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A poem for your thoughts.

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Roses are red
Pickles are Green
I like your legs
And what's in between

Vi o la
Roses are dead
Violets are violet
Why the fuck would we say violets are blue when violet is a fucking COLOR TOO.

Roses are white
Violets are tight
My ex was not at all
But her best friend was
  1 minute ago, luv2go_dwn said:
Roses are white
Violets are tight
My ex was not at all
But her best friend was

"she belong to da screets!" Sorry bud

And how do we know your cat is cute,
She's probably got a chinchilla and she's tricking us,
Pics or it didn't happen lol
@TheDadfromAladdin, oh your probably right, and I don't think she eva left dem screets ***.
And you don't gotta be sorry,
Because she sucks at 4play
And she was a bitch
So her best friend treated me like a king until I told her I wasn't getting ties down lol
  2 hours ago, luv2go_dwn said:
@TheDadfromAladdin, oh your probably right, and I don't think she eva left dem screets ***.
And you don't gotta be sorry,
Because she sucks at 4play
And she was a bitch
So her best friend treated me like a king until I told her I wasn't getting ties down lol

Good job bud. 🫡

Roses have thorns
They prick and bleed
Violet’s a sub
I put on her knees.
  Friday at 05:57 AM, notenoughsugar said:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My cat is cute
But she’s also mean

Heheh that’s the best one 😀

  Friday at 11:22 AM, luv2go_dwn said:
And how do we know your cat is cute,
She's probably got a chinchilla and she's tricking us,
Pics or it didn't happen lol

Cuz every man that’s touched her is obsessed.
Always come back for seconds and thirds etc.
I put it down like no one around. 😎

That was probably the best reply I could have heard back,
That was hard as hell and sexy AF,
Keep talking boo
I'm listening
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