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Hi. I do really need advice in how to be a Dom. My partner after a few months dating has told me she like all this sort of stuff and I have never practised before and I'm absolutely lost.

Why been trying stuff with her but there's some point while we are having sex when she need more than I'm doing and she won't tell me because she wants me to de the hard Dom.

I usually spank her, pull her hair while banging her and also strangling but I need to learn how and when do more stuff how to really dominate her.

Please help

Hiya & Welcome! You could both check out out local fetish clubs & Minches as a couple & could have a watch BDSM101 on YouTube. 😊 X x x
I agree with Short_Elf, get dolled up together & take yourselves to a Fetish club. Don’t be scared by the title they’re just like any other club with music & drinking but with play going on in the background. The play you can observe & sometimes join in but you don’t have to you can just have a drink, chat to people & just open your eyes to our world. The most important thing that I seek in any Dom is purely ‘confidence’ Good luck x
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