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Nails,needles and more! Yay or nay

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I have an ex that introduced me to let’s say the kinkier/fetish side of things. BDS&M leaning towards much punishment and *** of all parts that I love!! The power of an orgasms when we got (and still get together periodically) are phenomenal and plenty! So my issue is that I can not find one let alone a gang of male heterosexuals on here that are into all of it:( I need advice on clubs , meetups and parties too if you live in my area. 
So I’m just curious how many guys and girls out there get into the pretty advanced *** and punishment BDS&M?

I got into extreme punishment when I worked as a paid Dom with a kitted out play room from my home.My clients ranged from 18 to 90 and their desires and fantasies were catered for.Some just wanted bondage and mild spanking/ whipping while some wanted to be whipped until their body was lacerated .The most intense experiences really excited me .I had stronger erections and powerful orgasms.

@TAROTT I thought we hve to be careful about whipping to laceration, isn't it unlawful in UK to draw *** while whipping-or has that been repealed. much as I'd love it to be done to me

I will admit that at the time I was worried that I was being driven along by my clients wishes especially as they were paying to act out their fantasies.One regular was a doctor who would bring a selection of canes and I would have to scale down from thick to the thinnest one .His back side was covered with temporary plasters which were pointless as he wanted me to use my full *** in the beatings .His temporary release from his demons kept him coming back and pushed me to the edge of moral debate.Where do we draw the line if ecstasy and pleasure is derived by *** ( 30 years into fetish and I still don’t know) ps every man or woman I have played with has a safe word it’s up to the sub and each of them is unique.

  3 hours ago, Kymi said:

@TAROTT I thought we hve to be careful about whipping to laceration, isn't it unlawful in UK to draw *** while whipping-or has that been repealed. much as I'd love it to be done to me


on camera/film you can't draw ***

privately... well... technically even without *** it's still ABH.

Hi al I can say is I’m a lot more careful these days and I’m finding ways to enjoy *** I with out pressure from my slaves .Know I do this for my pleasure so it’s my rules and rituals 

@Kymimuch of what we do can be classed as ABH and we put ourselves at risk of being charged whenever we play. A sub who has a wobble later, or feels their consent has been pushed past it's limits, can go to the police. We've forgotten this because BDSM is more socially acceptable now. But the law hasn't changed. 

  13 hours ago, NailsPLZ said:

So I’m just curious how many guys and girls out there get into the pretty advanced *** and punishment BDS&M?



I have what's considered by some to be extreme tastes in *** and punishment. But it's not something I'd openly discuss and the practice varies depending on the individuals involved. The foundation relationship has to come first. 

I agree with that every time I whip a slave I think what if ?

  2 minutes ago, TAROTT said:

I agree with that every time I whip a slave I think what if ?


It's sensible to keep it in mind. 

Trust is built over time and I find my regular slaves are more relaxed as they know I’m going to take care of them 

  4 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

on camera/film you can't draw ***

privately... well... technically even without *** it's still ABH.


I thought there were still laws in UK about drawing ***

We are part of nature and sometimes it gets rough look at lions mating they bite and scratch  . As for the law what the hell do they know unless as individuals they partake in the fetishises we all enjoy.



  40 minutes ago, Kymi said:

I thought there were still laws in UK about drawing ***


as above. not permitted on camera.

However, every time you do impact play you're committing ABH.

  9 hours ago, TAROTT said:

We are part of nature and sometimes it gets rough look at lions mating they bite and scratch  . As for the law what the hell do they know unless as individuals they partake in the fetishises we all enjoy.




The law is there for a reason, there has to be a baseline for everything, Whether you agree with parts of it or not. Yes lions get rough but we are not lions are we? Apparently we are supposed to be more "civilised". In nature the weak when born are killed at birth or abandoned, we cannot compare ourselves to ***s. 

Thank you for your reply.I think I should have made it clear that when referring to lion’s mating it was a comparison with the dynamics of bdsm in a sexual encounter. One is the lion and one is the prey .You could argue that aftercare is civilised.

You could yes but for me all play is civilised, limits and consent make it so. I feel wolflike at times in the heat of the moment, I take and devour but a wolf rips the throat out of his prey, I have a feeling that may be frowned upon a little if I tried to introduce that into the dynamic. I understand your point perfectly just not the part about the rule of law. That's the one thing that's separates us from the lions and wolves of this world.

one thing that's come out of this thread that gladdens my heart is that there are still experienced Dominants on here who are prepared to utilise what some might regard as 

  17 hours ago, MsWhiteRose said:


extreme tastes in *** and punishment


I was getting worried that maybe it was only the dangerous ones out there who were into this.

@TAROTTand very glad, as will others I correspond with, to hear that includes, or may include, proper whipping

I would like to thank all of you for your points of view on this subject.Im not sure we are going to solve the issue on where we stand concerning the law as there are many grey areas in the play that we enjoy.As for me I love what I do and my slaves love what I do and I must be doing the right thing because it all has a happy ending and no complaints.       Look after yourself and stay safe x

  15 hours ago, TAROTT said:

As for the law what the hell do they know unless as individuals they partake in the fetishises we all enjoy.


it's always worth looking up the Spanner Case.

There was a lot of homophobia in the case - but it still set a baseline.  For the best part, nobody really seems to care, but it's never been reversed or repealed. 

@eyemblacksheep aye the Spanner Case has caused a lot of problems, even on here there have been some who still pedal the nonsense put about at the time that that group were involved in kidnap *** ***s.  The main message from Spanner has to be that taking it slow, building up trust is as important for the Dominant as for the sub, the latter risks being ***ed the former arrested if they jump into things too soon, as much as I might fantasise about doing just that.

still hoping for a full on whipping to laceration some day, hands tied overhead in v skimpy harem/slave girl outfit lol

Part of me feels that we're unlikely to see a repeat of that.  But, it still does exist in writing.  One of the things we have to be consciously aware of is that anything we do carries a risk.

The investigation culminated in a report naming 43 individuals, of whom the Director of Public Prosecutions chose to prosecute 16 men[3] for *** occasioning actual bodily harm, unlawful wounding and other offences related to consensual, private sadomasochistic sex sessions held in various locations between 1978 and 1987.[1]

A resulting House of Lords judgement, R v Brown, ruled that consent was not a valid legal defence for actual bodily harm in Britain.[4]

The case sparked a national conversation about the limits of consent and the role of government in sexual encounters between consenting adults.[5] It also spawned two activist organisations dedicated to promoting the rights of sadomasochists and an annual SM Pride parade through Central London.[6


Interesting and very surprising

  3 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

Part of me feels that we're unlikely to see a repeat of that.  But, it still does exist in writing.  One of the things we have to be consciously aware of is that anything we do carries a risk.


don't be too sure, at times like this societies have a habit of getting more puritanical and we are an easy target, I still remember a judge adding comment to his sentencing of a pro-Domme over fire regulation breaches that she should consider looking for another line of work, and of course we have seen increasing restrictions on imagery and consent based practices in UK laws over the last few years, spanking mags being restricted from showing cane welts or the outcry over sex for rent and sites that advertised anything the press called 'sugar daddies' which would have an impact on ddlg agge play

  1 hour ago, Kymi said:

we have seen increasing restrictions on imagery and consent based practices in UK laws over the last few years,


we have - and there's been a constant fight against it.


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