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What's with the negativity towards mmf fun but acceptance of ffm

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I've noticed the more people I talk to people dislike threesomes when it involves two men vs two wemon can someone give me some perspective?
Put simply: some guys want their women to play with other women, but aren’t willing to play with other guys for their women.

depends on which people

like, women involved seem to have varied preferences

men tend to prefer MFF - because that's their fantasy.   Whereas MMF, they often see the other M as 'competition' rather than a collaborator ;) or, if they are straight - feel doing something with another man "is gay" even if they're not expected to interact with them.   See also - why it's often difficult to get guys to show up to a gangbang 

  2 minutes ago, AlienAngel666 said:
I pine away every day to MMF. All I want is to be spit roasted. Then I can die.

Your profile is wonderful btw. Similar kinks here.😊

Is it "people" or men you hear this from more? Short answers... insecurity, homophobia, misogyny. 

I find it your going to invite anyone into the relationship it shouldn't matter as long as you have fun and should have a strong relationship before you even add someone
ThaliaV, I’ve no doubt you won’t hear me at all, but wtf I’ll bite: it’s not about homophobia and misogyny and insecurity, but thanks for your personal opinion and incorrect assumptions. Becuz I’m straight and therefore don’t want another naked man in the room fucking the same woman I am doesn’t make me homophobic- I would hope any adult understands that. Beyond that, I think it’s primarily becuz a woman is being penetrated during sex, a man is just waving his dick around. There’s something far more intimate and personal and health-risking and possibly violating about being penetrated into your internal body cavity, ya know? Health-wise alone, it’s far more risky and chances are much higher of infection or whatever. So I think that’s why some folks take exception to it, women included. Think about it- what’s grosser to you; poking a dog turd with your finger, or putting it in your mouth? Make sense?
But if everyone's clean and have std screenings should make it safer
  1 minute ago, chriss9181 said:

But if everyone's clean and have std screenings should make it safer


"Clean" is a word which should be banned from conversations (as it implies anyone with a positive test is 'dirty' which in sense is stigma) 

That also - having regular STD testing is good practice for anyone who is having sex with multiple partners (or frequenting environments where others do) and one of the first things to learn is about incubation periods and that then understanding that negative tests are based just on 'best known'

If you got a STD test today, and then completely abstained from any form of sexual activity for 3 months, and then got another STD test - if that is also all negative is probably the only time you can be sure it is accurate 

I totally get what you mean but nothing wrong with trying to stay safe
  26 minutes ago, jStagg331 said:
ThaliaV, I’ve no doubt you won’t hear me at all, but wtf I’ll bite: it’s not about homophobia and misogyny and insecurity, but thanks for your personal opinion and incorrect assumptions. Becuz I’m straight and therefore don’t want another naked man in the room fucking the same woman I am doesn’t make me homophobic- I would hope any adult understands that. Beyond that, I think it’s primarily becuz a woman is being penetrated during sex, a man is just waving his dick around. There’s something far more intimate and personal and health-risking and possibly violating about being penetrated into your internal body cavity, ya know? Health-wise alone, it’s far more risky and chances are much higher of infection or whatever. So I think that’s why some folks take exception to it, women included. Think about it- what’s grosser to you; poking a dog turd with your finger, or putting it in your mouth? Make sense?

OK my turn to bite - whilst you are correct that your personal choice to not want another naked man in the room indeed doesn't necessarily make you homophobic, or indeed misogynistic or possibly even insecure - and the idea of a MFM/MMF may not be your thing, in my experience for many men it does come down to some of the things Thalia listed - particularly the insecurity thing.
Fact of the matter, and to answer the OP is that it comes down to personal choice but in many cases when it comes to men's preference it does come down to either seeing a MFF as a fantasy, a "show" purely for them, or an ego boost type thing (misogyny) - or it comes down to feeling MFM somehow makes them gay to be naked in a sexual situation with another man (homophobic) - or purely feeling threatened by another man being present (insecurity).
Personally I've had both MFM and MMF threesomes and have had a fantastic time each time and would probably choose one over an MFF.

I may not have mff but I did play with a married couple(mmf) and I had a blast. So did they.
  2 hours ago, jStagg331 said:
ThaliaV, I’ve no doubt you won’t hear me at all, but wtf I’ll bite: it’s not about homophobia and misogyny and insecurity, but thanks for your personal opinion and incorrect assumptions. Becuz I’m straight and therefore don’t want another naked man in the room fucking the same woman I am doesn’t make me homophobic- I would hope any adult understands that. Beyond that, I think it’s primarily becuz a woman is being penetrated during sex, a man is just waving his dick around. There’s something far more intimate and personal and health-risking and possibly violating about being penetrated into your internal body cavity, ya know? Health-wise alone, it’s far more risky and chances are much higher of infection or whatever. So I think that’s why some folks take exception to it, women included. Think about it- what’s grosser to you; poking a dog turd with your finger, or putting it in your mouth? Make sense?

Are you 'asking' (because it's been posed as a question) a woman..."There's something far more intimate and personal and possibly violating about being penetrator into your internal body cavity, ya know?"?
I'll wait for the "bite"

I have felt that when I have expressed a desire to participate in a MFF then the expectation was that I was there to serve the male and his pleasure… and if I engaged in a MMF, then I was to be there their whore. Neither are positions I want be in. My resolve is that if/when I engage in any group activity, everyone involved has to be bi or open to engaging with the same sex person.
  5 hours ago, AlienAngel666 said:
I pine away every day to MMF. All I want is to be spit roasted. Then I can die.

Is it wrong that I learned what split roasted is from the TV show scandal 😂 IYKYK

Well it's because a mmf happens all the time no problem for any lady that ask but when it come for reciprocation most lady don't want to do a ffm cause it's gay or something... idk but ive given 3 sum over n over with mmf but each time I ask for a ffm one of the females don't do it thinks it's gross just blah blah blahhhhhhhh. Yeah 2 guys fucken a chicken looking at the whole picture me watching you get fucked by anouther guy while I'm fucken you...... that sounds Gay
  22 minutes ago, HappyFatLady said:
I have felt that when I have expressed a desire to participate in a MFF then the expectation was that I was there to serve the male and his pleasure… and if I engaged in a MMF, then I was to be there their whore. Neither are positions I want be in. My resolve is that if/when I engage in any group activity, everyone involved has to be bi or open to engaging with the same sex person.

No the female is not the whore she is the center of attention the one who receives the most satisfaction the extra umph she wanted or seemed cause she wouldn't be in a three sum with 2 other guys if it wasn't for her own sexual needs

  7 minutes ago, JoshuaGuy303 said:

No the female is not the whore she is the center of attention the one who receives the most satisfaction the extra umph she wanted or seemed cause she wouldn't be in a three sum with 2 other guys if it wasn't for her own sexual needs


Bless your heart…

Wait, what? Feeling threatened? No I don’t want him there cuz I’m not fucking interested. It’s no more complicated than that. If you’re at the buffet, do you still have to grab the stuff you don’t want and put it on your plate? No ya fucking leave it out!
If my partner and I have a 3rd join I don't want a man. I'm possessive and another man changes that. Another lady doesn't.

If I join a couple he is sharing with me, or she is cucking him depending on who is dominant. They might play before or after me, but I'm straight and don't play with him. Even in this scenario we take turns. My possessive nature doesn't like to share. While I am playing she is mine.

It's all talked about before and work it out.
From my experience, most women are against mmf if a man asks for it because they just don't find it sexy or masculine. They want a man who is attracted to them. If a woman wants a mmf, she will ask for it. Probably after you've hooked up a few times.
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