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What's in a name??!!


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  48 minutes ago, JustTheBlockingDom said:

Not always. It's been 'JustM' and 'JustTheTravellingDom' before now. I wonder if JustTheTurkeyBaster would be a good Christmas name 🤔


I wish were able to change our names for xmas thats would be epic 🤣🤣🤣

Edited by Deleted Member
  3 hours ago, Cassafrass said:

A boss I worked for gave the name and it's stuck with me ever since.


I have a few names/nicknames like that where they have still stuck even now lol

  3 hours ago, BeardedSi said:

My name is Simon.... I have a beard..
. Lol


Hehe  😜

Edited by lil-monster
  3 hours ago, PnH_sexploration said:

Ours is a mix of our initials and a nod to our exploration x


Love it , thank you for sharing.

  3 hours ago, MrCopolo said:

MrCopolo is something I had on and off for ages it’s a take on Marco Polo as he was an adventurer and I love the adventure he was also a merchant and I have also been known to trade In misery hahaha ..


Lolol that I do know about you MrC!!!

  3 hours ago, MrCopolo said:

My name is Christopher so split to MrC/polo the two together .


Thank you for sharing xx

  3 hours ago, Donnykinkster said:

Mines pretty simple, I'm from Donny and I'm a kinkster 😂


Hehe thank you for sharing Donny ☺️😂 didn't fancy using sex God then 🤪😜

  2 hours ago, matt-o-chist said:

Matt-o-Chist because I like *** received and given 😂


Love the twist on it thank you for sharing x

  2 hours ago, MuffSparkle said:

Mine is an actual nickname a friend gave me many many MANY years ago. It all came about after getting waxed for the first time and I showed my friend whilst drunk, they replied, "OOOOH its all shiney, you have a sparkly muff! From now on Im gonna call you MuffSparkle" and they have. Lol


Bahahahaha love it muff that did actually made me laugh out loud in the staff room of all places 😂😂😂😂😂

  2 hours ago, FabSeverus said:

Mine come from a Roman emperor Septimius Severus which I found interesting and not known by people. There is lots of commun things attached to my life, France, Lyon, UK, horses and power. Added my nickname to it Fab! I didn’t know about the Severus from Harry Potter as I didn’t watch or read it obviously But I could also be related 😂


I've never heard of that Roman emperor before so thank you for sharing. And I also didn't know about Harry potter either 😂😂😂 guess you learn something new every day 

  2 hours ago, JustTheBlockingDom said:

Think mine is self-explanatory 😁


Lmao I think so, Just!!!😂

Edited by lil-monster
  2 hours ago, lesmond691 said:

Mine is a nickname the step kids gave to me


Aw that's really nice , thank you for sharing.

  2 hours ago, Nylon-Nellie said:

I got given my new nickname from a fellow kinkster, plus I love the name Nellie. So I ended up changing it to Nylon-Nellie.


Aw yes I remember your profile name here before but do love this one xx

  1 hour ago, Bounty said:

I was Swift Little Bird.... because I always wanted to be free (Was given the name by my ex ldr. Became LazyPiratesBounty when I was with him then just dropped the LazyPirate bit to become Bounty.

It's bounty as in treasure, not the chocolate (I loathe coconut, fun fact!)


It's shows the growth that you've been through Hun 😘 lolol yeah I hate coconut also 🤢

  1 hour ago, DanteReign said:

I like the name Dante. It feels powerful and strong, as well as having a certain elegance maybe?
Dante means endurance, as far as I am aware, and Reign speaks for itself. Essentially my name translates to "enduring control"; particularly over a Submissive.


Thank you for sharing and Dante is a great name!!! Would also be a great name for a rock band!!?!! 🤓🤪

  1 hour ago, quietlysure said:

Boredom more than anything, after about fifty attempts of putting in username and getting username taken I just typed it in, oddly it is quite apt though 🤪


Lol thank you for sharing

  1 hour ago, Shenna said:

My Fetname is Shenna and it comes from the word shenanigans. I added the extra N to make it stand out more. 

But this name is me down to a T.. 

Taken from dictionary of meanings.

1. Activities of playful nature, often with a titillating, sensual aspect. 

2. Rowdy, raucous, or rough activities that have playful or intimate intention. 

I have a date tonight that I hope will end up with shenanigans. 

I'm definitely up for shenanigans 


Awww I love that , thank you for sharing 😻😻 

  11 minutes ago, MuffSparkle said:

I wish were able to change our names for xmas thats would be epic 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my gosh!!!! Yaaassss!!!!! I'd love that maybe it's something we should all put forward 🤪😂🤔

Thank you to everyone so far that's commented, I really do appreciate it!! 💚💜❤️

  1 hour ago, JustTheBlockingDom said:

Not always. It's been 'JustM' and 'JustTheTravellingDom' before now. I wonder if JustTheTurkeyBaster would be a good Christmas name 🤔


Liking that one! I think I may well change my name for Christmas god knows we can do with some fun!


Paddywack is derived from my online persona as well as my background .

Hello, I picked sissy boy as one of my biggest fantasies is being turned into a sissy.

  5 minutes ago, Paddywack said:

Paddywack is derived from my online persona as well as my background .


Thank you for sharing. 

  4 minutes ago, sissyboy73 said:

Hello, I picked sissy boy as one of my biggest fantasies is being turned into a sissy.


Hi, thank you for sharing.

I derived mine from hollyfuck and since i am all into assworship it is here to stay.

I love this thread, great idea @lil-monster💗👯‍♀️


My id name comes from a few different things.  I have always loved anything magical and mystical, so things like Angels, Fairies, Pixies, Dragons etc etc. 👼🧚‍♀️🐉  The one thing I love about Pixies 🧚‍♀️ is that they are mischievous in nature and you never know what your going to get with them and that sort of describes me.  As for the Dust part, well who doesn't like a bit of sparkle  for me its about spreading the love 💗 cheer 😊 and sparkle around, hopefully making someone's day a little brighter 🌞  

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