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How do you handle a situation where a sub has bad knees?

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I, as a submissive with very bad knees who cannot kneel or do much with my knees before they begin to hurt am wondering how most dominants handle this hurtle. I have a bad back too but it's always my knees that end up getting in my way. I can take ibuprofen as needed but I try not to take too much in one day.
Try a knee pad? Are u willing to spend $? If so u might be able to get a system that assists u a la assisted pull up bands or something
Get cute knee pads, the soft type they use in volleyball. Stretching and yoga may help as well. Is there an underlying condition that is causing the knee ***?

I don't make them do anything that they aren't comfortable with. This includes anything that causes them *** (not the good type of ***). 

You’re tiny. Shouldn’t have to worry about being on your knees. Just carry you around instead.
I have a condition that makes kneeling for more than 2 to 3 minutes very ***ful for me. I should've added that!
  6 minutes ago, Pretty_lildoll said:
I have a condition that makes kneeling for more than 2 to 3 minutes very ***ful for me. I should've added that!

Maybe modify your positions. Instead of kneeling, sit cross-legged?

There are things like knee pads you can use. You can also use soft surfaces and limit the time where you are in positions on your knees.
A satee’ or stool seat next to, yet below your masters position perhaps. You can easily bow or service him from this position.

I have knee issues sometimes, and small back issues

it's not really an issue. Most folk are willing to work with it/you

but as said above - there's no excuse in not getting some kneepads, they're a couple of quid - and even in public events can go under trousers (or, over, you can say you don't want to scuff your pants OR that you  have knee issues depending on how comfortable you feel) 

A good Dom would just cut your legs off...

But jokes aside as some have said knee pads or possibly getting knee brace sleeves depending on what the cause is. Both of mine are pretty much destroyed at this point so some activities I have to limit. But I am up front with "Hey we can do this or that but, not for long term." A real Dom will understand that this would be part of your limitations/boundaries.
I've a partner with bad knees and they really like the support of using a spanking bench. It supports your legs and knees in particular really well.
If it is an issue with the knee there are potential alternatives there are cushions specifically designed to soften the impact of the knee and they have less rigidity giving your submissive and opportunity to still submit but in a more comfortable fashion, if you're looking for another way to show your submission with the inability to be on your knees I always loved it when my sub greeted me standing with her collar on and her head low with her hands crossed over one another it showed submission and respect.
I'm in the exact boat, but also back issues. I've found one pads/braces to be a life saver
Being aware of the flaws in your subject, one who is tune with the art itself can naturally enjoy sub partners without making them kneel in any way, as true dominance is way more than having a sub bow to you.
It sucks if that's a turn on for the sub, of course but we'll always find a way to excell in other areas.
You always have to work within people's physical limitations. I tie with someone who can't be suspended due to medical issues. So we don't do that. I also do scenes with another partner who has bad knees. We use a low chair and stools, chairs, couch cushions or other equipment to create positions required.
A caring dom will know all of the subs limits and any weaknesses or flaws .Knowing this adjustments to the dnyamic are made. . Thos is an important part of the Dom sub relationship . Not to say you won't be on your knees just adjustments would be made .
Talk about your limitations and needs.

Something to look into is called a meditation stool or meditation bench. Ypu can find them.on Amazon.
When used, it looks like your kneeling, except that your weight is on the smoll stool/bench. That could make "kneeling" something doable, since it would take most of your body weight off your knees.
I use kneel pads. Foam core pads to soften the stress on a girl’s knees. Though I’d only make a girl kneel sparingly if I knew it caused ***. Otherwise can you “puppy sit”, you sit on your ass and put your legs off to one side and kind of bent behind you. It’s usually softer on the knees.

If nothing works which has never happened to me, I’d say belly down on the floor. It’s the least sexy look but sometimes it’s about putting a sub in her place and now how good she looks when she’s there.
I've had a sub with bad knees in the past. She would occasionally kneel on a pillow or on the bed but mostly we just did lots of fun activities in other positions. It really wasn't an issue.
Probably too old for anyone to care but I had 2 knee replacements and can’t kneel. Would hope the dom understands
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