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womens arm veins and back of hand

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i love seeing the veins on womens arms popping up either after a gym workout ,sex,donating ***,getting *** tests,


i love when a woan does gym workouts the veins in her arms pop up the forearm veis have super cool paterns and as the veins go  up the arms into biceps and shoulders,i love the way women hyper extened thier  arm and the inner elbow or rook of the arm veins pop up


i love when women donate *** the weomen that hae the mega veins already popping up and the needle in the vein "as the nurse is poking the needle in the vein her arm the nurses arm tences up and he muscles and veins show up on the nurse,and as the needle is being poked in the vein it looks like a penis going pojing in the pussy,


i love when a women gets a *** test the vein in their arm pops up and he needle is poked into the vein,

oh yea when a woman s having sex as she goes from horny to orgasmic climax the veins in her arms pop up that is so erotic and the backs of women hands those veins look erotic when the woman is doing  handjob and the veins are popping up  

so any women that can go donate *** it saves 3 lives the pint of *** that you donate get split up and red cells go to emergencies ,the plateles goto help cancers paitients and plasma goto make medications and the whol *** goes to save ives at emergency rooms ,so roll up your sleeve goto a *** bank and go donate when you doanate *** also it burns 650 calories too, and when you donate *** women please ry to grt a video or picture of the tournequit or bp cuff on your arm if the bp cuff is on your ar after the nurse pumps it up the veins pop up on your arm and try to get a video of her poking the needle in the vein and also go donate platelets some *** banks use on needle and some *** bank use 2 needles on in each arm on to draw the *** out and one to push the red cel;s and plasma back in to your body ,plasm donation too ,they use one needle they take out the *** and put back in you platelets and whole ***




so roll up your sleeve women nd do nte ***



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