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*** and Pleasure , two sides of the same coin.

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You can't have the good part of something without its bad , You sure as hell don't get to tell me your game is a game and mine is ***. Maybe it's more elaborate than your game. Maybe the stakes are higher. Maybe it's hard to watch. I'll concede to all of it. However, it is not ***, you don't get to decide that anyway.That is not an adequate reason to demonize the construct itself. There are bad actors who have fundamentally malicious intentions and there are thousands of safe-guards I have in place to mitigate the potential of that, but ultimately, I know what I am doing (at least as much as the next person) which means that when you tell me my dynamic is abusive in and of itself, you are undermining my agency as well. I know the difference between a person who is violating sanity and a person who is violating consent,. All of those things I listed in the first paragraph, they can happen in an abusive relationship too so can a flogging, it's not the act that determines that. I do not want my fundamental consent violated, and I know how to secure it, but my sanity, well, that's my fucking toy, innit? You don't have to play my games.I knew the path to the other side, whatever that side may be, lay in continuing to obey every word your Dom said, even if it felt nuts because a submissive would never come to this place with a person if she didn't believe they knew what they were doing with me. That's how much they have to trust a person to do this with them, even in the most reactive, decimated and altered state of mind, not to defy the hand that ***s. Find them a form of intimacy and love more magnified .Sometimes drinking the elixirs of the devil means you're too addled to interpret your own responses, so it's best only to be with a person who will absolutely do it for you, and do it well, and in good-faith. I would never casually engage in this way but when I do engage, it is with my entire soul.
When you situate yourself within a community, you learn its norms, and the longer you stay, the more you internalise and operate within those norms. It is because of the kink subculture that certain norms are just drilled into the functional manuals: Anything is doable with consent if you just break it down into a process and mitigate risk as you go, you don’t have to understand why something works for another person but you do have to accept and respect it, *** is a sexuality but it is also completely non-sexual to some people.Either a masochist who’s isn’t just a person who derives sexual gratification from their own *** or ***. They want ***-play because it helps them confront the emotional *** they are experiencing or want it because it simply helps avoid it. For some people, processing ongoing emotions requires some kind of catalyst and *** makes for a good one, especially if you are a submissive/masochist. It could be because if your body feels the same degree of *** as your heart, the *** in your heart becomes easier to access. It could be because the release you need to process that *** (like crying or screaming) is not accessible or comfortable in other spaces. It could be because ***-play makes you feel safe enough to experience the type of vulnerability that allows you to process whatever it is you are going through without additional ***.Other than distraction, sometimes using *** to keep fresh emotional *** at bay is achieved by a process of numbing. Someone asking me whether it would be okay for them to use heavy physical *** to get through a horrible break-up, because they just wanted to go under until it had passed. A dynamic ended and as one sometimes does, they took a (very violent) lover in the aftermath, and on the face of it, it seemed fine in the beginning. After all, getting over someone by getting under someone else is hardly a new thing and it’s not necessarily bad to give yourself a dose of dopamine to withstand the unbearable *** of losing love.Pry my love out of my chest and instruct its naivety into nothingness. Tell them to stack all the hope to carry, to bundle up all of the innocence, to gather all fragility and pour the bright-eyed faith like fuel into this pyre of love. Set it on fire and make them thank you for the opportunity to love every ashen component . Tell them to cry when they want to laugh and *** to embrace the stoicism when the submissive want to break down into rivers of ***.For instance CNC , It also undermines the actual level of trust and communication that it takes to do such a thing. Most people who have CNC-based dynamics harp on and on about the importance of communication and the reason they do that is because when you bequeath your ability to consent unto another person, they need to be able to come as close as possible to thinking as you to always be in touch with exactly what you are experiencing.there is a bewildering array of holidays to choose from but to make sure you land in the right place is what’s important in this lifestyle.

Beast !
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