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Toy etiquette. Am i the only one?

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When any sort of toy is involved, that toy belongs to that person. If we go our separate ways, it goes with them. Partially for sanitary purposes, but more so due to emotional energy attached to that toy. Does that make sense? Am i the only one? 😅
Your not the only one and is makes sense!
Really does depend my ex took the toys but I had bought them. I just couldn’t be bothered to argue over anything.
You def don't use toys with ur next partner they are trash or for solo but not right to use with someone else

I'm the same way. Toys that have been used on many people turns me off.

There is nothing that can't stand more when there are dominants who show off their toy collection. It makes me want to do nothing with them.

It's close to impossible to sanitize wood, leather, and other porous materials without destroying them

To me it depends on the item, for hygiene reasons anything that cant be sanitized should probably go with the one who had it used on them. I would never use another persons gags or insertables that couldn't be sanitized.
I come equipped with items of that kind.
Super important to just check what everyone is happy with as we are all different and ace.

I personally don’t use toys / equipment on / with multiple people. They either get gifted to go with that person or I keep them for my sole use.

I wouldn’t allow anyone to use anything other than new on me. I find it really off putting when people display big collections of old items. I can smell the incoming BV.

If they’re new, in boxes or packaging - come to mama. 🥰
..I forgot to say, I also understand the emotional energy comment. 100%. 🙌🏻
It depends on who it's gone in or on. Also I generally make it the rule of thumb to either use someone else's toys on them, or stick a condom on (a sanitasized) toy and use it on them. In regards to my BDSM kit I generally only buy things that are easily sanitised.

I'll never let anyone use a vibe or dildos etc that's been used on other people, on me. It's a hygiene thing.💖
Completely agree. My toy display is what I have used on myself and no one else. I will not use another D’s toys they have. I’ll bring my own.
Plus its just so much fun to shop for toys with my person!
My toys are only for me. If I buy something with a partner it gets thrown away, I’ll be honest I’m the same with pictures and videos, I’ve chatted to people who feel it’s ok to keep albums of pictures and videos of their ex subs. I’m not saying people don’t have experiences but for me the pictures and videos are made in the same way as toys being used, once that dynamic/relationship has ended get rid
Exactly, can imagine used toys to another
  3 hours ago, BeeBratty88 said:
My toys are only for me. If I buy something with a partner it gets thrown away, I’ll be honest I’m the same with pictures and videos, I’ve chatted to people who feel it’s ok to keep albums of pictures and videos of their ex subs. I’m not saying people don’t have experiences but for me the pictures and videos are made in the same way as toys being used, once that dynamic/relationship has ended get rid

I feel the same way

If I do videos they are mine and not to be shared with anyone except for the person who is in them. I only share the video with the other person if my face is not visible. I keep them for my own pleasure. Anyone who I make a video with agrees to this or we don’t make a video. I asked someone who I made a video with over 10 years ago if they wanted to see it. We both enjoyed reliving the moment in time.
I will 100% never let a guy use a toy on me unless it was brand new and boughy for me. I feel like it gives the same vibe as sending guys nudes u sent to somekne else.they know that nude has a story that wasnt them. My advice is live in the present and if u really like somekne make the connection and effort if you wantto
Go anywhere at all with them

I am monogamous with few but very long relationships, so basically no risk to reuse stuff, but it would feel wrong in most cases.

My rule: stuff you put INTO someone (like a dildo) stays exclusive to this person. I also replace stuff that was never in an ex, but used by her to f*ck me. It would feel strange otherwise. What you put ON someone (stuff like handcuffs) stays in a box and I ask the next girlfriend, if she'd like to use it. I purchased the ultimate strapon harnes once. gorgeous piece, handcrafted, extremely comfy to wear and highly adjustible to pretty much any body shape... it has no dildo on the inside or something like this and is designed to be worn over panties. The store, who worked with several craftsmen, closed a while ago and I could never replace it, if I threw it away, so I wont. The next relationship partner I had loved it to pieces, too. I don't see a problem to ask my next partner, if she'd like it.

Edited by Krateros
I bought a harness in hopes of using and now I don’t know what to do because I imagine people will assume it was worn. I agree with the toy having to be new . It should be a shared experience to select and do together, they are the one that will be looking down at something that should be attractive to the wearer as well
  23 minutes ago, vero-beach727081 said:

I bought a harness in hopes of using and now I don’t know what to do because I imagine people will assume it was worn. I agree with the toy having to be new . It should be a shared experience to select and do together, they are the one that will be looking down at something that should be attractive to the wearer as well


I would put it in a box, not mention it and if you and your next partner get to the point where you would now start doing your research to order one online/ go to the store, you say: "Wait a minute. I know it is a bit strange, but...( Insert your post)". That simple. If you both decide to use it, you selected it together.

I have toys that are just for my solo use, toys I don’t mind sharing, and then I prefer to buy toys with the person I’m with that are strictly ours… we split the cost of them 50/50 and then if/when end, depending on the cost, we can pay the other for it if we want to keep it. Personally, if it’s a toy I share with someone I trash it along with anything else that reminds me of them if/when things ends
Ok, so I'm not particularly attached to toys, per se. I definitely have my favorites, my pump and my knotted dog dildo. But honestly, I could lose them all and it wouldn't bother me much. I'd just start replacing them when I can or find something entirely new even. Would I miss them for a bit, yeah, without a doubt. But honestly, they just don't compare to an actual person and I do like skin to skin contact the most. But sharing them, I'm entirely down with that depending on what it is if they're comfortable with it. I have the toys specifically for playing solo and with others, I'm not gonna be selfish. 😈 However, my house on the other hand, has her own opinions in regards to her own personal toys. And that's perfectly okay.
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