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Female orgasms from penetration


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12 hours ago, Bounty said:

Sorry but "ugh"

I'd like to apologise for this comment.

I've posted about having digs at people and yet here I am, doing that....

I've apologised to MrSeverus in private but wanna do it here too.


I'm not in the best place right now. My ex LDRs mum is dying. He can't visit due to the virus... it's hard.

No excuse I know.





Btw, thank you MrSeverus for your grace and dignity.

36 minutes ago, Bounty said:

Btw, thank you MrSeverus for your grace and dignity.

Thank you Bounty 🥰😘


Haha, no myth. You need to be aroused, your mind calmed and trained and then a comination of cock, stamina and skill..

21 hours ago, MaddieShires said:

Hi yes especially if I am on top😉

Well you certainly drenched my bed darling 😘😘


You're not alone! I've achieved it but only with toys on my own. Frankly I've faked all my orgasms with partners just to get them to stop being annoying and constantly asking  "did you cum?" (nothing kills my orgasm more quickly than the pressure to cum).   With penetration from toys,  I find it's really about the angle and how good I felt leading up to the penetration part. DM me if you'd like me to recommend a toy as someone who finds it hard to orgasm from penetration.


Not a myth ! Happened to me and it was great, can’t say exactly how though 😅. But for sure, it was always in my most aroused moments and where I completely let go of my mind ! 🤯 so mental plays a big part for sure

23 hours ago, ShropshireDom66 said:

Well you certainly drenched my bed darling 😘😘

Sorry about that!!!

6 hours ago, MaddieShires said:

Sorry about that!!!

Hey, no need to apologise it was perfect and so we're you.. I've replied to your message..x


Keep your kinky play private pls. Not interested and it’s kind of gross too imposing on us thanks 



Everybody is different.  A lot can depend on angling, where your g-spot is, to how turned on you are in general - and more.

The best way to find out isn't with one of our resident sex gods, but - with yourself and some toys.   With this you can kind of play around and find out what works for you and what doesn't.  You can then communicate this with any partners if you or they need to position in order for you to orgasm or to heighten it.


On 7/25/2020 at 1:27 AM, eyemblacksheep said:


The best way to find out isn't with one of our resident sex gods


I so wish they had a pmsl button on here 😂.

I am a sex God bit sadly only in my own mind 😂😂

6 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:


Everybody is different.  A lot can depend on angling, where your g-spot is, to how turned on you are in general - and more.

The best way to find out isn't with one of our resident sex gods, but - with yourself and some toys.   With this you can kind of play around and find out what works for you and what doesn't.  You can then communicate this with any partners if you or they need to position in order for you to orgasm or to heighten it.


Winning comment! 👆🏻Chuckling at “resident sex gods” 😂


Well I am a sex god but you don’t have to believe or adhere to my religion 😈

i am a bit mystified by some comment from women who said they faked it or lied to their partners/Doms? What’s the point of staying with them then if your relationship is not satisfying and funded with lies 🤷‍♂️
If i am with a sub and she doesn’t orgasm or being sexually satisfied I am sure she won’t stay long.... 


Interesting exchange of comments, just demonstrates how different each individual is.


There have only been maybe 2 or 3 partners in my life that did NOT get me to orgasm with PIV sex. It baffles me when people say they have never orgasmed with penetrative sex. But I do not orgasm with clitoral stimulation. It drives me crazy when men try to make me. It's sensitive, but I will never orgasm from it. I need g spot stimulation. And yes, the g spot is real for those who think that's a myth. LoL

On 7/24/2020 at 11:26 PM, ShropshireDom66 said:

Lol 😂😂😂😂


On 7/25/2020 at 5:43 AM, FabSeverus said:

Well I am a sex god but you don’t have to believe or adhere to my religion 😈

i am a bit mystified by some comment from women who said they faked it or lied to their partners/Doms? What’s the point of staying with them then if your relationship is not satisfying and funded with lies 🤷‍♂️
If i am with a sub and she doesn’t orgasm or being sexually satisfied I am sure she won’t stay long.... 

Hi there,

your perspective is interesting, likely echoed by many who didn't say it out loud. I'd like to share my own perspective as an ace/aro with underlying medical conditions. These are solely my own experiences and not meant to be representative of ace/aro kinksters. 

I have no idea what kinky sexual relationships feel like for folks who experience sexual and romantic attraction, but I fully disclose to my partners coming into any scene or encounter that for me pleasure doesn't necessarily need to end in orgasm, and that orgasm isn't my ultimate understanding of pleasure. I'm not looking for sexual satisfaction when playing with their bodies, or doing kinky things like rigging or impact. Genitalia might be involved, and their orgasms might be involved, but to me that's just another part of their body. 

When partners focus on my orgasm after I've given them theirs, despite the many discussions I've had with them over my orientation and body niches, I find it inconsiderate  because it feels like my partner is trying to change my orientation. In the past, admittedly I have tried to change for them, but have come to realize that I should never have to change my orientation or my conceptualization of pleasure when it comes to my body.  

So as for why I "lie," I find pleasure in having a scene play out smoothly and in satisfying the other person according to mutual negotiations. I understand that kink tends to be dominated by allosexual and allo-romantic perspectives, but I know in my conversations that I'm not alone in faking my orgasm. This has come up in my chats with other folks on the ace spectrum and also kinky allo people with complicated medical conditions or just people who might not be feeling it that day but want to give their partners pleasure or not seem strange to their partners in a largely allosexually socialized world. I lie precisely because I don't want my partner to think I'm not having a good time, when I am, and because when orgasms are treated as evidence that I've enjoyed a scene, then not having a scene would make any claim that I enjoyed it "a lie." 

All the best, and hope that helps you answer your question (at least from my own perspective as an ace/aro top-leaning kinkster), and the many other folks who might be wondering similar things.

And sorry for this TLDR response but I've noticed other forums on this site that could use Ace dialogue. I sincerely hope for a more inclusive, safer, and welcoming kink community in all kink spaces regardless of our orientations and pleasures and welcome dialogue in my PMs.  

Wednesday at 12:44 PM, TammyNatalia said:

Yes I have.  I see penetration as an act of domination, and that is really what does it for me!

I am the same

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