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The awakening, Part 8

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The training"

Day 6 part 1


Cunt on fire as always she wakes, the sexual urges rushing through her repeatedly, making it hard to think clearly, she so badly needs his touch, she's been patient, she understands why this fine man has taken his time. What he still fails to realise is she's not some porcelain doll, easily broken, he's yet to see the steel that is beginning to stiffen her backbone. His influence has woken something else within her, something she's never felt before, a darkness, a need to feast upon sexuality, gorge herself until satisfied, an urge so strong she can feel a growl deep inside fighting for supremacy, needing release from its shackles.Shes ***d to stifle the growl but it takes all her will to silence it's "awakening". For the first time in memory she feels sexual aggression and it's confusing the hell out of her. She knows she's a submissive, his Babygirl, a slut who was born for one purpose, a need to serve men like him, to offer all she is and all she has for his pleasure, for his use, yet something is slowly starting to rise from the darkness and she can feel the battle within raging.


She rises and showers, cold water trying to dampen the fire within, to ease the pressure yet she knows only one thing will extinguish her lust, him, her Sir, her Knight and his touch. Today is Thursday, tomorrow they meet for "talk" and then play but she knows already by instinct alone that play is going to come first. She adores her saviour, this man who reached into her lonely world and dragged her out, presented a new path, a path that she couldn't see, a path that was already within but locked away. All it took was a man like him to unlock her true nature, to show her the truth of what she is and she's so grateful. "Talk" no there will be no talk, the decision is made not by her, not by his sweet Kitten but by Something else, something that craves the feast.


He's been up for hours as usual, out for a run to clear the head and keep his strength up. As he ran as always as has been the case recently he thinks of her, his Kitten and the quandary she is. Up until the last few days since they first met he was convinced she was nothing but submissive, yet a brat she hid, not intentionally he knows but he's surprised after almost a year of dancing around each other he failed to spot that naughty little girl hiding in his Charge. There is something else though, something he's missing, his 6th sense, his gut tells him so and it's never let him down before so why not trust it this time? The fact is he does trust it and he knows tomorrow will bring him answers he needs. The excersise done he showers and eats, building his strength up as his instinct again warns him, he knows he's going to need all he has tomorrow for there first play session. What is she, has he got it wrong, for the first time doubt floods his system and he feels nerves, something he has not felt for many years but again he knows those nerves are a warning sign, something to be trusted and again he wonders "What is she?"


The day passes much like any other for the world but not for our two players, they can both feel it, a disturbance in the balance, something not to be ***ed as such but something that demands respect and the utmost caution. An unknown quantity that confuses them both but they know, both know, tomorrow will answer all for good.


All arrangements are made, he cleans furiously making sure all is spick and span, all his toys and restraints thoroughly washed and sterilized, clean bedding and plenty of munch in so neither needs to go out, preparing for what is to come while she sleeps, slumbers as a Beae would in hibernation, her breathing heavy, no one notices, how could they but as she breathes, as she exhales it's not the breath of a little girl but the breath of something else, something much darker and she growls.



Fantastic writing.


Thank you 😊


You have a hidden talent, ny friend. Lovely writing.

7 hours ago, MsWhiteRose said:

You have a hidden talent, ny friend. Lovely writing.

Thank you @MsWhiteRose

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