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Beauty and the Beast.

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You get notification of emails from a work friend titled hen party.
You open it to find you are invited to attend a hen party for another work mate.
It's a Saturday night in 5 weeks. Knowing your husband works weekends as a bouncer at a bar you instantly accept . You notice it says beauty and the Beast themed .
You instantly think of the Disney film and think it's a bit young. But it must be what the bride wants
When you get home, you tell your husband who, with his usual sense, if humour starts taking the *** naming all the characters he can remember
Well, the day finally arrives, and he goes off to work at his usual time, and you're left to get ready for the hen party. It's arranged for you all to meet at a bar in town then get a party bus to the venue.
You as the only married woman in the party think you are there more as a chaperone than a guest but you're ok with that as it's being a long time since you've been on a night out. So all dressed up and looked like a million quid head out to the bar.
When you arrive at the bar, you see that most of the other party goers are already there and seam part loaded.
You go to the bar and ask for a white wine and soda. A young man maybe 20 says thaybhe would like to buy the drink for you.
You decline his offer saying thay you're with the hen party and would t be staying
You go and sit at the table with your co-workers.
At about 10 the party bus arrived and 25 women stream out of the bar straight onto the bus where there are bottles of wine and other drinks for you to choose from.You take an other wine and sit at the front of the bus.
The matron of honour comes over and says that photos and videos are not to be taken at all, so phones should be in your handbags at all times.
Everyone duly follows the instructions, and the party gets going. The drinks are flowing, and there is a pole dancing competition on full swing
After 20 minutes, the bus comes to a halt at an out of the way hotel bar.
Everyone leaves the bus and go to the entrance where the matron of honour talks to the door man and he let's everyone in where we are greated by an usher and showed to a large room with a bed on a plinth in the very centre.
Various sex toys are on tables around the bed.
Some of which you've never seen before.
Everyone goes to the bar and charges their glasses and make a toast to the bride.
Then everyone goes to the setting area, which is uncomfortably close to the bed.
Once everyone is seated, a man wearing a goat mask and a cod piece only and a young woman with a beautiful bra and pantie set on.
The man has a microphone on his right ear.
He introduces himself as the Beast and his female companion as beauty.
Reminding us all to make sure that phones are switched off and stored in our handbags
We all check our phones and lock our handbags.
Once everyone has done this, the man begins by saying this is a sex show without sex but the part of the .ale will be taken by the ssx aids around the bed.
He proceeds to cuff beauty to the bed, very deliberate, and every movement slightly exagger ated. Once she is secured, he cuts off her bar and attaches 2 suction cups with a pipe attached he then bends down and flicks a switch.
We can all see her breasts being sicked to fill the cups with the click click of the pump.
Beauty is beginning to moan slightly as her breasts are going pink due to the suction.
He then cuts off her panties and rubs a tube of lubricant into her pussy. The gets a large vibratory and beings rubbing it up and down her pussy causing louder and louder moans from beauty.
It's obvious to us all that she is enjoying herself and freely leaking juice.
He then inserts the vibrator into her pussy and then changes the intensity to low and grabs a very small bullet vibrator and holds it onto her cliterous after what seams like seconds beauty releases whay can only be described as a torrent of a squirt that hits the table next to me and splashes the 3 women seated there. As I look round I can see some.of the party goers stroking their panties with the rhythm of the suction cups ther are two stroking each other's pussies and moaning.
The man then turns off the suction cups as beauties beeasts are now purple and look ***ful.
She moans as they are released and her body starts to shake violently. Everyone gasps as they realise she has just had a massive organism
The man then removed the vibrator from her pussy and replaced it with a dlido which he started to pound her with . With each thrust she let out a low moan of encouragement
With this a waiter walks around the tables with silver platers filled with vibratory, dildos and other assorted toys
We each choose one and then everyone in the party is using them on themselves or on each other
There is a low buzzing sound intermingled with moans
After 2 minutes beauty. Let's out the loudest moan and we can see your body writhing on the table as she has a massive orgasum stopping us all from playing to focus on her
The man, after letting beauty calm down and regain some composure carries her from the stage to her room.
When he returns he asks for any volunteers to join him on stage. Well as everyone is turned on and.hormy they start naming each other. Finally the man says the brides name and a cheat of acceptance greats the movement of her towards the stage
Well, the man makes if she is a virgin to that loud geers sound, and she replies. She isn't.
So he continues to cuff her to the bed and gets out smaller toys to play with her. You can imagine the wan are going mad at the sight of there frie.d and Co worked about to be pleasured by this beast.Withing seconds she has cum and is shaking with more biilding up.
It's clear she will not last long. So he asked for another volunteer. All the party goers single me out as the most sober and as I'm married to be the next victim.
I begrudgingly accept my fate and walk onto the stage. This time the ma. Is a lot more gentle and caring towards me than the other women.
There is something about this man I can't put my finger on it but I feel it.He duly cuffs me to the bed and then he lubes my pussy with suck gentleness I'm taken aback.
At this point, beauty returns from her room refreshed and coherent.
She goes over to you and says there's nothing to worry about Beast doesn't fuck anyone he just plays with them.
She turns round to see beast at the table picking up a packet of condoms. She hurries to his side. To ask what he is doing he said that this lady is special and needs special treatment. You see what he's holding and start shouting about what your husband will do.
Beast moves closer to you, leans down next to your ear and says. Hello dear having a good night out. Your jaw nearly hits the floor when you realise the Beast is your husband and he's going to fuck in front of your work colleague.
After the initial shock he says you've been wanting to have sex in front of an audience for ages now here we are.
He takes off his codpoece and his erection stands straight up reaching his belly button.
The crowd of ladies and beauty gasp at his size he slides the condom on and thrusts into your dripping wet pussy St which you moan he then proceeds to pound your cat like he had never before making you orgasums time after time after time. He eventually comes as you lol into the eyes of your husband and behind the mask of the goat you too explode and your juices fly in all directions showering the onlookers in your cum.
After take both beauty and the Beast take their leaves off the stage after realising your cuffs.
Everyone in the bridal party gathers roundyou all so apologetic at what happend and swearing never to speak a word of it unless it gets back to your husband. The waiter returns with your gifts. They are the new toys, the same as you all chose earlier.
You and the bride straighten your clothes and leave for the party bus and then home
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