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I'm new to this and I desperately need help I've mental health problems and autism and live on benefits and I have been dealing with a women called goddess_Sophia from Dundee and I paid her for her services for 15,16,17 and she never showed up and won't respond to me on instagram has anyone had any dealing with her before because i found her here on this site and I looked today and found out she was banned for not following guide lines and I've lost £200 to her and I don't know what to do I'm scared and I'm new to all of this and I told her about my metal problems and *** attempts and my autism. She agreed to take my virginity and be my first kiss and she conned and played me I told her things I've told no one and she told me she loved me. I don't know what to do please someone I need help in don't understand this at all

I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you and your situation.

However - I can try to offer some help.

So - this *** you sent - how did you send it?   If it was paypal, or from your bank then contact them and tell them what happened.  You might need to provide messages but they may be able to help you with a refund if nothing else.

Hi friend
Please don’t worry - it happens as there are a lot of con people on any site.
The golden rule is never, never send *** to anyone again.
You’ve learnt a lesson many of us have to bit be at peace-
It won’t happen again

I'm so sorry to hear this... I met a mistress_sophia a while back & yeah I could tell immediately she was no good. Now her profile has been blocked, so I guess my gut was right. But yeah, always be cautious of strangers on the internet. Especially these kinds of sites. & Never give *** to anyone without knowing them VERY well. Good luck & be safe👍

Sorry to hear that. This must feel very stressful and you sense your feeling of desperation.

Since you stated that you have mental health problems I highly recommend to get in touch with a counseling helpline such as the Samaritan. They offer a confidential service and would be abel to point you into the right direction.

That is so so sad. Please please don’t ever confuse paying for affection with true love. This disgusting piece of work has sadly probably done it before and will do it again.
You have had some great advice here. Please talk to the Samaritans or your GP try to get help with some understanding of what’s happened.
The right person will one day show you the way. Take care.

It’s really sad what happened to you. I am afraid you won’t get your *** back as it’s something you agreed to do and there are no proof she didn’t provided for whatever you paid for.
My advice would be to get some help for your mental health first and get back in a better mind set. It’s not wise to get involved within the community if you are not 100% in control of your life. You learn a lesson today and maybe come back when you feel better.
Beat regards

Hello fuzzy95,


Really sorry to hear about what has happened to you and well done for reaching out, that’s incredibly brave of you and respect to you for doing so.


The main priority right now needs to be your mental health and I am pleased to see others in this thread have also recognised this.


As well as the Samaritans, I would also recommend paying a visit to the website stayingsafe.net, there you will find details for lots of other helplines as well the option to create your own safety plan for if you find yourself in crisis. This is an incredibly useful tool to use.

If the thought of picking up the phone is too anxiety inducing for you right now then perhaps consider contacting the crisis text service called Shout. You can find their details at giveusashout.org. It is free to text them and you get to have support from a trained crisis worker. They are open 24/7.

You’ve done great by reaching out to everyone here on Fet, keep that momentum up by reaching out to a support service, your well-being right now needs to take priority.


Take care x


Boy that bitch is gonna be burning in hell... I don't trust anyone to tell them anything about myself, Especially if its mental heath my man. Just gotta be careful and never pay in advance. But also take your time with somebody. At least it was only 200 and not a few thousand.

So far I’ve found most women want *** especially the Americans I was talking to a lady in Lincoln she was supposedly in the Philippines and she got mugged and wanted help I couldn’t help as and now she’s gone quiet funny that ain’t it take care fuzzy breath carefull who you give *** too on here

Hi Fuzzy I'm sorry this has happened to you, it's disgusting that someone has used these things against you,  I had a quick read of your profile and please do not think for any minute that I am blaming this on you in any way, please.  But the info you have on there is like honey to a bee. she has gone on there and read everything you have said and taken your loneliness and used it against you. 

Please as some others have said contact someone that you can speak to about your mental health as this lifestyle can take a toll on you if you are not 100% healthy.  I hope you can get your *** back but please be careful in the future and do not send a complete stranger any . Even Pro Dommes only take a deposit and never the full amount.  also if she is saying she loves you then she would not be asking for ***. 

Again really sorry this has happened to you.  


Oh my darling I'm so sorry. I'm afraid that you do have to not be so trusting if people. It is good that this person has been banned it shows that the moderators are doing their jobs efficiently. Why are you paying, for what are you paying should I ask, no need to answer my sweet this just does not make sense to me. Please be more private, careful what you say and do not give away personal information. Not until there is full trust and you are possibly in a relationship. Take advice from members on here as there is a lot of experienced kinks. Take care my friend.

Most women con you on here they talk for an hour then come out with i want 200 pound hardly any genuine mistress

So sorry you have had this experience Fuzzy, sadly there are scammers in here, my advice, as soon as someone mentions ***, report and block them. Like with all new relationships, take more time to build it, get ro know the person, don't give any personal information out till you know the person well enough and certainly dont give anyone *** for a service unless you are paying for a personal session, if that is the case, arrange to meet for said session and pay on the day if that is what you are wanting and you are both in agreement. Don't do any bank transfers prior to meeting, you are asking for trouble. Oh and while I'm on, @lesmond691 Most women?? I take great offence by that. There are a lot of genuine women on here. The scammers are usually pretty obvious and 9 out of 10 are easy to spot. Sorry if you also have been scammed or in that situation where they ask for ***, but do not generalise, it's pretty bad form in my honest opinion.

  1 hour ago, lesmond691 said:

Most women con you on here they talk for an hour then come out with i want 200 pound hardly any genuine mistress


Not true...

Most if the women you've spoken to have tried to con you.

I'm a woman and I chat to loads of people. I've never conned anyone. In fact I've been conned by men! Do I say that all men are out to con women?

Genuine mistresses? They're on here, they post on here.....

"Then come out with I want 200 pound" well maybe they're pro Dommes.


I believe that not all mistresses are pro Dommes. Pro Dommes request s, gifts etc because they're providing a service. (I know very little about the dynamics in this area but they're my thoughts.

I'm really sorry Rrally I'm so stupid I only wanted to be loved and she won't talk to me and she told me she dieing and I'm hurting her it's all my fault I've aspergers syndrome, border line personality disorder, depression, self harm, ptsd, night terrors, disylixia and she used it all against me but I love her and I hate her I'm so confused she told me she loved me I'm so sorry everyone I hate that I brothered everyone and I am scared I don't want to hurt anyone the only person in my life I only hurt is me I'm so so so so sorry will you guys please forgive me I'm really am truly sorry I cry myself to sleep since this has happened and I'm scared I  am so sorry I'm in theapry and getting help I'm so sorry please forgive me

Your frustration is understandable. I feel that you are disapointed.
I am relieved to hear that you are in good hands. I was a bit worried because you mentioned suicidal thoughts.
Do you think it would be a good idea to talk to your therapist of what happened to you on this sight. I wonder if that would give you room to verbalise and process your experience and reflect on the disappointment and *** you felt.

All the best and stay safe.

  4 hours ago, lesmond691 said:

Most women con you on here they talk for an hour then come out with i want 200 pound hardly any genuine mistress


Most women? Obviously you’re bitter and have been the victim. Are you doing your part to eradicate these women such as report and block so no one else is scammed?

  10 hours ago, Fatboyslim said:

So far I’ve found most women want *** especially the Americans I was talking to a lady in Lincoln she was supposedly in the Philippines and she got mugged and wanted help I couldn’t help as and now she’s gone quiet funny that ain’t it take care fuzzy breath carefull who you give *** too on here


I take great offense to your especially Americans on here. The ratio of Europeans to Americans on here are slanted towards the former rather than the latter. That being said I’m sorry someone tried to scam you also but you can not ***t one country over another with a broad ***tbrush

If someone ask for *** and doesn’t have the currency sign on their profile just report them as they suppose to pay a special fees to the site. Best reassurance they are genuine if they have that sign on their profile 

  2 hours ago, fuzzy95 said:

I'm really sorry Rrally I'm so stupid I only wanted to be loved and she won't talk to me and she told me she dieing and I'm hurting her it's all my fault I've aspergers syndrome, border line personality disorder, depression, self harm, ptsd, night terrors, disylixia and she used it all against me but I love her and I hate her I'm so confused she told me she loved me I'm so sorry everyone I hate that I brothered everyone and I am scared I don't want to hurt anyone the only person in my life I only hurt is me I'm so so so so sorry will you guys please forgive me I'm really am truly sorry I cry myself to sleep since this has happened and I'm scared I  am so sorry I'm in theapry and getting help I'm so sorry please forgive me


Fuzzy sorry to hear about what has happened. Not all women are like that. Some others have given you great advice regarding this. 


My 2p worth would be if you're crying yourself to sleep at night and suffering from depression, I'd recommend going to see a GP. You need professional help and they will be very understanding. Don't lock it away and try to deal with it internally. Please talk to a professional. 

I'm in thearpy and I have a best friend that looks out for me because she says I'm nieave I just wanted to have sexand cuddle and kiss and explore my body and a womens body too. 

@fuzzy95, you're young, and having to face society's negative attitudes toward your disability.  You have Autism/Asperger's, and dyslexia often comes with that.  However, all of your other conditions are a direct result of society's prejudices and rejections.  You need to keep this in mind.  I know, as I have been down that same road.

I suspect that you actually have a very strong dominant side.  But, you have had to keep it repressed, to meet society's expectations.  Have you been told, over and over, that you have "a problem with authority", even though you have always tried to play by the rules?  You are being eaten alive by your own repressed dominant energy.  It is tearing you apart from the inside.  You feel as though you are trapped within a machine---dealing with the world by remote control.  Consciously or ***ly, you have been using your dominant controlling abilities, to get people to see you as "normal".  But, it has been a waste of valuable energy, as you have received nothing in return.

Because you have Asperger's, you have likely been told, that you are unable to read the "non-verbal cues"---facial expression, voice inflection, body language, etc---that most folks take for granted.  I suspect this to be quite far from the truth.  In fact, because of your supposed "disability", with its laser-like focus, you are likely seeing far more than the average person.  You are unable to maintain "eye contact", because of the overload of information that you receive.  Yet, these observations do not match what you supposedly should be seeing.  So, you discount your instincts, as mere background noise.  You do not realize, that you are seeing right through all of the airs, lies, and deceit---hence, the conflicting messages.  Even in text-only communication, your inner voice is "reading between the lines".  But, you ignore that voice, because you are not hearing what society says that you should be hearing.

Does any of this sound familiar?  As I said, I have fought this same battle myself.  Feel free to send me a PM, if you wish to discuss this further, in private.

  8 hours ago, Bounty said:

Not true...

Most if the women you've spoken to have tried to con you.


Most of the female "dominants" are scammers, lesmond's correct. And I doubt many of them are actually female. Femdom is an unusual interest to women, it's like temptress said: giving information away that you're emotionally ***, inexperienced & like to be dominated is like honey to a bee. Unlikely to attract women, on the other hand very likely to attract pros & scammers.



In fact I've been conned by men! Do I say that all men are out to con women?


Men are less likely to target women for these things. That's because women just aren't as desperate for attention, validation, sex, etc. from the other sex. That makes a fake female profile particularly lucrative, especially one that targets emotionally *** men.

  5 hours ago, FabSeverus said:

If someone ask for *** and doesn’t have the currency sign on their profile just report them as they suppose to pay a special fees to the site. Best reassurance they are genuine if they have that sign on their profile 


Even if they have a euro sign, no-one should be paying them without an exchange of some kind of service. For example, they could say "oh yeah, I'll agree to meet you at xyz location for a coffee, just send over a first", never show up and then if you complain they could just say "oh well, I paid the site in order to ask for s, haven't broken the rules, have I?" Some "dommes" make just sending nude pics & feet etc. that probably don't even belong to them, just been ripped of some pornstar's online profile page. Additionally, that could be an old overweight man using a picture of a young blond instagram fitness model if they haven't been verified. Actually a scammer was contacting me a few days ago and she had been verified, so obviously what these people are doing is paying insta models online to use their pics, including for the verification pic where you show your face and palm in front of a webcam. You really can't be overly cautious on sites like these.

Edited by Deleted Member
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