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Do All Female Doms Require a Financial Tribute?

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Hello I am new to the lifestyle and am trying the male sub role for the first time and Want to find out all about femdom. I was wondering if all female doms require financial tributes and gifts? If so, how much and how often are they expected? I assume female doms are all different and expects different things but what have you all seen as the standard? Should I be expected to shell out a large portion of my income for a fem dom/ fem doms? What if I am unable to do so? Just some questions I am curious about and would like some responses to. Thanks!

They are mostly just financial domme's, there's a difference as fin(financial) domme's are mostly just taking your *** to give you some attention and that's about it, some fin domme's don't even do meets, but then there's a regular female doms, who enjoys it for what it is, without the need for any ***

Depends if it's a business transaction, if they're performing a service. Or, if you just form a relationship naturally.
If you are going to pay, actually GO to a in real life female dom/Dominatrix who has a reputation and a workspace.
Don't feed the over saturation of financial online only fem doms. 

In general, no.

But, I mean - everyone loves gifts, right?

So. Professional female doms require tribute and usually this is a transaction by transaction basis - so you pay the tribute and then do the session/event/whatever with them.  Then repeat the next time.

So, if you're unable to pay, you simply don't book the next session until you can.  

Simple. So far. OK.

Now. Some who work Professionally either offer things outside of session and/or take on personal subs/slaves.  This *sometimes* requires a monthly tribute and this is something you would discuss with a prospective  Fem dom.  I've seen some that ask for a low amount for a monthly tribute and some who ask for a seemingly high amount - but there is really no ballpark above "are you happy with the arrangement?"

If you are unable to keep up the payments, for example due to a change of circumstances - this is then something you discuss with them. But, whilst a good Dominant would still want to keep you despite your hard times, there'd be a limit as of what they could offer - not through spite but through their own overheads.   Dungeons cost *** to hire or maintain, for example.

GENERALLY. It's easier to find those who work Professionally because they, well, advertise. And show up on google. And what have you.


BUT.  Not all Female Doms work Professionally.  They don't require tributes, gifts, etc. But if your attraction to them is based on the lack of this; then it can come over cheap.

Because, well, why wouldn't you want to treat or spoil your Dominant? This is someone who, in accepting your service, would make you happy.  Sure, they probably enjoy doing your fetishes with you - but would you not want to say thank you?  Even if that is taking them for a nice meal out you pay for? (And, wouldn't you do that with a vanilla lady you were trying to impress?) 

Good to try to find all about femdom - good luck. 


I've noticed that the majority of the ones that approach me first (always find that odd) chat with you for 2 second normal chat then ask if your ready to pay tribute and it always seems to be £200 except one that wanted £750 and go to hangouts to chat. I now say early on that it's not my thing, I want to chat get to know people and make friends. There are some fantastic female doms in her, and some fake that try and ruin things but they are easy to spot

If you decide to try and find a fem dom or Mistress the genuine ones are few and far between there are so many who aren't. Pro Dommes require tribute for their time and equipment and usually ask a fair amount. 

Try a local munch after 19 is over or a club in your area. 

  27 minutes ago, Inchoate123 said:

I true dominant will take care of their submissive in every way. it is not up to the submissive to provide for the dominant.


I think you got that upside down.

The submissive serves the Dominant.  Serve. The clue is in the name.  

No we do not all expect a tribute or *** for services given.  Yes as eyem stated it is nice to be taken out and treated to a meal like you would with any woman in your life.  You need to be careful with a lot that are aasking for *** right off the bat,  they are mostly all scammers and not femal Doms in any way.  Please be careful as you start out and remember that trust is something that is built upon for more than an hour of convo. Good luck finding out all about femdom

  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts exactly, you can usually tell pretty early the fakes, they ask nothing much about you, never or rarely answer your questions and wam wants a tribute. Like you say it takes time to build up trust, and as much as I'd love a fem dom in my life it takes time to know each other and know what each other wants, still a 2 way relationship with care. I've been aproaches by 6 so called female doms on here, and I say straight off that I don't pay tribute to just anyone and want to know we fit in our needs and desires first, never heard from them again.

I don't ask for a tribute but I do love gifts and men who give me sweet and thoughtful presents earn their way with me more quickly. 

I'm not sure if the giving of gifts can count as a fetish. Last night I had a dream, in which a lover brought me gifts and then we lay in each other's arms and I had an orgasm. A gift-induced orgasm? I'm making it a fetish. 

  21 minutes ago, MsWhiteRose said:

I'm not sure if the giving of gifts can count as a fetish. 


there's a few that's questionable - but...

doing nice things for someone releases Oxytocin, when Oxytocin is boosted, so is dopamine and serotonin.

So, gifting others boosts "The Happiness Trifecta" - it's neuroscience.   When I discovered that, it had me overthinking things.

But, I guess - also... you appreciate this hit as the other person shows appreciation for the gift - so, someone seeming unappreciative of a gift can be a massive blow.

Takes a long tine to find out all about femdom and you  might never. Not all female doms are Findoms, who are about *** but some fem doms might enjoy tributes and not be findom per se. 

  10 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I just need to note what gifts I should bring ;) 


She loves cream eggs 😈😜

  • 3 weeks later...

There are financial fem doms who actually do it as a fantasy. Also, some charge as a service fee if that is their hussle, be careful about scammers tho they'll take your *** and just block, seen quite a few of those cases. But if you aren't into giving *** like that then don't do it king you'll find a female Dom that doesn't require it. 

Avoid the female Dom dating sites like the plague not one on there is solely philanthropic and just has their own interest uppermost,never send tributes or gift cards in lieu of deposits,by all means establish 121 contact if they are genuine and say you will bring it with you in the manner accepted,usually in a plain white envelope if for the agreed fee ( seeking a specialist service from a pro fem dom).

  On 4/17/2020 at 4:56 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

I think you got that upside down.

The submissive serves the Dominant.  Serve. The clue is in the name.  

Edited by John863

For once, I do not agree with you, Sheep. I agree that the dominant should take care of the submissive, not the other way around

  1 hour ago, John863 said:

For once, I do not agree with you, Sheep. I agree that the dominant should take care of the submissive, not the other way around


I think there's somewhat differences within different dynamics.

Of course, in any dynamic the wellbeing of the submissive must be maintained.

But.  My glass is empty.  Right now, if I had a submissive to hand, I would get them to fill up my glass.

My feet are sore because of the heat.  If I had a submissive to hand I would have them massage - in fact, they feel a bit sticky and icky and that's when I really like a tongue between my toes.

This is them taking care of me.

I need a shave.  If I had a sub to hand, I might have a sub shave me. Or at least make sure I have everything I need ready to do it myself.

And of course, I'd look after the sub. Make sure that whilst they're in my care they have comfort, food, water.

If they wanted a drink, I might let them have one rum, but they can get it themselves.   If they needed a shave, I wouldn't be doing it for them.

  • 1 year later...

Gotta agree fin-dommes espically just online which I think they all are aren't working anywhere as hard as the dungeon female doms 🤔 potentially putting themselves at risk 💀 how many ***ps genuinely have a *** domination fetish?!? Or is it just something that the market has invented for convenience?!?

All about femdom not so findom


Being a dominant personality & being a carer are totally different personalities and different social roles with different energy's and motivations!! And use different parts of the brain 🤔 trying to do both would just cross-mojonate the brain like something out of austin-powers film 😯🎃😯 you could be a Mom-dom pop-dom but that's not the role what was implied here I think?!?)

Genuinely. I think it's difficult to measure.   But financial domination in general is such a complex beast within fem dom and some stuff which gets filed under this probably isn't really.

A lot of the online stuff probably isn't really Findom as such - but - I dunno - you can pay someone online and they'll give some attention and call you a bunch of names (in line with your interests) until it's time to pay again - and it's a way some people can get a kick if possibly visiting dungeons isn't possible - or - especially if they're more into verbal.

The concept of spoiling some brat who isn't even going to put out is appealing to some.  Tis what it is.

Of course, there is this problem that because people think it's easy - there are a lot of people who try to get into it - maybe read a newspaper article about how many thousands someone made and think, well, they've got to at least be worth some pocket *** - and it doesn't actually credit there is a lot of work goes into it.

The "of all the people on the internet - why pay you?" to also being able to keep people interested enough so they keep paying, without allowing them to milk the small amount they gave indefinitely. 

Being online also comes with an expectation of being 'always available' which can test boundaries and risk burn out.  Which is probably partially why there's so many people start, then, quickly leave...


If a female dom expects ***, 'just for being a Dom', then I'd stay well away from her. If it's for services rendered or an occasional present and you are happy with that then go for it

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