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Acting out means excess energy. Excess energy outside the bedroom is wasted energy. Be smart and be obedient.
From the beginning I instill into any girl who is with me or belongs to me is that I remind her that her actions reflect back upon Me as her dominant and as her Daddy. This way my girl will realize that she cannot act out in a negative way because that is going to reflect back upon how I have taught her.
And if she does do it all it will take from me is a very strong look which will tell her she needs to stop.
Just show your pet some affection and love to relax them
I would take you in to a bathroom pull your pants down and smack your bum and if you still didn’t behave I would undo your diaper or pull your pull-up down and give you a bear bottom smack and ask you why I smacked your bottom and I f you give a good answer why would go get ice cream and if not I we would go home I would put you in a clean diaper and I would put to bed
Take her to the family bathroom and correct her. Warnings first and if the behavior direct change then over the knee
Walk away and ignore them until the started acting right
Work out what need isn’t being met and act accordingly.
I completely disagree with ignoring your submissive, for any submissive ignoring them is the worst form of punishment in the most detrimental to that submissive and it is not the way to handle a submissive acting out. If you are out in public together the best way to handle it is to make her look at you in your eyes you use a low but Stern tone of voice and all you should have to do is tell her she is to stop now.
Then you put her in the car you go home and you deal with any punishments at home. This is the reason why I instill into any girl who is in my life that I remind her that her actions reflect back upon me as her Dom and Daddy, once you instill this into her she will not want to do anything to jeopardize that she will not want to make herself look bad.
If a submissive has no regards in the way she acts whether privately or publicly she has no respect for her Dom and that is not a submissive I will ever deal with
Walk away. When the little miss comes back work her vigorously until she’s tired out and receptive. Feed her, bathe her and then address the behavior by resetting the boundaries and offering rest. Repeat that cycle until the undesired behavior stops. Little miss will always stray away from time to time because she desires to be worked and it is her deepest instinct when wild. And her Cowboy will always be there to calmly and firmly take care of her working.
Take a deep breath while trying to create a safe space and gain control of the situation.
I’m enjoying the red flags… sorry, responses here by some ‘Dominants’. Wow.
I would spank her in front of everyone with no shame I'd give her what she needs
take her over my knee in public and spank her bottom
Whisper very quietly in her ear....you know better than this and I am going to spank you very well when we get to where we are going!
It depends. Have we spoken about behavior in public before? And is this a reoccurring issue? Is the tantrum thrown in disrespect or for seeking attention?
I am sorry but I have to disagree severely with wanting to spank you're submissive in front of everyone in a store? I would look at that as a show of disrespect to the submissive and also flat out ***. And that is also a clear sign of a disrespectful dominant to do that who has no regards to the image that carries in public.
If it were up to me and times were different I will put that so-called dominant up on the cross in public for a public flogging just like seeing how things were done back in the old days
Time out and discuss in an appropriate venue with punishment possibly
Depends on the relationship. From a firm glare and dropping a new octaves in a warning to physical actions. It all depends on what the limits are in that relationship.
Physical actions are never striking but rather to subdue. An old sub of mine favorite was for me to secure both wrists in front of her, bringing them up over her head with a disapproving glare while pushing her into a wall.
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