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Self bondage for the budget minded.

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I blame this one on my wife/Senpai. That stupid scene in Free Guy with the inflatable thingy. Well you can't buy one, you can buy something similar but it costs like 900 bucks. Oh hell no!

So I tried pool rings, but they were not practical. Then I saw a deal on a twin size air mattress for 80% off on Amazon (cost was 16 or 17 bucks) and I ordered 2. I used some LePage flexible plastic contact adhesive to glue them together, leaving a gap for me to fit in. Using a remote controlled plug (I have a bunch in my camping supplies to turn on/off different appliances), some silicone tubing that I had from an old project I can inflate the mattresses from inside via a shopvac. Added some straps with quick connections that I had extras of from camping (cost 8 bucks) so no wriggling out and a strap around both mattresses near where my arms/hands are. Toss in some 3 foot lengths of pool noodles (cost 1.99) and it worked quite well.

But how to get out? I had a bunch of old solenoid valves left over from irrigation jobs that run on 12 volts and rigged one to a timer. Well I failed to check the CFM (cubic feet per minute) capacity and spent an unhappy hour waiting for enough air to evacuate. Switched to a 1/2 inch and voila, it worked (about 3-5 minutes to release air).

Now, I just can't leave well enough alone, it turns out that the straps at the front caused too much pressure on my jaw and head in general making breathing difficult (and potentially dangerous). So I found an old mop bucket outside (cleaned it up and insulated it's interior with foam) and it is placed inside, providing a space for my entire head and allowing movement from the neck up (no restrictions).

So I first tried a large ball gag and then the hood with the open mouth gag (unplugged) and happily drooled into the bucket for the 5-10 minutes of each experiment. Well last night I set the timer for 30 minutes and because of the near complete sensory deprivation I lost track of time. I began to panic a little (and then more) that the timer had failed, or the solenoid had. It seemed much, much longer than 30 minutes (actually about 25 minutes as it takes that long to get in, set myself and to inflate fully) and having no means of escape, held completely incapacitated, unable to move was very intense. Possibly the most intense I have ever experienced.

Even though the air leaked out (minutely, as no system is truly closed) it would have taken several hours (6?, 8?, maybe longer) before escape was possible. It was at this point that I realized that I should probably have let my wife know what I was doing. Oops, my bad. And so, as I was beginning to panic and the *** thundered in my ears I vowed to not experiment without her at least knowing (if not observing/supervising). Believe it or not, I do not want to die.

I want to try it again (for longer) with ear plugs (or earbuds. White noise? or Hypnosis?) and wearing a thick neoprene wetsuit, but I am afraid to try it alone. Plus I ordered a pair of inflatable pool noodles from Temu that will make using the remote near impossible (when they eventually get here). Also going to add a partially inflated yoga ball between my legs. When everything is inflated, every single square inch of me should be held firm, like being held by flexible cement. The goal is for complete restriction of movement, no escape possible.

Stupid question, but, does anyone of you have any ideas how to make this even more restrictive, more intense, any ideas on how to really up the game?

This sounds like such a cool, DIY bondage idea. But you should really try make it a bit more safe and make sure your wife knows and maybe at least checks up on you every now and then. Also, I've seen Free Guy three times I'm pretty sure but I have no idea which scene you mean with an inflatable thingy??

The scene near the beginning of the film when Ryan Reynolds is falling from the building after attempting (and missing) to leap upon a wreaking ball. He selects an inflatable suit (like a big bag filled with air) and he in the middle of it. It of course bounces and saves him (LoL, saves a fictional character from a video game) and as it deflates he manages to wriggle out and run away.


And I agree with you on the observer (wife/Senpai) who is usually watching me via two security cameras and can at anytime turn off/on the plugs controlling the electronics via her phone. As she is fond of pointing out, I still need adult supervision and if she hasn't heard from me in a bit, I am probably getting into trouble.

One of my first DIY self bondage scenarios involved a vacbed made from a mattress vacuum bag, some PVC pipe, a little tubing, one way vales, etc. and utilizing a small vacuum pump capable of -75KPa (about -25 inHg) which is close to a perfect vacuum. I at least did extensive testing before using this one as the pressure was so low it would rupture even protected eardrums. So I made a neck gasket from a 36in latex rubber balloon. The results were spectacular with one exception. I did too good of a job in sealing the system and had to wait almost 2 hours (with my wife laughing at me) before enough air entered to allow me to move my hand to the seal. Oops. Timers, solenoids and valves were quickly added.

So it was a logical (at least in my addled mind) leap from vacuum to inflation as the principle means of incapacitation.

I am currently working on a design using ropes, pulleys and miniature block and tackle to do a perfect chair bondage scene by distribution (hopefully uniformly) to each bondage point (e.g. ankles, thighs, knees, waist, chest and arms behind with wrists and elbows pulled together and then pulled down.

Who says a degree in engineering is useless!



Some updates to self bondage scenes (some with a little help from Senpai)

Further testing is of course continuing on inflation bondage and am still waiting for my airtight zipper to complete a new and improved vacbed (still fiddling with a new neck gasket so ANY and ALL head or neck movement (struggling) will NOT allow ANY air to enter). Updates will follow as testing progresses.

And a treat for you, (if your like me) that have sensitive nipples (as do I). A year or 2 ago I was fascinated with pulleys and block and tackle for use in bondage. Mainly to create a hogtie that small amounts of effort could result in massive loads (Utilizing a stop pulley it worked remarkably well). But I digress (I will explain that one in detail in the future)

First off I am NOT a looner (to each their own), I think popping a balloon is a waste of a perfectly good balloon (Yes, shiny round objects fascinate me, LoL). But I had an extra tank of helium and some large balloons left over from our anniversary. Another digression follows: A long, long time ago Senpai had agreed to tie me to a bed (spread eagle, face up) with nipple clamps and around 2 dozen 12-14 inch helium balloons attached to each clamp via string as well as another 20 or so tied to the tip of my clitty. I stole (recycled and repurposed) all the balloons from the center pieces at the reception of a wedding (Frugal and a klepto). She then turned on 3 different oscillating fans and left me bound, gagged and soon in absolute misery from the dancing balloons tugging, pulling and bouncing about in the circulating air. It was wonderful, LoL, as well as the worst 2 hours of my then life.

And so I was thinking about that experience and how it could be tweaked, improved and generally made more interesting (***ful).

First some math. A 24 inch helium balloon can lift 140 grams (about 1/3 of a pound). Not much. It would take 3 balloons to simulate a 1 pound weight pulling on the nipple, and 24 inch balloons require a great deal of helium. I had enough gas to fill 10 balloons. Hmmmm, more math. Pulleys increase the load capacity of the pulling *** (mechanical advantage) by the increase in pulleys. So using thread (10lb fishing line) and small wooden spools (5 of them) I can increase the MA by a factor of 4. Increasing anymore would be sacrificing too much energy to friction.

So in this way each balloon can lift about 1.2 pounds, and 5 would lift 6 pounds. Ever had 6 pounds attached to your nipples??? Or testicals??? Or both????

To make the experience more interesting I designed it so I lay face down on a frame of 2x4's set about 18 inches off the ground. Wrists and ankles were held with cheap Amazon electromagnetic door locks (each capable of 300 pounds load). The pulleys were beneath me and the balloons pulled up (the *** pulled down). I started with 1 balloon on each string (thread/fishing line) to hold the system in place and optimize the pulleys. Balloons were added until I was convinced my nipples were going to be pulled completely off and then the fans were turned on (all oscillating AND pointing down at 45 degree angles. The balloons would briefly stop pulling and then, Yank, up they went and ouch, ouch, ouch. Hooded and with a fat penis gag held firmly in place, wrists and ankles secured, waist and chest strapped to the frame, all I could do was drool and cry out in ***. Senpai pulled a bungee cord attached to a parachute rig on my testes (tighter than planned), patted my caged clitty and my plugged bottom, reminded me that this was my idea (not to mention I had done it to myself) and to stop whining about it. She checked the timer to the fans and the mag-locks,, changed it's time and left me.

I have no idea if anyone reads these posts, but I enjoy sharing and will continue to do so even if it is all for naught.

I really do need to practice brevity though, LoL.

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