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The Shoe Shine Girl

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"Would you like a shoe shine?" The girl's voice is sweet and timid, a contrast to the situation she had found herself in on this busy night. As you look over her the first thing to strike you is her nudity, the soft curves of her form exposed kneeling before you. The slight twinkle at her neck would catch your eye...a box on the thick, black leather collar that wraps her throat and dangles a small flogger between her breasts. Upon further inspection, you would find her wrists and ankles also wrapped in matching leather restraints; all with a large metal ring locked within the metal d-ring binding points. A small burlap pouch lays over her sex with a thin chain belt holding it in place...as she shifts, you can hear what sounds like coins jingling from it. Your eyes would all too quickly feel the shame of staring and snap back to the blush covering her face, her hair carefully tied back into a ponytail to keep from obscuring such a magical sight.

Next to her, a wooden box with a foot-pedal on top sits patiently waiting to be used; her shoe shine box. 

Your assent brings a smile to her face. She stands gracefully and you follow her to a large, high-backed chair, more of a throne than something commonly used for sitting. You would sit and she would take her position before you, your bodies facing each other once again. Then, it would begin and you would become inebriated by the scene in front of you. Time passes all too quickly and before you take notice again, the shoe shine is over. She sits up on her knees proffering the pouch to you...you sink your hand in take out a few coins; some of copper and some of silver. She begins softly, "If you enjoyed my service, please drop a silver into my box...if you are displeased, the copper will voice your unhappiness." She raises her chin to display the coin box upon her collar and she only hears the loud 'tink' of a coin being dropped into it.

I watch from the far-side of the room as this dance ends and another begins. One guy leaves the chair and she moves about the room to finally kneel before another. Head down-turned and asking if he'd like a shoe shine. The elegant lead to the chair before kneeling once again to set out upon the task she is there to do. The focus put into it til the conclusion, the hand dipped into her sack and coins dropped into her box. Only to start again, after.

The night was coming to an end and almost every shoe in the club carried a distinct shine. Almost every shoe, except mine...and as she fell upon her knees before me, it would be my turn; the last for tonight. "Would you like a shoe shine?" I answered with a wolfish grin and a simple nod. I had watched her all night and now my eyes had locked hers in a captured gaze...as the blush bloomed over her body, I knew she felt it, too. She lowered her eyes and stood quickly, taking the wooden box up with her. I stepped behind her, following her closely and taking in her scene: light perspiration mingled with shoe polish. By the time I took the seat, I was ***.

Now I was getting a whole new prospective on the entire scene; instead of from the outside-looking-in, I was viewing from the inside and I would not miss a thing. I watched as she faced me and lowered herself onto her spread knees, placing the lightly-colored box between her thighs. With her legs spread, she was not afforded even an ounce of modesty; the glistening of her cunt was unmistakable. She placed a hand on the foot prop and spoke simply, "please place your foot here."

I placed my foot on the petal, pushing the box back against the tightness of her thighs causing her breath to catch. She did not miss a beat though and her nimble fingers began turning the hem of my pants leg up and away from my wingtips. After this was done, she tucked my shoelaces into the top of my shoe, pushing a finger against my ankle and top of my foot. Such a simple act, but her touch was electrifying even through my socks.

Stained fingertips dip into a cup of water, dripping water droplets into a shallow tin of saddle soap. She uses a small, round soft brush to lather it up and begins to apply it to my shoe. Her circular pattern causes the rings to shift on her restraints; a slight melodic chime is birthed as my shoe is covered in suds. As she wiped away the excess I knew the real music was yet to come.

Folding a small rag around her extended ring and forefinger, she prepped up the polish from another tin. The thick black wax covered her fingertips as she began rubbing it into the leather covering my toes. In frantic movements, she worked the flat black of my well worn shoe to a luster...the chiming of her restraints sounding of her effort. As she covered the surface of my shoe, her exhaustion became more evident by the heaving of her breasts. She took a short break between the polish and taking up the horsehair brush, the final act about to begin.

Her back straightens as she begins to buff out the polish with the brush. A quick back-and-forth pass over a small section of my shoe completes the shine in a delightfully rhythmic tone, like a wind-chime caught in a constant heavy breeze. Her breasts bounce between her outstretched arms, and now, the bruises forming on her thighs from the box darken beautifully. A sharp exhale and our eyes meet on the shine of my shoe, resplendent and new.

She fixes my lace and lowers my hem as I free the flogger from her collar, feeling it's weight and balance. I trade feet on the prop and the process begins again, starting with my pant leg. Only this time, it will be different...the girl leans forward to allow the falls of the flogger drop over her back. The beating begins as the saddle soap lathers. This time, the chiming of her restraints are echoed by the thudding of the flogger finding it's mark upon her back.

With one last deep exhale, the shine is almost complete with tears shimmering in her eyes. She leans upright on her knees and I plunge my hand into her satchel, pulling a few coins free to drop into her coin box. Three more silvers jingle as they find their new home. We exchange warm smiles and she bends forward bringing her lips to the toe of my shoes. Her appreciation is expressed with a soft kiss upon each shining surface, and rightfully so. After all, I created this night for her...a special birthday gift for my special girl; my shoe shine girl.

Very detailed, excellent description. You made me feel the experience. I had to re-read;  once as your experience and once as hers. A few deep and insightful look into how freeing facing your ***s and embarrassments can be. Especially with someone you have placed your trust in. Thank you for sharing your experience and hers.

wow. this is amazing. i could picture her in my mind working the polish into the leather. it reminded me of polishing my school shoes. i could see the black polish in the tin an the smell of it.


you made something so boring as shining shoes into a show. then as you flog her i imagine a black leather flogger  hitting the skin. become red after a few carefully placed turns of the flogger. then looking into your eyes looking for the look that says she had done a good job

I would have to second that you have made an experience as dull as having your shoes shinned, erotic.

A careful attention to detail set in a time before ours.

i found myself enjoying the read - and suprised.

I just ask - because I think making assumption on this site is unwise ....

a writng if fantasy or recital of a scene cast for her birthday ? 


Either way - well done



Th first ! The mind boggles what you must have built up to with her!

wow cade was this how u meet jess or what u got jess for her b day. she must of loved it. attention to detail is stunning

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