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Shie knew she was in a dangerous situation. All she had wanted was some quick cash, but she had gotten involved with the wrong people and now she was going to pay a steep price for it. Her cellphone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out.

"Return to the office immediately or face the consequences"

She had no choice but to go back. It had been foolish to run from the mafia, which she now knew they were.

Initially, it had only been a charming young man who had offered her some quick cash at the gas station if she dropped a bag off for him outside of a house. She had found the request odd and a little suspicious at first, but when he explained it was his nieces who had accidentally left it with him and he was in a hurry to catch a plane, it seemed harmless. Plus, he looked wealthy in his navy suit, was incredibly handsome, and drove a Nice Benz, so when he pulled out a briefcase full of bands of hundred-dollar bills and offered her one thousand dollars she couldn't resist. She needed the *** anyway, she was a broke college girl who had been telling herself she was too good for a minimum wage job while slowly running out of the *** her parents had left her in their will before they died in a car crash. When the man offered her the ***, not only did she not care if he was lying about what was in the bag, but she even asked for his number "in case anything went wrong". She made sure to say it like that so he wouldn't think she was into him or anything like that, but couldn't help glancing at his hand to make sure there was no ring as she said goodbye.

It ended up being the easiest thousand dollars she had ever made in her life. The address that the man had given her was only a few miles away, and all she did was drop the bag off at the front doorstep. She was happy she had the man's number, M, he had told her.

His smile flashed through her head as she whipped out her phone, "Just dropped it off! Thank you so much, have a great trip". She knew he had been in a rush to catch his plane, so she wasn't necessarily looking for a quick response. Still, she wanted him to respond, because he seemed like he had his life together and she could use some financial security in her life. Plus, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept with a guy who wasn't a complete loser. She was sick of the lame college guys who wanted to talk about their last exam or the upcoming career fair. She deserved better than those guys. She *was* better than those guys. She figured he'd at least respond "no problem" or something before the end of the night, then she could take it from there. Secretly, she was hoping he had found her cute which is why he had been so generous, and he'd send a text asking her out.

Hours passed by that night and M never responded. Shie started getting anxious. Should she have been more forward in her text? Asked him to get coffee maybe? Seen if he needed anything else? Did he really just need that package delivered and didn't care who he sent to do it? Maybe he blocked her already. She got up out of bed and went into the kitchen. She glanced at the clock, 3 am. Whatever, she told herself, I don't give a shit anyway, I made a thousand bucks, I should be celebrating. She poured herself a glass of wine.

One glass soon turned to five and she took her phone back out. What do I have to lose anyway? She thought as she typed, "Hey, just making sure you got in safely. Wanna come over for a glass of wine when you get back? I feel like I need to properly thank you ;). If that wasn't forward enough, she didn't know what was. Feeling satisfied, she went downstairs and laid back down in her bed. Her phone buzzed. Her heart started racing. She grabbed her phone - "Hey! I actually missed my flight and have been working from home... I just finished, are you around tonight?" Shie couldn't believe it had worked. She quickly told him yes and sent him her address. She quickly got up and started getting ready, she wanted to put on her best show for him.

M arrived about thirty minutes later. He was in the same suit he had on before, and his dark hair was a bit wet from the rain outside. Shie eagerly hurried him inside and offered him a seat on her couch. Without asking him, she poured them each a large glass of wine.

"So M, what was this business trip for, what do you do?"

M smiled and took a sip of wine. He then leaned in so his face was close to Shie's. Her face was already a bit flushed from being drunk, but she blushed even more and felt extremely hot all of a sudden. In a voice barely above a whisper he said, "I do secret business Shie" and gave her a quick wink. She knew he was into her, he had to be.

Shie put on her best innocent face, leaned closer while putting her hand on his leg and whispered, "are you a bad man?". He said yes, and with that she mounted him and started furiously making out with him. It didn't take long for him to pick her up and move her to the bed, where things progressed quickly. In less than a minute they were naked.

"Be bad to me M" Shie whispered longingly in his ear. She was awestruck as his expression turned to mischievous and he told her to put her hands through the bedpost. She thought he was going to tie her up, which sounded so hot, but she had no idea what he was planning on using. She was surprised when he reached down into his suit and brought out a pair of handcuffs. Wow, she thought, he must be an undercover cop or something, that is so hot. He handcuffed her hands to the bed and gave her a little slap on her cheek.

"Time to have some fun with you". He then reached down and grabbed the panties she had been wearing, and roughly shoved them deep into her mouth. She struggled not to *** on them and was a bit surprised he hadn't asked her if she was ok with this, but was into it so it really didn't matter. He then grabbed a headband of hers that was on her desk and tied it tightly around her mouth, keeping the panties stuffed in. He sat up for a moment and watch her as she struggled and moaned softly into her gag. "There's one thing that's missing" he said and grabbed a bandana that she had and tied it around her eyes. Shie was so wet by now that she started begging M to fuck her through her gag. She couldn't control herself and was writhing up and down, moaning for his dick. Suddenly she felt something hard touch her pussy. She screamed in ecstasy as she felt his rock-hard cock slide into her vagina. He pushed in it slowly at first and started riding her at what felt like a snail's pace to Shie. She begged him to go faster, she wanted him to pound her pussy. He didn't give it to her though, just kept rocking in slow motion back and forth. She had never wanted to be fucked so hard in her life, after about three minutes she couldn't take it and started screaming for his dick through her gag.

M stopped for a second, gave her a hard slap to the face, and placed two fingers on her clitoris and started rubbing. She groaned as her eyes went to the back of her head. Before she knew what was happening, she felt his cock ramming her pussy at a pace completely opposite of before. Her eyes widened in shock as her body caught up to her pussy, which was being completely stimulated by both M's rock-hard penis and his two fingers that were still rubbing her clit. She had never felt so high in her life. His cock seemed to explore every part of her pussy, roughly sliding past her the tender walls of her vagina to her G spot. He did not stop shoving his dick in and out until Shie's hips started bucking and he knew she was close to her orgasm. He suddenly stopped fucking her and kept his dick deep inside her pussy while taking his hand off her clit.

He roughly grabbed her by the cheeks and whispered, "I'm not letting you off the hook that easy". He then wrapped his hand around her throat and started squeezing with minimal pressure. The gag in Shie's mouth had already made in hard to breath, so even a little bit of pressure made getting air a lot more difficult. She struggled to breath but noticed a stimulating sensation coming back to her pussy. He had started fucking her again. As he fucked her he went faster and faster with every stroke, and squeezed harder and harder on her neck. Shie was barely getting any air but was so close to cumming. Suddenly she was getting no air, and was completely choking as she began her orgasm. She kept cumming for longer than she ever had before, and finally M let up on her neck and she could breathe again. He untied her blindfold and gag and unlocked the handcuffs. Shie looked around and realized the bed was soaked in both of their sweat and in her cum. She looked sheepishly at M and then they both laughed. In a matter of minutes she was asleep in his arms and the happiest girl in the world.
Hit up good2go publishing you could honestly make a book
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