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Ok so I was bound (hands behind back) for the first time recently and my shoulders were extremely stiff afterwards. Out of the kinksters here, does anyone have experience or advice in helping me to be less sore for next time. Thank yall 😅
I recommend having your hands further apart so there is less stress on your shoulders. I.e. if you were using handcuffs use a 2nd pair
It's always good to stretch before too limber up, and afterwards, it's good to have a shoulder massage, but for the most part, it's like a new pair of shoes you gotta get used to it and your body will adjust itself
Hi. A couple of tips that might alleviate any future discomfort: Try stretching before any rope play. And, tell your partner if you're feeling any *** while tied. A proper rigger would check on their partner during play, anyway. Be safe and have fun!
I’m assuming the binds weren’t as tight as to restrict your upper back/shoulder movement to its stresspoint and also assuming your back wasn’t tense and couldn’t have been loosened more if massaged.
If it’s soreness as in muscle soreness after extensive training, I guess you haven’t been doing much (full bodyrange) sport lately, so some of your muscles (or ligaments) probably just haven’t gotten enough attention lately. Just some regular backexercises or even some yoga and if you are lucky enough some back massages from your partner should be enough, to loosen up and strengthen everything until that isn’t enough to stress your muscles.
Whilst some of the answers given already are very good and valid.
It may also simply come down to physiological reasons that your body is not meant or able to bend or stretch that way - some people are more naturally flexible than others - for example I struggle with most things involving ties too far behind my back and physically can only get my arms into certain positions there.
So if you find something is repeatedly uncomfortable or that you find *** even trying to get into a specific position, then find others that do work.
An anal hook tied to your hair may provide you with the proper posture before attempting this again.
It’s just new to you. You should get massages afterwards and practice more

how long were you bound for?

did you feel stiff before you were released?

if you're in discomfort; it's certainly a good idea to end the scene especially while you're settling in to it - equally, feelings of stiffness are more common if you are bound for too long

Also; a lot of stiffness is down to the circulation - this is when sugary snacks/drinks afterwards can come into play

Yoga or stretching routine. You’ll see results quickly if you commit and love yourself through flexibility exercises. Also shorten the duration you’re bound in the same position.

Physical Therapist here.  Combo of things. Speaking from experience, a lot of it has to do with positioning and duration. If you are face down on a surface like a bed/bench with your arms extended straight behind you down at buttocks level and then restrained, that is much less stress on your shoulder girdle than having your arms extended further with your elbows bent and having your wrists restrained behind your back as if you are being handcuffed by the police to be arrested.  If you have any pre-existing joint conditions, like I do (I.e. fibromyalgia or a previous shoulder/elbow ***), you definitely want to keep those in mind. 

Always drink plenty of water before, during and after any type of scene. If you  are able, and need it, you can always take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen later, but honestly moist heat would be fine. 


Yoga/Pilates/stretching are good for everyone. The other thing I was recently introduced to, which after 25 years in PT blows my mind that I'd never seen these used in healthcare,  is Indian Clubs. They use them in martial arts training, but they are great for upper body fitness and movement. 

Early in my journey as a baby rope bun I was directed to : Somatics for Rope Bottoms by Natasha Nawataneko. Aside from a lot of granola it rein***d the importance of stretching, regularly, before and after scenes, and it definitely made a large impact on my body and how I can play.
You don't say
1. How you were bound
2. The position you were in (there's more to it than your hands being behind your back)
3. How long you were in that position
4. Any historic injuries or long term conditions you may have
Yes, stretching may help as well hydration prior to the fact and the same/a massage/OTC medications after.
But, you need to be able to voice when things become uncomfortable. You also need to risk assess yourself. If you're unable to do that, you really shouldn't be partaking in such activities
The more you do it the easier it will get and I would just have a nice long hot soak in the tub afterwards and smile about it when you remember the ache!!
Okay so some of the best real bunnies that I've known have done exaggerated stretching prior to be tying up. Second of all your rigor should remember to check on your well-being as well as your circulation throughout the course of a scene. If they don't I think you might want to opt for somebody else
You can stretch before getting tied. Also play around with what feels better shoulder wise when your hands are tied behind whether it’s crossed, palm to palm or back of hand to back of hand.
Once it starts to get uncomfy then let the person know and maybe change bondage positions. Being in shape has helped me too cuz I’m used to soreness
Try hands up while sleeping so that your partner will have complete touch to ur body and u will enjoy it more
And while in standing pose ask him to tie ur hands behind neck
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