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Brat Taming isn’t real it’s a fantasy. lol 😂
I prefer brat wrangling…I’ll never be fully tamed because I’m only mildly allergic to authority 😏
  9 minutes ago, HappyFatLady said:
I prefer brat wrangling…I’ll never be fully tamed because I’m only mildly allergic to authority 😏


Definitely take your time selecting someone. There are a lot of "fake doms" and whatnot. Gotta be on the same page for it to be enjoyable.
Wait, are you seeking to “tame” or to be “tamed”?

Not everyone brat *wants* to be tamed and I for one have no desire to tame them.

I prefer to be a brat wrangler/handler or even brat enabler at times. Especially if it's not *my* brat I'm enabling 🤭

A lot of people also confuse brats for submissives which isn't necessarily so. 

Edited by ThaliaV
A brat tamer is patient. Doesn't get pushed to far because they realize the motivation behind the sub batting. It's a fun dynamic and very satisfying for the Dom and the sub if your on the same page.
  2 hours ago, HappyFatLady said:

I prefer brat wrangling…I’ll never be fully tamed because I’m only mildly allergic to authority 😏


"Brat wrangling" requires patience, consistency and control. But, ultimately, it requires the submission of the brat. Every time you succeed a little, you earn their respect and eventually their obedient behavior. But it will never be complete.... luckily....

As a brat, some days I can be brattier than others, depending on how much I want to get punished. It's good to work out boundaries beforehand; for example establishing what the brat likes/doesn't like in terms of punishment and how much bratty-ness the dom can put up with.

The idea (fantasy) around Brat Taming is that you have a Dominant who will effectively discipline/correct that Brat until they no longer Brat, or Brat less.

The problem : there are Dominants who actually really want to change the behaviour of Brats, which generally takes away the part of someone's personality and playful side

The play:

That this is just the fantasy idea and so the Brat will act up within the consensual bounds and subsequently be 'punished' with in a consented framework - what this looks like depends on the people in the relationship, I know some who are Brats who like to push the button, but in exchange like to receive heavy punishments.   This is valid, but isn't how it works for everyone. What is important is you're on the same page, because I've come across brats who like to push the button but then do not consent to punishments so it just ends up being onesided.  Equally, there are Dominants who like to use bratting as an excuse for the disproportionately heavy punishments - this has to be something within both consent lines. 

Do you want to actually "break" your brat--so that you no longer have that kind of interaction/play directed towrds you anymore, but only at others?
Or do you want to "win" the mini session, so that there will be another time to interact again in the future?
Im guessing you like the idea of a brat tamer, and verbally, or physically, wreatling with your brat, such that there will be future encounters. But, you want to win.
Important to answer, because it will wildly change how you approach things.

Also to consider: some Doms want the bratting to come to a full stop, and asi said above, some don't. So it is important to know what your submissives temperament is. Some maso-brats will push boundaries, even when punished severely, where other brats will come to a full stop, cry, and never do it again.
Some might, maybe might be somewhere inbetween.
What kind of brat do you have?
  • 2 weeks later...

Patience, confidence, time and attention. 

With every brat that I've had the pleasure of wrangling the biggest thing that was important was time and attention. Patience is needed for when they are pushing your buttons one too many times, confidence is needed for when you have to reel your brat in.

With time and attention it's sometimes the little things that matter more. 

Also, this should be an automatic, but remember no two brats are the same. So the buttons they push and the discipline they want out of you will most likely be vastly different. 

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