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Wax play


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it's best, for safety, to go for candles designed for wax play.  there are many kinky candle makers and that will help keep you safe.

Alternatively, if you're shopping around - you really want soy candles as they melt at a lower temperature and cool on the skin.  you certainly want to avoid parrafin and especially anything like beeswax or tea lights - also avoid anything scented.  A lot of these melt at a higher temperature and greatly increase the burn risk.

No. Wax play doesn't mark.  If it burns the skin you are too close, or using the wrong type of candle.   The aim is not to burn.

Also, the higher wax drops, the more it cools as it falls.

If you think you've burnt - stop immediately and run the area under cold water.

Otherwise, the main challenge for wax play is the clean up.  A blunt knife to remove from the skin and lots of washing


Pure soy is probably the best for wax play as it has the lowest melt point .but you will rarely find them .paraffin can be used or parasoy mix both burn at a higher temp .avoid beeswax at all cost. Don't bother with scented either .don't get close with them and avoid the more sensitive areas to begin with .and avoid pooling of the wax .get an old sheet to lay on because it is a bit messy


I just did it last night its so intense and I love being completely covered in it omg no feeling like hot wax hitting your skin 🙃


I use the tapered candles from the dollar store. If you are to close to the skin when the wax touches it it can burn. Arms distance away is good.


I would never use candles that aren't designed for wax play, especially if you're starting out. Some candles will leave the person receiving with nasty burns. ones from a kink/sex shop and learn about their usage. Always start high and get lower with the person receiving it wellbeing in mind.


In wax play I use soy uv candles because they pop so well under UV light if anyone wants to see pm me first of all distance from the body is not important I do most of my play with the flame less than an inch away WHAT is important is how wax behaves when you light a candle the wax is at 50 degrees but it can rise to 400 degrees if you leave it burning it gets hotter so always tip away the pooled wax before using it on your subject I draw lines with the candle almost touching the skin I find that clear up is easy remover the majority with a knife then use paper towels with coconut oil to remove the rest the coconut oil dose 2 things 1 it softens the wax and 2 it’s good for the skin so your after care is sorted it’s also worth putting a tarpaulin down to protect your floor especially if you have carpets because wax breaks vacuum cleaners if you do get it on a carpet use scrap cloth and an iron to remove it


Yep, clean up can be a bitch. But, there are options.

Stuff like baby changing pads, if someone lies on one, you can sc*** excess wax into them and then dispose of it.

Ditto for towels/sheets/etc which can go into the wash.

If you've a wooden/tiles floor it can be easy to sweep up - but if you have a carpet, be ready with a vacuum and be careful not to trod it in

You can probably get most/all off - but if there's excess it will come off after a good scrub in the bath/shower.  Just, of course, be mindful there'll be lumps of wax going down the drain.  They will shift though, but might need to run down some hot water afterwards.


Some people use baby oil on the skin first to make for an easier clean off.  It does make clean off easier, but if you're putting any form of oil on the skin be wary that hot wax is obviously going to heat the oil.


If you can't get hold of specific play candles that have been recommended, I'd suggest massage candles, they're designed not to burn and come with full instructions often with a pouring spout which helps the flow of molten wax, also much cheaper than specialist kink friendly ones though made from the same wax and often the same manufacturers, but no matter how tempted you are though to save please don't use dollar/pound shop candles of any description..they're just downright dangerous.


Thank you all, lot of clear information there. Care to be taken before and after.


@MzJax I couldn't see your message earlier. Massage one sounds good as well. Thank you

  • 2 weeks later...

You need to get the type I have they do not burn hot u can stick ur finger in them and you won't get burned and no marks


They are low heat candles alot of sex shops carry them


Both types can be fun but for beginners definitely use only low heat and take your time! Silver cream is good for burns.


Yes, I was recommended unscented candles available in sex shop or massage ones


Check out partylite candles. They are specifically low heat to not harm! And they have a lot of cool scents


Personally I prefer scentless candles. They dont burn as hot and you cant smell the evidence of it afterwards. As for aftercare I use aloe and mild burn creams just in case. And you never want to use wax in a place thatll be noticeable if the submissive has a job because it does leave a red mark that can last a few days.


Soy candles burn at lower temperatures. So those would be ideal.

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