to fight against the flow of people, just to stand as far from the door as possible. 

     She turned her head around briefly to glance at him; as if to figure out why he had deliberately angered everyone in the car. He purposefully avoided making eye contact to diffuse further suspicion. She seemed satisfied of his benevolence after he gazed at his watch in mock concern for the time.

       After she turned back around, he subtly inhaled her perfume. Mixed with a hundred, far-less intoxicating scents was her sweet aroma. Just knowing how close he was to her made him rock hard. Now he was only an inch away from his trousers making contact with the hemline of her form-fitting business skirt. Her shapely thighs were clad in sheer black stockings and her delicate feet were perched in black patent leather stilletto heels. She was a delicious sight to behold after such a difficult day. He wondered what lucky man called her his own. That didn’t matter at the present because for the next few minutes she was his; even if she didn’t realize it yet. 

     As luck would have it, several more got on the subway at the next stop and only a few exited. The dense crowd shifted his way; giving him an excuse to get even closer to her. Now he began to allow his breath to fall on her neck as lightly as possible. The key was to get her used to feeling it there, without spooking her. He imagined brushing her silky locks to one side and kissing her neck passionately. All the while, placing his hands on her lithe waist and slowly raising them to the underside of her breasts. His head began to swim with excitement. Looking down, he could no longer see the floor between them. The material of his pants was actually touching her skirt and his nose was being gently caressed by her hair blowing almost unperceptably in the rocking of the train. 

     A sudden, ungraceful jolt of the subway switching tracks was the catalyst he needed to make contact with her soft bottom. There could be no misinterpretation of his intentions now since his extremely hard cock had pressed firmly into her ass; with only their thin clothing as an ineffectual barrier. Her head turned slightly and her eyes registered a look of surprise but she didn’t dare make eye contact. Instead, she tried to move away slightly to regain a buffer distance between them. Unfortunately, she was pinned against another person in front of her, and the back wall of the subway on the other. With so many people around, it gives a false sense of security but 'safety in numbers' doesn't really apply to strangers. She actually had to back into him because the man in front of her seemed annoyed by her personal intrusion of HIS space. This turn of events pleased Richard immensely.

Part 3

      His heart was beating so intensely that it felt like it was about to come out his throat. He had successfully pinned her into a very awkward situation, so the first phase was complete. Up to that moment, his actions might have seemed accidental and excusable. From this point on however, he was taking a considerable risk. All she had to do was to was cry out and there were literally hundreds of passengers to defend her. Considering the already angry state of his fellow commuters; they could beat him up or hold him until the authorities arrived. It was the risk of being caught; as well as the enhanced level of titillation which gave him a high like no other.

       He held his breath and summoned the perverse courage to press against her again. If she was offended by his erection against her ass then he was sure to receive a stinging slap to the face. Worse that that however, was the awkwardness of being unable to quickly retreat from her. When his hardness made contact with her she flinched and moved toward the person in front of her. Almost instantly, she recoiled after violating his buffer zone. 

     To Richard’s stunned surprise, she actually moved back against HIM in an semi-inviting way! It was subtle at first but soon her delicious ass was firmly pressed against his hard cock. She even had a little space in front of her to avoid his dirty advances. It was a VERY good sign! She didn’t turn around but the signals were definitely there. He pressed into her harder and she pressed back and wiggled against him to fan the flames of his lust. His cock twitched and spasmed from all the external stimuli. 

     He looked around to determine if anyone had noticed what was going on. Between the dim, flickering lights of the interchanges and the misery of everyone being so close together, no one was paying attention. Only in the idyllic wonderland of an anonymous metropolis could he entertain his lurid behavior. The potential for chance encounters and social indifference lent itself perfectly to his fetish.

     He placed his lips behind her head and blew warm breath in her ear. The dull roar of the train was enough to prevent efficient voice communication but hot breath on her neck clearly got the message across. Slowly he placed his shaking hands on her waist. Richard felt her inhale sharply as a reflex to the uninvited tactile contact. Again he surveyed the faces of the passengers in close proximity but they were all too lost in their own thoughts to notice. The shadows of their bodies provided adequate cover for his wandering hands. 

     Slowly he scaled her waist and ribs from both sides until his hands were at the base of her breasts. Gently he cupped them while grinding his cock into her. He could feel her erect pencil eraser nipples through her thin silk blouse. Her bottom was angled back into him and gyrating seductively. He lowered his right hand slowly to her ass without making any sudden moves. The key to a successful encounter was to prevent unwanted attention. 

     Outside the train window, the world flew by. Various stops passed in a blur but he hardly noticed. Her firm breast and soft ass in his hand was all he cared about. Then Richard was struck with a worrying thought he hadn't considered before. His lovely mark already had a destination in mind and might be upset if she missed her stop.

Part 4

       All concerns dissipated instantly when he dared to raise up the back of her skirt for a closer look. He was careful to shield his inappropriate behavior with the closeness of their bodies and the heavy shadows in the car. Glaringly absent was any sign of panties! Richard smiled at the unexpected windfall. Who would've thought that under that semi-conservative business skirt, this very desirable lady was stark naked? She obviously wasn’t too concerned about getting home on time either. Slowly he caressed one of her exposed ass cheeks in a seductive manner. When she made no effort to thwart his advances, he summoned the courage to explore further.

    He managed to get his right hand between his body and hers. Brazenly, he felt her exposed sex between her slightly parted ass cheeks. She was completely DRENCHED! Her pussy was silky smooth except for a small thatch of fur at the top of the mound. His manhood had a mind of its own. It twitched involuntarily from the tactile information that his sticky fingers uncovered. He desperately wanted to penetrate her at any cost; no matter how risky. Realizing the danger of doing something so forbidden made Richard even more crazy with lust. 

     Surprisingly, her hand came around and caressed the front of his trousers in a very welcomed reciprocation. The careless nature of her response; both excited and scared him. She hadn’t even looked around to make sure no one was watching. That was something he was always careful about but when her fingertips made contact with his tingling balls, he didn’t care if the whole subway was watching. It sent pure lightning through his body. The ensuing jolt of adrenaline spurned him on to take even greater risks. 

     She searched impatiently for his zipper while his finger simultaneously rotated soft circles around her excited button. Their mutual intentions were clear but they were surrounded by dozens of unsuspecting people. He held his breath as she slowly pulled it down. In his nervousness, he imagined hearing the separation of every tooth on the zipper as loud as a cannon. In reality, the tiny sound was drowned out by a hundred other noises.

     Releasing his erection without anyone noticing posed a far greater risk but he had plenty of motivation. Once freed from his pants, he looked around to make sure no one saw it hanging there, inappropriately. After visually surveying the faces of his nearest neighbors, he breathed a sigh of relief. No one seemed to care about anything but getting off the train as soon as possible. Their inattentive eyes were cast straight forward and out of focus. 

     Richard raised the back of her skirt and slowly penetrated her to the hilt! He felt the amazing grip of her velvet glove as it completely enveloped him. The incredible sensation took his breath away. It was all he could do to not cast off the pretense of inactivity and fuck her mercilessly. All while the congested occupants looked on; in either disgust or approval. Police involvement and indecency charges be damned, he would have loved to have taken her with full knowledge of everyone present but he had to consider her reputation too. At least fooling so many people nearby made their restricted actions a little more exciting. 

     Meanwhile the flickering lights added to the surreal atmosphere to the experience. She pushed back into him intensely and then pulled away very slowly; with excruciating precision. With each thrust, she gripped his invading cock with tight squeezes. This smoking hot lady was actually fucking HIM! 

Part 5

    Possessively he cupped her left breast in his palm while rolling her clit between his other thumb and forefinger. The sensory overload was too much and he knew that he couldn’t hold off much longer. The beauty of the situation was that there was no need to. He recognized the distinctive signs that her orgasm was imminent. If he timed everything just right, they would go off together; along with the rhythmic rocking of the train. 

     He leaned over and whispered in her ear that he was about to fill her with come. Clearly she heard him because she quickened the pace and increased her vaginal grip on his organ. That was all he could handle. The familiar tingling sensation of a climax traveled up his balls as he unloaded torrents of come into her. His spasms caused a chain reaction in her which lasted several minutes. 

     After the radiating afterglow of his orgasm subsided, the false courage he felt before was replaced with the paranoia of 'the guilty'. Even if the other passengers had been oblivious initially, it seemed impossible that they could have missed the explosive finale. To his amazement, they were all as 'glassy eyed' and disinterested as before! Either they weren't perceptive or just didn’t care. 

     The cold air on his flaccid penis reminded him he was still exposed. He let go of her breast and subtly placed his cock back in his pants. Again, the sound of the zipper was thunderous to his ears but he knew it was magnified in his imagination. After pulling her skirt back down, it was as if it had never happened... except for the glistening liquid dripping on her shoes and collecting on the floor. Looking up for the first time, he realized he was nearly at his stop. Richard smiled again at his good fortune and timing.

       When the subway door opened, he took her by the hand to guide her to the exit. Slowly the two of them worked their way through the crowd to step out, onto the platform. As the door shut, the other passengers continued on their way to their prospective destinations. Richard turned and looked her in the eyes and grinned.

      “Thank you honey! I REALLY needed that after the awful day I had. By the way, I meant to ask when I called. What do you want for dinner?”

       “I was thinking about making roast chicken. Does that sound OK?”; His wife asked.

      “Mummm, sounds good! Want me to make biscuits while you prepare the chicken and mashed potatoes?”

        “Like you even have to ask! You know I can’t compete with your prize recipe. ...and baby... Thanks; I really needed it too!”

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