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Beating-Kink is not currently listed under fetishes

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Before I ask my questions, I would like to state that I am fully aware. BDSM is not an excuse for physical ***. There is a huge difference between the two. Wanting to inflict *** and suffering is the ideal of a sadist. Wanting to brutally injure a person is just morally wrong.


I also wish to say this; not everyone shares the same kinks. My question below is for those who like it or are intrigued enough to be open-minded, so if you do not like this type of impact-play then please stop reading.


As soon as the word “beating” is uttered, red flags go up in a lot of people’s minds. If it does not then I would be more concerned. That said, beating-kink is as open to interpretation as any other aspect of BDSM. The way I see it personally, it is perhaps a more hardcore version of impact-play. It requires a lot of trust, control, and an in-depth understanding of safe practice, as is the case with any form of impact play.


Beating is a legitimate kink just like any other, and I think it should not be shamed just because it sounds bad. I am only a mild sadist; I have absolutely no intentions of abusing a woman to the brink of death, leaving her ***y and bruised with swollen eyes and split lips. To be entirely honest, that thought actually disgusts me and makes me feel very uncomfortable. Of course that is not kink, that is genuine ***. 


The main thing that intrigues me is that some people openly voice the desire to hurt or be hurt by fists and feet. Cock-And-Ball ***, for example. I have seen a male Dominant lightly punch a female Submissive’s stomach (which was in a safe and controlled beating-kink scene); and the Submissive was highly aroused by it. There are Submissives who love to have their face slapped (again this needs to be consented, researched and understood before engaging in it). I even spoke to a Submissive who wanted to incorporate beating into a CNC scene; where she gets out of line and is beaten as a way of punishment; only to continue craving her captor. Once again, in a safe and controlled way.


I too am interested in exploring this concept; I quite like the idea of punching a Submissive in the warm, fleshy part of her stomach; enough to wind her without causing proper damage. Those who know me well enough already know that I respect and admire women, worshipping their bodies so much that I struggle to be too brutal.


I am only one person, so I would like to hear other people’s positive opinions and knowledge on the matter. These are questions for hardcore masochists, and sadists with experience about this kink.


Why are some Submissives aroused by being punched and kicked?

Why do some Dominants enjoy obliging such desires?

How does one go about this fetish safely?

@phoenyx as a fellow sadist, do you have any experience with this?


I would like to know even the very basics, no matter how obvious it might seem to say it out loud. There is every chance that I or someone else might have not thought about it.

a lot of fetishes aren't listed - there's a thread suggesting kinks to be added


I believe this kink if often referred to as 'Beatdowns' - feel free to suggest it.

Not into beating, kicking, *** on any level but do enjoy sweet *** such as breast, vaginal, anal and *** hole probing.

  29 minutes ago, FETMOD-KF said:

There is sometimes much said about how some Dominants can end up going too far, but the same can be said for Submissives as well.  Submissives  can also at times be unreasonable in their requests.

I have an aversion to being punched and kicked, and I dislike watching it.  Whenever I have seen images of this I tend to switch channels, and I have always disliked boxing, particularly intersex boxing, which leaves me feeling physically sick at the very sight.

And yet, seeing two people pounding each others lights out in a ring is seen as acceptable by society, simply because it makes ***.  But you could also say that the pugilists are also consenting to being in a boxing ring, so that makes what they do acceptable!!


I think the point I am trying to make is that there have to be limits to everything.  Even if two people are mutually consenting to something, it still does not make it right.


If mutual consent was always right, we would have to agree that *** pacts and *** by consent are right as well.  They cannot be and never can be. 

So we are left with the question, is punching and kicking alright as long as it is done with consent?  I would say not, but that is my opinion .  Maybe it depends how far the consenting party is prepared to go. 

So we are back to limits.  At what point does a fetish (any fetish) become unacceptable?  Where do we draw the lines?  It can't just be about mutual consent.   Or about safe words, because although these things are entirely necessary, they are not enough when it comes to safety.  

Knowing where to draw a line is crucial, and I think it really has to start from there!    


  29 minutes ago, FETMOD-KF said:




  On 7/20/2020 at 5:17 PM, TammyNatalia said:

.  Even if two people are mutually consenting to something, it still does not make it right




Yet "right" like anything else is perception. What one may see as right another will see as wrong. If there is consent then for those two people that makes it right. Of course there is a limit to how far we will go and some even need protecting from themselves as they may not fully understand the real dangers involved, breath play as an example.

I consider myself a hard core masochist and I've done a few martial arts but I'd not wanna be punched or kicked. Got me thinking as to why... especially as I adore being bruised by whipping... why is that different to a punch or kick?

Why is me being whipped not *** but a "beating" is? Typing as I'm thinking here....


  On 7/20/2020 at 5:34 PM, Bounty said:


Why is me being whipped not *** but a "beating" is? Typing as I'm thinking here....



Because you consent to be whipped, it's what you crave. I Think It's more in line with other activities associated with this scene, outright punching/kicking are more associated with a street brawl and *** just for the sake of it. Im no massive fan of impact play with whips/paddles etc but I will happily slap,bite and aggressively manhandled. What is the difference really? Merely our desires and what throws those switches for the individuals 😊

Edited by Deleted Member
  1 minute ago, Donnykinkster said:

Because you consent to be whipped. It's more in line with other activities associated with this scene, outright punching/kicking are more associated with a street brawl and *** just for the sake of it. Im no massive fan of impact play with whips/paddles etc but I will happily slap,bite and aggressively manhandled. What is the difference really? Merely our desires and what throws those switches for the individuals 😊


But they consent to being punched or kicked...


I instinctively don't feel comfortable with punching and kicking yet I've done martial arts, enjoyed them. Why don't I wanna involve them in kink?

I'm primal...


Whip me til I bleed but punch me? No. Why? 


  15 minutes ago, Donnykinkster said:

Yet "right" like anything else is perception. What one may see as right another will see as wrong. If there is consent then for those two people that makes it right. Of course there is a limit to how far we will go and some even need protecting from themselves as they may not fully understand the real dangers involved, breath play as an example.


You have a point, yet at the same time we can't ignore moral absolutes. What is Right and Wrong can't just be left to perception, otherwise there would not be laws banning certain practices outright.

I want to go back to limits.  What might be right for two consenting adults does not necessarily make it right in every case.

  On 7/20/2020 at 5:45 PM, Bounty said:

But they consent to being punched or kicked...


I instinctively don't feel comfortable with punching and kicking yet I've done martial arts, enjoyed them. Why don't I wanna involve them in kink?

I'm primal...


Whip me til I bleed but punch me? No. Why? 



Does there always have to be  clearly defined reason we can articulate? No, remember it's called kink for a reason, a twist within us all and at times we can't say why, we just do

  On 7/20/2020 at 5:47 PM, TammyNatalia said:


I want to go back to limits.  What might be right for two consenting adults does not necessarily make it right in every case.


Of course not but this is where personal responsibility comes into play and the agreed format for the session. For me if those two people want to do anything between them, and it's not going to cause lasting damage, stays within consent then there is no "wrong" 😊 almost everything we do to vanilla is wrong but only because they have no real understanding of consent within bdsm and how it works.

  8 minutes ago, Bounty said:

Whip me til I bleed but punch me? No. Why? 



Maybe it is something to do with direct physical contact.  A whip is a little more impersonal, a direct punch is a much more aggressive *** on your person.

And I think punching is probably more dangerous as well, as it may impact the organs more.  I am not a doctor, so anyone with medical training can tell me if I am wrong.

  4 minutes ago, Donnykinkster said:

. For me if those two people want to do anything between them, and it's not going to cause lasting damage, stays within consent then there is no "wrong" 😊 


Yes as long as it does not cause lasting damage.  I can agree to that. 

But with severe impact play like punching and kicking mistakes can and do happen, and I personally have an aversion to being punched and kicked, especially if it is being done by a man!

  On 7/20/2020 at 6:03 PM, TammyNatalia said:

 I personally have an aversion to being punched and kicked, especially if it is being done by a man!


Me too so there we both have a limit and neither of us would consent to that

Edited by Deleted Member
  31 minutes ago, Donnykinkster said:

Does there always have to be  clearly defined reason we can articulate? No, remember it's called kink for a reason, a twist within us all and at times we can't say why, we just do



But I like understanding why. Idk, I like figuring out how I feel, and why.

  23 minutes ago, TammyNatalia said:

Maybe it is something to do with direct physical contact.  A whip is a little more impersonal, a direct punch is a much more aggressive *** on your person.

And I think punching is probably more dangerous as well, as it may impact the organs more.  I am not a doctor, so anyone with medical training can tell me if I am wrong.


Hmmm, could be.

Martial arts release, and control, that regression maybe?

But then wouldn't that be true in kink too? Is it just at the extreme end of the primal scale? 


  11 minutes ago, Bounty said:

But then wouldn't that be true in kink too? Is it just at the extreme end of the primal scale? 

Good question.  Yes, you may well be right.  Extreme whipping might also impact the organs.  But so does sexual  intercourse, itself a violent act!

And of course punching and kicking is done in the martial arts, but it is controlled and subject to rules.

Uncontrolled aggression is not.



When is *** uncontrolled?

Is it an individual's perspective?

Is Pirate being aggressive when he whips me? Actually, that's a point! Whipping can have shades of *** but it's an "art"... punching is just ***.


Great thread @DanteReign Lots to ponder.

  6 minutes ago, Bounty said:

When is *** uncontrolled?

Is it an individual's perspective?

Is Pirate being aggressive when he whips me? Actually, that's a point! Whipping can have shades of *** but it's an "art"... punching is just ***.

Aggression seems to be part of what we are.  Maybe it's how we use it that matters.

Maybe all us kinksters should be offered a course in First Aid.  Now I know the basics but I could do with some revision.  Lol

Great thread @DanteReign .



This kink would fall under sadism and algolagnia, or more specifically, pummeling.

  5 hours ago, DanteReign said:

Why are some Submissives aroused by being punched and kicked?

Why do some Dominants enjoy obliging such desires?

How does one go about this fetish safely?

@phoenyx as a fellow sadist, do you have any experience with this?


A and B: It's a matter of personal preference, with any number of root causes. I think most common would be the submissive is a masochist (and enjoys enduring intense sensations) and the dominant is a sadist (and enjoys inflicting intense sensations), but it also tends to play a pretty big role in primal play, from my experience.

C. The same way any type of impact play would be conducted safely: learning (in this case, types of punches and kicks, anatomy, risk-assessment and safety protocol), practicing, and building up to it with lots of communication to ensure consent.

D. As a fellow sadist, yes in multiple forms - from basic punching or kicking (I tend to put this as a midpoint for my scenes: not a warmup activity, but not usually a finishing activity), all the way to cervix punching and punch fisting (extreme forms of sadistic fisting). Do disregard if that question was intended for phoenyx only.

"Is Pirate being aggressive when he whips me?"
If there is any level of aggression in there then I would start to feel uncomfortable. Actual aggression has no part in a scene in my opinion, it is why I will never play when angry. A scene, especially a beating scene as discussed in the OP, must be controlled and done from a position of care. Never aggression.
This could of course be me getting on my high horse over terminology, for some people the terms aggression and *** can be interchangeable but for me aggression is always about the intent to harm. I will often intend to hurt but never intend to harm

*** is not Aggression and Aggression has no place in kink imho. 

What might be seen as *** to one person is vanilla to another. For example, i do not DO mental or emotional ***, i cant handle it at all, i don't want to second guess my likes, desires and enjoyment of something (perhaps this would more accurately fall under degredation and ***).

Pysically i love ***,  i need my Sir to hurt me. Through my provision of submission to Him, i trust him to hurt me, not harm me, this trust has been created through discussion and connection. If He thinks a punch to the face will create the desired effect within a scene then i ask what way should i face and how may i aid in the creation to please Him.

my body is His to inflict upon. but make no mistakes, if its a flogger, a whip, a cane or a boot i have consented to this and as such it is NOT ***.  To decide for me what is and isnt *** on my person, both lessens my ability in  Identity, Expression and my own Judgement ( i must judge *** from your standard not mine, or, second guessing myself or my Dominant as my judgement is clearly wrong) anybody who tries to tell me as such will be met with a logical argument as to why they are wrong . That is not to say that compassion and check ins should be stopped. i get all the warm a fuzzy feelings when friends check in to see if im having a good time with my Sir.  BUT we CAN NOT keep assuming that what we see as *** is *** to somebody else. 

Ok, rant out of the way onto the OP and technical stuff
How does one go about this fetish safely...
Practice, training, control and knowledge. I use punches (with varying degrees of clenching of the fit to change the impact) to achieve a more thuddy impact on buttocks. Sometimes even using kicks or elbow and forearm strikes. All delivered with a fairly precise amount of ***. I've even used a re-enactment axe and sword on people before now, secure in the knowledge that I can pull the blow enough to avoid any real harm.
Why do some dominants enjoy obliging....
Well if you don't enjoy obliging your subs desires then you are looking at being on the wrong side of the dom/bully line. A dom should be all about bringing the sub what they want and need, not just doing what they want to a sub regardless.
Why are some submissives aroused by this...
Same reason some are aroused by being ***ed or farted on or wrapped in clingfilm and left in the corner while you watch tv. They just are, it's their kink and that's fine

  7 minutes ago, Strawslut said:

"Is Pirate being aggressive when he whips me?"
If there is any level of aggression in there then I would start to feel uncomfortable. Actual aggression has no part in a scene in my opinion, it is why I will never play when angry. A scene, especially a beating scene as discussed in the OP, must be controlled and done from a position of care. Never aggression.
This could of course be me getting on my high horse over terminology, for some people the terms aggression and *** can be interchangeable but for me aggression is always about the intent to harm. I will often intend to hurt but never intend to harm


Pirate has NEVER been aggressive.... ever.

I was merely musing.

Just in case there's any confusion.

  3 minutes ago, Bounty said:

Pirate has NEVER been aggressive.... ever.

I was merely musing.

Just in case there's any confusion.


Then there's no cause for discomfort, well at least not metaphorical discomfort  :) 

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