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What's in a name??!!


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The name Chiana came from a show called farscape. It was at the same time as I was discovering my other self, and it just seemed to fit with who was being created, and it has been that ever since ๐Ÿ˜Š

My name is Mia Wallace, now I have to go powder my nose.

Calm down, it's a joke.

  1 hour ago, Chiana said:

The name Chiana came from a show called farscape. It was at the same time as I was discovering my other self, and it just seemed to fit with who was being created, and it has been that ever since ๐Ÿ˜Š


Oh gosh I love farscape and your name did ring a bell and I couldn't figure out why!!! It's been so long since I've watched it ๐Ÿ˜Š but I love the name it's beautiful.

  58 minutes ago, Mia2504 said:

My name is Mia Wallace, now I have to go powder my nose.

Calm down, it's a joke.


Pulp fiction am I correct? 

  52 minutes ago, Willow75 said:

Lilm you know were my name came from. ๐Ÿค—


I do willow I remember when you told me you were changing your name to willow and since then I've watched you grow on your journey it's been amazing to watch ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

  7 minutes ago, lil-monster said:

Oh gosh I love farscape and your name did ring a bell and I couldn't figure out why!!! It's been so long since I've watched it ๐Ÿ˜Š but I love the name it's beautiful.


Thank you, ๐Ÿ’œ  I could never change it ๐Ÿ˜Š

  1 minute ago, Chiana said:

Thank you, ๐Ÿ’œ  I could never change it ๐Ÿ˜Š


Yes please don't ever change it!!! It's a beautiful name and really suits you!!! 

Mine is something of an ironic story.

I was given the name Helen by a scammer who pretended to be a Mistress. By the time I discovered that, I had made Helen my own and I was damned if I was going to let some dirty criminal take that away from me.

I'm still figuring out who Helen is. That's a journey I may never finish, but it's a happy one.

  24 minutes ago, Mumbles4E said:

a nickname given to me from younger years... just kinda stuck =)


Thank you for sharing, I think we all have a nickname that has stuck from our younger years 

  17 minutes ago, Paul_aka_Helen said:

Mine is something of an ironic story.

I was given the name Helen by a scammer who pretended to be a Mistress. By the time I discovered that, I had made Helen my own and I was damned if I was going to let some dirty criminal take that away from me.

I'm still figuring out who Helen is. That's a journey I may never finish, but it's a happy one.


Exactly Hun!!! You have made Helen your own and it's a beautiful name which does really suit you, and I can't see you being anyone else other than Helen. Always on a journey it never ends 

LazyPirate came from a ReliantK song โ€˜Pirates who donโ€™t do anythingโ€™ and was a bit of a self deprecating joke on how lazy I can be: I donโ€™t do stuff if I see no value in it (but also working night shifts alongside a business means that i have a messed up sleep pattern and often have limited energy so days off I donโ€™t do much)

Everyone here seems to have deep story's and I'm like bluecat came from me liking the color blue and cats so I'm bluecat .

I have no story behind mind ๐Ÿ˜ฌ sad lmao. I wanted to put HarleyQuinn since my love for a person goes deep like that character but I thought people would think It was too cheese, so I decide to put my name๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

  5 hours ago, LazyPirate said:

LazyPirate came from a ReliantK song โ€˜Pirates who donโ€™t do anythingโ€™ and was a bit of a self deprecating joke on how lazy I can be: I donโ€™t do stuff if I see no value in it (but also working night shifts alongside a business means that i have a messed up sleep pattern and often have limited energy so days off I donโ€™t do much)


Never heard that song before but I'll check it out now!!! I can imagine you're tired on days off etc and sleep pattern is all over the place my Sir is the same as he works nights too and his sleep can be out of wack. But thank you for sharing.

  1 hour ago, ZognaZogna said:

Spank It 24/7. A Human Spanking Machine. Because I Would Love To Have a Female Bottom to Spank Anytime Day or Night.


Thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  42 minutes ago, Amy4U said:

I have no story behind mind ๐Ÿ˜ฌ sad lmao. I wanted to put HarleyQuinn since my love for a person goes deep like that character but I thought people would think It was too cheese, so I decide to put my name๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ


Lol I LOVE Harley Quinn!!!!! It's why my name is lil-monster my love is deep for Lady Gaga. It's not too cheesy lol I'm forever banging on about Lady G I couldn't care less if people thought my name was cheesy ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Edited by lil-monster

"Qwerty" is simply because I studied computer science in college and work IT. "Tothemax" is because the name qwerty was already taken. If I had to give it a better reason though, I'd say it's because there are no half measures with me. When I set out to do something, I finish it. I go "to the max".


fs - facesitting
plj - pocketless jeans
bb - ballbusting
cp - cosplay and/or cuntpunt
fwb - friends with benefits
93 - (1993) the year MMPR started and the origins of my kink for zentai suits.

  2 hours ago, qwertytothemax said:

"Qwerty" is simply because I studied computer science in college and work IT. "Tothemax" is because the name qwerty was already taken. If I had to give it a better reason though, I'd say it's because there are no half measures with me. When I set out to do something, I finish it. I go "to the max".


Love the name thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  Just now, fspljbbcpfwb93 said:

fs - facesitting
plj - pocketless jeans
bb - ballbusting
cp - cosplay and/or cuntpunt
fwb - friends with benefits
93 - (1993) the year MMPR started and the origins of my kink for zentai suits.


Wow thank you for sharing love how it's all the things you like/love all together

  11 hours ago, Bluecat1228 said:

Everyone here seems to have deep story's and I'm like bluecat came from me liking the color blue and cats so I'm bluecat .


I love cats too 

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